Gaming Retrospective - Earth 2150

in #gaming7 years ago

Earth 2150 is a RTS game from a year 2000 developed by Reality Pump Studios. In these kind of RTS games there is always some kind of catastrophe that happens and leaves our civilization in rubles, in this game there are no aliens nor nukes that destroyed our civilization(in Earth 2160 things do become more interesting), in this game we had more realistic type of emergency like the lack of food and clean water that turned three factions against each other and doomed our planet later on in the campaign.

Those three factions are United Civilized States, Euroasian Dynasty and Lunar Corporation. Every faction has it's own distinct style and gameplay. You had to build your base, gather resources and build up your army to take down your enemies, the main premise of every RTS game. This was one of the first full 3D RTS games that at the time looked great, graphics didn't age that well for today's standards, but you can always check out Earth 2160 that was released in 2005 if you want to see more "modern" type of graphics.    



Wow. I never played this game but seeing SSI brought back so many memories of playing amazing text based games on an Atari computer. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

Glad to be of help, these covers and screenshots do bring back memories of different times. SSI was bought by Ubisoft so they are alive still, but with different name :)

can't wait till 2150 😧

Ha! Me too (if we survive that long)! ;)

The way i see it our only option is if scientists come up with Тime Traveling soon enough 😄

Never tried this game, but looks cool :) Lunar corporation ftw It reminds me when I tried first time red alerts.

Then I would recommend you to try Earth 2160, looks decent even today and the game had very interesting alien faction.

wow amazing never knew about it.... i am downloading it now :D

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