Gaming Retrospective - Spec Ops: The Line

in #gaming7 years ago

Spec Ops: The Line is a third person shooter game released in 2012 and was developed by Yager Development. Game uses great Unreal 3 graphics engine that works great for desserts and modern Dubai setting we are playing in. This highly underrated game has one of the most interesting stories in modern gaming history. It is a story about captain Martin Walker who was sent to Dubai after big military incident to scout the situation with his Delta Force squad. The key factor of singleplayer game is continuous mental degradation of Captain Walker after seeing all the atrocities of war and its consequences.

As a third person shooter you can expect a classic gameplay where running to cover and shooting from cover will be your main survival tool. You can use all sorts of weaponry to kill your opponents, you can also use environment and shoot at many destructible surfaces where enemies hang around and dispose them more creatively. You can also use squad based tactics and order your squad around to help you out in tougher situations. Players were given multiple moral choices through out the game that would affect your squad. One situation comes to mind where white phosphorous was fired on civilians and the outcome of that situation was one of the most memorable gaming scenes ever. This game is not for everyone, but if you like cinematic gameplay experience, great story and fun gameplay Spec Ops: The Line might be your type of game.



Truly awesome this game! As soon as I get home (December 2017) I will get this game. Wonderful review much appreciated!

Glad I'm not the only one on the site that knows about this game, haha. I played Spec Op's awhile back and it's definitely a fun game, and as far as 3rd person action games go It's probably one of the best.

The only thing I had an issue with was the AI for your squad mates could be stupid as hell sometimes, lol.

Do it yourself :)

Oh, trust me. I realized pretty quickly that I had to do most of the fighting myself on there, lol. That's nothing new though, very rarely do you find action games these days that give you good AI for your companions, haha.

Oh, I forgot to say, thank you for the follow the other day! Makes me happy when people who's content I enjoy on here happen to follow me back :P

No problem, when I see consistent great blogs following is easy to do:)

The Line is unabashed in its Heart of Darkness influences. Joseph Conrad’s classic journey upriver through the Congo, and later Vietnam and Cambodia in Apocalypse Now, replaced with the golden sand dunes of a desolate Dubai. The once oil rich metropolis reduced to hell on earth as a series of historic and apocalyptic sandstorms ravage the Middle Eastern paradise and its towering landmarks. This is not a venue normally befitting of a modern military shooter, but then Spec Ops: The Line isn’t one for following the norm. Unless you count the gameplay that is.

That game is not meant for everyone, the mass killing, all around blood and too many dead bodies can make this game a nightmare to some of the people. Even the graphics are so real so it can lead us to some kind of mental trauma if we play it for long hours.

In the end it is just a game, not to be taken seriously.

Played worse seem better :)

Wow. This looks really good! Definitely on my list for new games.
Also, please check my blog when you have the chance! Upvoted and followed!

nice reviews man

Very good game @moon32walker . . I like it. . Thankyou for sharing 👍

epic game <3

Great game action movie @moon32walker, the plot is very exciting and the graphics at the height :)

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