Gaming Retrospective - Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate

in #gaming7 years ago

Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate is a turn based tactical strategy game released in 1998 and developed by Random Games. Game was played much like modern Xcom where you control your squad and issue orders every turn until you clear up the objective. As WH40k games go, this one is one of the classics mainly because it involves the most iconic Space Marine Chapter - the Ultramarines against Chaos Word Bearers. Chaos Gate has gotten the status of a classic not only because of the awesome WH40k setting, it was also because of an addictive and deep tactical gameplay.

Before you deploy your squad of Ultramarines you need to give them specific roles and equip them with proper wargear in a squad deployment screen. You can clearly see that Relic's Dawn of War 2 campaign took a lot of elements from this game and implemented them in their own game that had a great success too. This just shows again and again how great games were back in the day. Battles are fought on a grid based maps where your squad would face against losing odds with all sorts of Chaos monstrosities, from Cultists, Chaos Marines to Chaos Demons. Later on you could even deploy some vehicles for all out war scenarios. What a sweet game this was, and as always The Emperor protects!



Its been a long time i played this one.

19 years ago.

Long time man

Thanks for sharing
Keep the good work
As always was upvoted for the great content
Have a great sunday

Tnx. You too :)

Yeah, a real XCOM-alike.
Incredible addictive and fucking hard even on the easiest level ^^

Great game I like this genre of games and special this game I have played it thank's to share , upvote and follow , am also posting about games if you want to read my reviews good luck ^_^

Keep up the good work, just improve your English and sky is the limit.

nice post. Thanks for sharing @moon32walker

Thankyou for sharing @moon32walker . .

That blue color character is looking super cool and I wish he must be having a power like steem power. What do you say about it?

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