Gaming Retrospective - Rise of the Argonauts

in #gaming7 years ago

Rise of the Argonauts is a third person perspective RPG game from 2008 developed by Liquid Entertainment. Game is full on inspired by Greek mythology and those story elements are interesting trough out the whole playtrough. We play as a Greek King Jason who is trying to find the Golden Fleece that will help him revive his assassinated bride Alceme. He will need all the help he can get and this is where Argonauts come in, many familiar names will join him in his travels like Hercules, Archilles, Pan, Atalanta and many more. 

We will sail to many islands and fight mythological monsters in order to find the descendants of Athena, Ares and Hermes that will give us clues how to find the Golden Fleece. With every new adventure, new Argonaut will join the crew and very soon Jason will have a formidable team of Demigods. Game has very interesting leveling mechanic where we can pick different gods to follow and use their fighting styles, for example Ares is more aggressive and Athena is more defensive in combat approach. I would recommend this game to any fan of Greek mythology, graphics still looks great, combat is fluid and fun, game is full on @moon32walker approved. 



One of those games I always wanted to play, never got the chance to and then forgot about! Thanks for the reminder!

This looks pretty nice. I've seen games that came out in 2016 with shittier graphics than this, haha.

Yeah, art style in this game looks great and it is fun to play. What's not to like.

The recent games I've went through really lack decent content, but most of the budget goes towards graphics. Surely not all of them are crap, but it's hard to find a game with where the story is as polished as graphics.

Truly great game comes once in two years, most of what we have today are franchises living on past glory, I can honestly say that only Witcher 3 had all that.

The Witcher 3 was superb. I can not find anything that's new to compare to the Witcher franchise.

I remember this! It was fantastic for the time, considering it is almost 10 years old.

Very cool and at the time very underrated game, but I had tons of fun playing it back in the days.

Yeah. I remember those were the days when I still relied on PC magazines to tell me about upcoming games. I remember that there was a demo on the free DVD that convinced me to go get the game.

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