Gaming Retrospective - Sanity: Aiken's Artifact

in #gaming7 years ago

Sanity was one of the most colorful ARPG's from a year 2000 that was developed by Monolith Productions. Main character looks 100% like Simon Phoenix, a bad guy from Demolition Man movie with Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. Pass the salt. Story of the game is a strange one and it goes like this, one of the world's leading scientists discovered a serum that unlocks hidden potential of human brain that gives psychic abilities like energy projections and telekinesis. Many people started to use that serum and they became unstable. We play as Cain, one of the cops that also uses those abilities to battle the mad ones.

Game had great combat system very similar to Diablo if the game was played in urban environments. Cain could even use guns when he runs out of mana, his offensive talents are very diverse, he could cast fireballs or summon creatures to help him fight the bad guys, and there are 80 different talents he could use, that is quite a lot, even for today's standards. There are also some puzzles that needs solving and Cain had to use all of his powers creatively to continue. Boss fights were colorful, explosive and always tense. I don't think that this game would be fun to play today, but at the time for me game was a blast.



Very nice. I tend to like older games better than the newer stuff. Runescape Classic, age of empires, red alert 2, my favorites games. Good times

Red Alert 2 and Age of Empires are one of the best games of all times, old games in so many cases are better than modern games.

Yes I agree. I would always play those two games. Were favorites in childhood. I had to stop myself from playing age of empires. It's too addictive :D

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