Gaming Retrospective - Jedi Knigt 2: Jedi Outcast

in #gaming7 years ago

Jedi Outcast is easily one of the best Star Wars games. Graphics at the time of release in 2002 were some of the best to date and gameplay didn't lag behind, it is Star Wars at its best. Main protagonist of the story is Kyle Katarn, a former Jedi who with his friend Jan Ors went to investigate an imperial outpost on planet Kejim, however they were ambushed and because Kyle abandoned his force teachings he lost his friend and had to return and relearn the force and become the Jedi again. Soon he will meet up with good old Luke Skywalker (plot is happening 8 years after Return of the Jedi) and will be set on course to stop  an army of Reborn and Dark side users who supposedly killed Jan.  

Game starts slow as Kyle lost his connection to the force and  it is slowly coming back to him, by that time we would shoot our way through the hordes of storm troopers with standard blasters. After he regains his Jedi status and start using force and his light saber is where this game shines the most. Kyle can do all those cool things all the Jedi can do and can even use force lightning. There are some nice environmental puzzles and tough encounters with at time decent AI. Without proper balance between force and FPS weapons Kyle would have a tough time beating the game. Multiplayer in Jedi Outcast was one of the strongest aspects of the game.  As I said this was and still is one of the best SW games worth checking out today.



Have to download it right now!:) Thanks for sharing!:)

Hmm, there are multiple ways of downloading the game. You can go like a pirate against the currents.

Or you can buy it via GOG. Not too expensive, 10Euro.

I've played Dark Forces and Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight. I never continued with the series after those games though.

I liked Jedi Academy too. Great gaming series for SW fans.

Yes! Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight is still my favourite, but a lot of it is nostalgia. That was my first "major" PC game back when our family got its first non-Windows 3.1x PC in 1997. It had Windows 95, and it was so crazy.

My stepdad got the newly released Jedi Knight, and it was so insane with the FMV cutscenes, the Star Wars music, all the Star Wars locations, the lightsaber.. ah, good times.

It really felt like you were in one of the movies. :)

Ahh good old simpler times when everything was more "blocky". Blockiness didn't bother me back then, but would I play Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight today, probably not :)

I played it a few months ago. :p

Not pretty by today's standards, it was pretty ugly even back then, but still. It's impressive in its own right.

I'm actually slowly playing System Shock 2 these days when I manage to find the time. Slightly less ugly than JK with awesome soundtrack and cyberpunk atmosphere. Until Dawn of War 3 comes out later this month I might even finish the game. Fun times bro :)

I never played System Shock, but I've always been meaning to.

Try System Shock 2, we could share stories and builds :)

Maybe I will! I just need to get my hands on one.

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