Gaming Retrospective - S.W.I.N.E.

in #gaming7 years ago

Swine is one of those RTS games that didn't take itself too seriously, game is a parody with main factions being evil invading pigs and defending rabbits. Don't let the parody aspect of the game fool you, underneath all that there is a decent RTS game. Game mechanics and eye pleasing graphics at the time of game release in 2001 made this game very playable and fun. Story is revolving around two nations, pig nation where a new dictator has taken over and wants to conquer a neighbouring country, and tenacious rabbit nation that won't surrender that easily. 

Base building in this game is non existent and if you want to use some special units you will need to spend army points and deploy them. It is a very similar system that Ground Control game had. Two factions feel distinct from one another and some units and dialogue will make you smile while playing this. Units have various combat abilities that keeps fighting interesting like artillery units, heavy tanks, light tanks, fast scout buggy units and more. S.W.I.N.E. or Strategic Warfare In a Nifty Environment is one of those fun old school games people tend to forget. Good thing there is steemit to remind you. 



I was playing this when I was younger. Cool game!

Funny game too :)

Pow Pow

Great comment @bullionstackers, deep and insightful ;)

Oh I remember this game. It was so much fun !

포스터가 맘에드네요~^^

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