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RE: Blockchain and gaming

in #gaming5 years ago

What Steem has going for it is the fast block processing time and no direct fees. The chain as a whole is much cheaper to run than, say, EOS because Steem nodes do not and will not run decentralized virtual engine like smart contract platforms like EOS or Ethereum. For many types of apps what Steem can do is perfectly adequate and does not come with the extra costs present on some other popular platforms.


What Steem has going for it is the fast block processing time and no direct fees.

This. The "average" gamer does not want to wait for the item(s) he earned by playing, or anything bought in a game (i.e. microtransactions). Nor does he want to pay activation fees etc for those items. $.99 for an item? Sure. Buy. Go to inventory. There is my new fancy gun/card/hat/whatever. Equip. Click play.

Waiting for items to appear in the inventory is not in a gamer's nature (in general).

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