Introducing Myself and My "Blog"
Hello There! :)
First I want to say that this is my first attempt writing a blog so don't be harsh on me...If anyone reads it of course...
All you need to know about me is that I'm 19 years old and I live in Hungary in a small town.I enjoy life,I love cycling,playing and watching all kinds of sports.The main interest of mine are video games though.
I was 14 when I first played a video game,it was Call Of Duty Modern Warfare...I was always watching my dad playing games and once he had to go to somewhere but he left the game open in the computer...This is where it all started and I just couldn't stop...:)
But yeah,I played through a game once and what?
It was good okay,but I wanted more... - There were games that I played through 20 or more times :P
I started to play them more and more,to go deeper in the details,watch the tiny aspects and analyzing them.I made notes,I wrote down everything I could but I never published or told them anybody.I have never played most of the games I rated because I simply had no money.Not important to play it anyway...
But now it has changed...I want a blog where I can write my own opinions and giving people advice on games or just gaming in general.
Let's start it with my TOP5 PERSONAL FAVOURITE GAMES!
5.: The Walking Dead Telltale Series

A really strong storyline is all you need sometimes to make a good game...If you have game with nice ultra nice graphics but the story is rubbish you feel that emptiness in your heart,that something is missing.Well you don't have to worry because this one is a classic!
There's 3 seasons for now,but it's 99% that there will be more of it! :)
I wouldn't go into the story because it would be a really long writing,just some general informations about it:
At first it must seem a cliché: Zombie outbreak...Nowdays there are a lot of content builds on this theme and some of the games are just as bad as they sound. :P
The main interactions of this game are made by conversations. - You can influence the shape of the storyline by the choices you make through the game.It's really important to choose your words wisely because you can easily make people angry,or even lose your friends...There are multiple(max 4) choices that how you respond in a regular conversation.You can see a notification sometimes that how he/she reacted to your action.But there are IMPORTANT choices...For example you have to choose between your friends who to save which can be really hard and emotional.

This is not a game where you are shooting or just chopping thousands of zombies by a machete and the blood is spattering everywhere...
Of course you have to kill them but these are happening by quick time events(pressing the buttons on your console or on the keyboard).The handling module is really easy too which makes the game less challenging,but as I said,this game is about the STORYLINE. - At times you need to figure out things for yourself,it won't just give everything simply to you...
Sometimes I was on the edge of crying...In the next minute I just wanted to punch the "bad guy" in the face so hard because I was so angry and offended...It's an emotional roller-coaster,you can really emphatize with the characters in the game,you are hoping that they won't die in the next episode because you love them so much.

Well,this is the end of my first writing...I hope you enjoyed it,I will continue it SOON...:)
Nice start and congratulations.
I am new this site, and can'y wait to start contributing.
Best of luck to you
Thanks! :)
Every comment is appreciated and I take every good ideas and opinions! :)
Hey man! Welcome to steemit and hope to see many great gaming posts from you!