Gaming Retrospective - Zeno Clash

in #gaming7 years ago

Zeno Clash is one of the weirder FPS games out there. It's not really a Shooter game, it is more like first person brawler game with some shooting elements. Game was released in 2009 and was developed by ACE Team. Game is created in always great looking Source Engine from Half Life 2. In the crazy world of Zeno Clash Source Engine looks even better with all the imaginative environments and creatures. We play as a dude named Ghat, a human looking creature spawned from bird looking grotesque creature named Father-Mother, our mission is to survive sudden attack from our siblings and explore the mad world of Zenozoik.

Game will take us through many imaginative locations and we will meet many intriguing characters. Fighting is a big part of the game and Ghat will have to learn many martial arts skills like dodging, countering enemy attacks and delivering deadly blows upon them. Even though most of the fights can be solved with fists you can also find some crude melee and ranged weaponry meant to soften your enemies up, so you can finish them with good old 1-2 combo. Zeno Clash truly is one of a kind game that will surprise you with every new step you take during exploration of it's strange world and mythology. 



Looks like fun!... Is this for free? what platforms? (pc?)

Yes on PC but it's not free
It costs less than $ 10

Mostly for PC's but there is also Xbox360 version. You can buy it on steam.

Cool!... :D

An incredible artistic direction

Yeah, everything about this game was unique.

I had this on my Xbox 360. Hoping they backwards compatible this for the One. I never finished it.

It is worth to finish it, end fight was insane.

It was an extremely bizarre game.

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