How to play the game "SUICIDE SQUAD: SPECIAL OPS" on android [ENG] #2

in #gaming6 years ago


Hello Steemian, how are you all? Hopefully you always give health and convenience by Almighty God, meet again with me @muhammadkhalidla which in this post I will re-write or explain the article about how to play the game, this time I will share how to play the game titled Suicide Squad, Before we play this game, I will tell it. a little about this game.

This time, I will discuss a bit about the game I describe, or the game that I review so that all stemiians can make decisions and can reduce the error or confusion in playing it for all friends. First of all if you want to play this game you can download it in google playstore app for smarthpone android user. Capacity This application is only 157 MB so not too much use memory, Here I download this game by using ASUS ZENFONE 5 phone which is equipped with sophisticated mobile specification and my phone has 2 GB RAM specification and 12 GB internal memory so make this phone enough can to play android games that have memory capacity is quite large. To play this game must be connected to the internet because this game is based online, but do not worry with the need of internet speed is not big, we also can play on H + network or in 3G network so that no lag or slow in play it.

This game is adopted from the movie series which in 2016 and is very booming in Indonesia and the world, Warner Bros. film and directed by David Ayer and starring by the actor and actress are very famous as Jared Letto who plays Joker, Will Smith who plays Dead Shot, Margot Robbie who plays Harly Quinn and many other famous actors. This game tells a group of criminals and former criminals collected by the government to be used as a deadly weapon, this group is assigned to kill evil spirits who have risen from the past, this spirit intends to destroy the world and make all humanity followers. This group is called suicide squad, according to its nickname the troop is willing to die to complete its mission, in this squad filled by criminals of criminals who are famous for his cruelty and crime but here they are required to work together to save people and the world, I recommend steemian friends may also try this game because this game is fun and can increase adrenaline for the players.

his game is a game made by WARNER BROS, if you do not know with this game developer I will tell you a little about game developer WARNER BROS.

WARNER BROS, after reading a bit about WARNER BROS is the world's largest film and television producer, this company was first established or in form in 1918. The company is based in California United States. Of course it already has a lot of experience in the world the world's filmmaker, after the release of his highly-selling film on the market, the film's producers re-released in the form of video games in order to spoil its fans around the world. This is what makes me want to see this game in order to help the steemian all play this game.

Things that need to be noticed and you need to know in this game or game Suicide Squad is a feature that must friends buy by using real money, but do not worry friends can also buy with money in can or received after completing the mission in the mission give, then if friends want to buy some features must prepare enough money in advance or complete mission missions provided by the game.

Once you have downloaded and run the game application you will enter the main menu of this game, I will explain a little about what is in the initial view in this game in the  that picture  in show a picture set of people who are none other than members of the suicide squad itself starting from Deadshot, Harley quinn, Diablo and his other colleagues, then there is a menu watch this trailer contains a video display that explains briefly what happens in the game so that the player can understand how to play it and get to know the characters is in the game. There is also a Highscore display is the menu that is directed to us points that we can if we have completed the existing mission in the  this game .after that there is a setting menu at the top left of your phone screen.

This is the setting menu display, I will explain a little about what is displayed in the settings menu first there Audio Settings menu is useful to turn on or off Audio or sound in the game, what if you do not want to hear sound this game you can choich menu off on this menu and vice versa. There is also a Graphics Quality menu that aims to set the appearance of grapich in this game the higher the better the graphics grapich also this game. And you can also choose the language you want in Language menu, because it is not available in Indonesian so I chose English and many other menus that I can not explain one by one.

surely all stemiian friends can not wait to play it, just go if you want to play this very interesting game you have to go into START menu to start this game.

This is the initial display when you enter the START menu, in this picture is shown 3 people who are none other than members of the Suicide Squad. unique in this game we can only use these three characters only, whereas members of suicide squad more than 3 people, but no problem, I will explain a little about 3 people, I will start from the middle,

he is a very famous assassin of cruelty and cold-blooded he did not hesitate to kill his victim when he was paid to kill his victim, his skill is a sniper whose target never miss even one, but he is very lmah when threatened with his daughter, because he is very fond of his son is his unique he always shoot his target head, no wonder he is dubbed Deadshot.

Then there was Harly Quinn, a former young psychiatrist who was beautiful and crazy. Formerly he was a beautiful young woman and smart who worked as a psychiatrist, his life changed when he faced with a criminal named Joker for the introgasi, somehow his story he instead became the boyfriend of the Joker, torn appearance and his character became crazy like his joker lover, the weapon he often uses is a baseball bat and other firearms.

And the last one is El Diablo a former street gang member who has a unique power he can issue fire from his whole body what if he is angry, when he issued a fire he can not be in control and can not tell which friend the opponent, until one day he issued fire on his body and unintentionally about his wife and children until they die, since that very incident he hates his power and lives aloof because he regrets his actions, so he recruited the government to join in suicide squad to save the world.

Well we just play this game the first thing we must know is how do it go forward or backward then look in the direction we want, it turns out its the same way as the game in general its is if we want to doing move forward simply move our finger to top so is the opposite if we want to grab your finger to the bottom of the button to move this is on the left side of the screen. To see the collar that we want to simply move your finger to the left or right as we want the right button on the right side of the screen.

After you have mastered and know how to move the game character I will explain a little what is in the picture above the red circle of the skull on the left of the screen is the character's blood, the image above mnarujukan that the character's blood is still full, if the character is hit by enemy attack the blood will be reduced, and if the blood is empty the character will die. In the picture we are using the character Dad Shot, it is shown from the weapons that we use.

In this game we play with two other characters but the two characters move on their own or in the move by the computer, in the picture above we are instructed to move the toward that is given, even though this game does not have a map, we need not be confused to run its mission because there the green arrow that guide us in the direction that we are headed, the arrows have a number that when the lower the number is closer to us with our goals and vice versa.

After we follow the objectives that are given we will be confronted with some enemies who attack us, how to defeat the enemy is quite the right target fitting the body of the enemy, we will automatically shoot the weapon towards him, in this game there is no button to shoot, this it's easy for us because it does not have to bother to hit the shot, we just simply aim to the enemy's body automatically the bullet will come out of the shot.

That's a little explanation about the tutorial to play this game, quite easy because this is just a tutorial, if you want to know the excitement of this game let play  us continue the game.

In this game the mission mission begins with wave 1, the earliest waves, here the enemy will keep coming to attack you but still in a small amount, you are only in the task to kill all the enemies who came attacking you, the enemy continues to arrive gradually, You are also assisted by both your friends to finished.

This is the view when you have completed the first wave here written down the points you get after resolving missions like waves survive, killer and others the better your game the higher the bonus you get.

The purpose of the picture above is, as you know at the beginning of the game we play using the character Dadshot, here DeadShot images in the cross which means DeadShot has been killed but do not worry does not mean the game will end, we can use two existing characters like Harley Quinn or El Diablo, to continue this game.

Like the picture above I've used the character El Diablo, visible his hand menyurkan fire, which is nothing but the power of Diablo, my reality is already in wave 3 wave 3 this level of difficulty is higher as it is in the general game the higher the level the higher also the difficulty of this game is seen when the first wave of attacking enemies uses only bare hands to attack, and in this 3rd wave the enemy's enemy is equipped with weapons to attack as the above picture has already used weapons, but this actually makes this game become more interesting. Once it is so playing this game the longer the higher the level that we will pass.

This is a collection of my gaming articles list: 

1. [Game review] "Unkilled" on PC Game [ENG]  [#1   

so can i tell you about how to play the game "SUICIDE SQUAD" which is very exciting tense and spur this adrenaline if you are interested to play this game you can download at playstore because this game capacity only about 157 MB so not too much use memory, game very interesting and nice to be played for lovers of adventure game, If you like my game and article from me then do not forget follow my account  what if there is my writing is wrong and less clear to understand I apologize. hopefully this game article can be useful for you guys who want to play this game. See you in the next game article Thank you.

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