Gaming Retrospective - Metal Fatigue

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

Imagine the game with giant customizable robots fighting in a Real Time Strategy environment with your standard base building and battles going underground, on surface and in the orbit at the same time. Say hi to Metal Fatigue. Game was released in a year 2000 and it is a game that almost everyone missed, they missed the game that is one of my favorite RTS games ever made. 

Story goes as three factions Rimtech, Milagro and Neuropa traveled deep into space to find the remains of ancient alien civilization only to discover that they are gone forever and and only thing left is to salvage the alien technology. Every corporation wanted the tech for themselves and that is how conflict between the factions was born. Real Time Strategy is where this game shines. Pick a faction, well rounded Rimtech, Berserkers like Milagro and Stealthy Neuropa offer nice contrast among factions.




 You can build a base and collect Mass for your production of normal vehicles and this game's most fun feature - Combots. Giant robots that you can customize to your will. Make a Combot with a shield and sword and make it very durable, or create a combot with sniper arms and flight torso to annoy your enemies, or create full on missile torso, missile legs and rail gun arms. Combinations for combots are endless and they are really fun to see in action. 


Combots get stronger as their pilots level up and if your combots get destroyed you can save the pilots and use them on a different combot.  You can salavage enemy combots parts and make combot combinations of every faction and create some really fun combinations. 

Game might look old for today's standards but it is still one of the most innovative games ever created.



Ohhhhh! I 'member Metal Fatigue! That was fantastic!

It is an old game but like a lot of really good old games you could just re-release a HD version it would be amazing by today's standards with the games industry the way it is.

Oh Yes! Imagine this game on modernized engine..

Oh, seems cool but I never heard of it. You ever play mechcommander 2? You should write about that one moon. :D

I missed that one unfortunately :) Seems fun though.

You can download it for free since Microsoft made it open-source years ago.

btw: Herebrained Studios (Shadowrun games) make a Mechwarrior based game. Kickstarter ended 2 month ago or so, but you can still pre order there.

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