10 best open-world games in history

in #gaming8 years ago (edited)

Once, the open-world in games was almost unreal. In terms of hardware, it was practically impossible, and the freedom of movement was so strictly limited by the design of the individual levels. In recent years, however, the development of games and computer components has grown so much that it is now too common for an open sandbox to emerge from a simple game. It has become a little too fashionable for the past two years. One would say that this has to be a positive one, sometimes it is a bit of a hurt, the open world and the freedom of movement are often at the expense of gameplay, game experience, storytelling and storytelling. Freedom of movement, however, is one of the main aspects that give the game the necessary immersion. So I've looked at the best bits of the past few years, available on consoles or desktops, and I chose the top ten, funniest and most open games that offer you enormous content, dozens of hours of fun, great gameplay and a sophisticated game world. I have personally tried all the games (most of them passed) and I spent over an hour on the ladder, trying to take everything into account - from playability, story, graphics, atmosphere, characters, diversity, sophistication, popularity, openness, After optimization. Some of the games may surprise you in the ladder, others just can not miss it. And you can tell me your ideas and suggestions in the comments.

10 . Middle earth - Shadow of Mordor (2014)


Open-world game from Lord of the Rings world? Ask me a few years back and I would laugh at you. There was nothing to suggest that we would like to have a similar title, which was more pleasant to SoM. Sure, the Battle system has taken Batman series and Parque Move from Assassins Creed, but it has added something unique, so we can not be angry with it for joining three great aspects. A sophisticated and unique nemesis system has forced myself to update my machine with a new graphics card, and the investment has paid off. In no other game you have so many complex and interconnected series of enemies as in the SoM. Each of the Upper Uruks has some strengths and weaknesses that can be used against it, even more interesting is that if he kills you, he will remember what instantly creates a personal relationship between the player and the enemy.

The enemy hierarchy is also interesting, there are several generals on the top, the weaker and weaker Uruks are below. But working out to the commander is really challenging, and he wants a lot of planning, tactics, and skill. However, the goal of the game is precisely that, so its time to invest will pay off. The game does not have a storyline and it is more intriguing with the atmosphere, the locations, the variety of enemies, the abundance of your abilities, the various collectibles (which are already in the open-world games, and if you are like swinging corners like me, you probably curse it) The scenario itself. Shadow of Mordor is a one-off open-world cut in the world of the Lord of the Rings, yet very successful and hopefully not the last.

9 . Batman: Arkham City (2011)


Another accomplished dream of many comic strip players and fans was the open-world game title with superhero at the head. Batman has overtaken Spiderman, but not quality. The Arkham Series began with an excellent Arkham Asylum, but probably surpassed the best part of the saga, Arkham City. Then we got to the Prequel Origins and recently Arkham Knight, who was also the aspirant for the rankings, came to us, but because of the number of bugs and optimized bang, we preferred Arkham City. But one thing has all these games in common - Batman, with his gadgets, ups and capabilities. The excellent and seamless combat system was a joy to the competition, but the original one was only one.

Arkham City was the first in the series to have complete freedom of movement in the Gotham section and flying among skyscrapers, which has been one of us. There are several types of gameplay (action, stealth, tactical), a number of popular and greatly acclaimed characters (Bats and Joker played by Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill), an interesting and dark story and, of course, various puzzles and collectibles Were scattered across Arkham City and were waiting for you. Whether you prefer the larger and more open Arkham Knight and you will ignore the bugs (but you will enjoy Batmobil), or the more arkham city or the inexperienced Batman in Arkham Origins, neither of these steps will be a bad decision.

8 . Dragon Age: Inquisition (2014)

The last two years have been really fruitful for the excellent sequel to the games, and the third notch in the Dragon Age series has been no exception. So, as it is in the series, here we are starting completely new, with a new hero, a new story (with links to previous parts of course) and a new part of the world. For the first time, however, instead of several smaller locations and towns, we are presented with a larger game world. Even though it is divided into more parts, and unfortunately we do not avoid loading screens (it is not a pure-blooded open-world), but individual locations are so extensive, full of life and content that they can not give anything other than open. Is the game itself, the gameplay is approaching hundreds of hours and still is what to do, the game dominates in addition to beautiful colorful sceneries as well as an interesting story, well written and over-designed characters, a huge number of Loot, side-quests, collectibles..how you know. Open-world above standard.
But most of the time, I was interested in developing my stronghold, the castle, and being the chief inquisitor, as well as being able to judge your friends and enemies directly from the throne to determine their destiny. It was a bit of a blast of power, than when a giant mercenary had given the dragon the last, deadly blow, yet it was a heady feeling and, of course, pleasant. The game offers more of these options and the decision to consolidate their power and each one brings some satisfaction. It's one of the few games where you will sooner or later be rewarded for everything you do. And that's a great thing.

7 . The Elders Scrolls V: Skyrim (2011)


Everyone obviously knows another famous game saga, The Elder Scrolls. Whether you started on the Arene or the Daggerfalle (and that's why you're dragging a fairly old age, sorry) or it was your first Morrowind (my case) tasting, it's hard not to love this diverse and sophisticated world. That would also be the envy of R R. Tolkien, the region, religion or political faction and guild. Even though my fourth favorite Oblivion (and the excellent dating and expansion of Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles) is my favorite, for those who were the first to meet Skyrim, it had to be love at first glance. Outwardly a cold and inhospitable world, in fact an endless adventure of enormous proportions.

Being Dragonborn, who knows, in addition to dozens of weapons and spells, a special dragon word, was fun as well as fighting monsters, searching labyrinths and fortresses, exploring the game world, or just plain, aimlessly wandering. Although the story was not one of the most prominent and ubiquitous of the winter, it was sometimes cramped, almost infinite freedom of movement, and an active community of modes but it made Skyrim seldom bored. Although it is said that less is sometimes more (possibly - what is a lot, it is little), in the case of Skyri, fortunately it did not pay.

6 . Red Dead Redemption (2010)


The Western Opera from Rockstar brought the open-air world of the early west of the 20th century. At the borders of America and Mexico, we find ourselves in the skin of John Marston, a former criminal and bandit, who has decided to live a little more correctly. Still, the work of your work is mostly to chase and shoot other men, from criminals, to rich people, to ordinary people. Again, you have a choice as to how you stick to the karma system, but do not look for it. A totally interesting story and beautiful scenery of the deserts and little towns sprouted creators of animal hunting, treading horses, treasure hunt, racing, playing mini-games, catching bandits, various challenges, and minor quests.

The game again dominates the great atmosphere and the beautiful graphics, a dabing and a well-written story. In spite of its great end, however, the game came to me a little empty (on such a large and open world) and fragmented. But it offers a lot of playing hours and a lot of fun, especially for people who do not find open-world games. They will have an excellent experience full of dust, revolvers and southern accents that are unparalleled in the gaming industry. Rockstar can play similar games and this Western GTA is another proof.

5 . Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag


In the Assasins Creed game series, emphasis was placed on openness and freedom of movement from the outset. Just the basic aspect of the game, the park movement on the roofs of climbing and jumping buildings, required plenty of space, well-designed locations and an exciting environment to act naturally and fun. What the designers outlined in the first piece of work have brought auditors into the perfection of the trilogy, Ezio, in the second, third and fourth works. One would say that in the best ending and after the release of the American-American title, Assasins Creed III, he might be right, but we could not wait for the awesome "fourth" part, which would be a shame. Black Flag is the second From the family of "solitary AC titles", where we are presented with a completely different environment, the main hero and the gameplay. We get into the skin of Edward Kenway, a blonde pirate and a sailor who is also a bit of a killer. The main story was by no means the most interesting of the series, but it was sufficient and after the previous work even a welcome change, but it was often qualitatively higher than the side quests.

The most powerful element of the game, however, was its gameplay - with the possibility of controlling and enhancing its own ship, another aspect of discovering and fighting - came to the water. Waterfights in the beautiful Caribbean were epic, harboring the harbors and discovering the islands as a duty. RPG elements and various collectibles in the game of the predecessor's pattern fortunately remained, just like the parrot free-roam and combat system. The fourth AC was simply an excellent simulator of pirate life and a bit of a separate title, especially as regards its uniqueness. It proved to be the case in the years to come, when we had the faint AC: Rogue and AC: Unity. Up until the last notch in the series, AC: Syndicate, was a serious candidate for this ranking, but we ultimately preferred Black Flag, thanks to its uniqueness and sophistication.

4 . Fallout 4 (2015)


For fans of the post-apocalyptic world, Bethesda has been reviving a series of legendary isometric events called Fallout (the second part is the best game in the world and basta) for several years. We first looked into the wilderness in the third album, the New Vegas brought a little more humor and spirit to the original two games, and after seven years of waiting, we were surprised at the end of this year by Bethesda with the fourth installment. It has not changed so much in comparison with the previous ones, we moved to Boston, got into the skin of a man / woman who has a new voice and we have the ability to use cool power armor. If you belong to people like me who do not have good graphics (here Fallout never really had a nice one) and for fun you want good action, humor, interesting characters and a story, the fourth Fallout will satisfy you only partially.

The world outside of the Vault is still as inhospitable, though a little bigger and more interesting than before. Improvements came mainly from the freedom page, a comprehensive system of object and weaponry production and the possibility of producing homes was implemented. He returned his favorite Pip-Boy and a ton of perks, skills and abilities, the VATS combat system with a slow-down time, and of course the faithful and (fortunately immortal) Dogmeat, along with several other possible companions. But here too (unfortunately) is true that the main story surpasses more fun side-quests, which is a problem with many open-world games in this list. The dark, gray atmosphere of the inhospitable wasteland and the outdated graphics also do not appeal to the player's eye. Yet it is a huge world with a distinctive retro-sci-fi atmosphere and an enormous degree of freedom, where every action has its own reaction, with the possibility of editing everything and a story that should be enjoyed by first-person shooter lovers, Fans of RPGs.

3 . Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)


Metal Gear has gone, I confess, long for me, mainly because of my long absence of a console. Over the course of time, however, I decided to get to know this magnificent and epic story, and since then I recommend it to everyone. Understanding what has happened in the MG series for the past 10-20 years is really complicated, the protagonists of the games are changing, their nicknames slightly less, they jump in time, there is an unexpected twist or a shocking revelation, and the whole is spiced with certainty A dose of mysticism and supernatural phenomena. Yet it is one of the most comprehensive and interesting stories from the game world. That's what I call the "fifth" part, which does not require the player to know the past events (although this is of course an advantage).

Hideo Kojima and his Konami have created an amazing high-tech world with a touch of sci-fi, which is not 100% open (the game has essentially two huge locations and one smaller), yet freedom of movement is the basis for tactical progress in missions Ways, from straightforward action through sophisticated stealth to their combination. You have a huge amount of gadgets and resources available, several side-kicks and later vehicles. Add to it the possibility of getting raw materials and information, catching animals and staff, working on your Mother Base, working with your own microsystems, exciting story, excellent voice-acting, a number of movie cut-scenes (sometimes upsetting) The game looks beautiful on older machines), side missions, easter eggy and a high level of customization, and you will be a candidate for the game this year and one of the best open-world games ever. The fact that her prologue - Ground Zeroes - is a two-hour deal with the price of a full-fledged game, we can even forgive the distributor. Because Big Boss is a lord.

2 . The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (2015)


The third part of the story of Geralt from Rivie, a silent spell from our Polish neighbors, is undoubtedly the best part of the series, a great compliment, just because the two previous works were also excellent. What did not quite work the creators in the unit was corrected in the double and what was missing in the double was added in the trio. Simple mathematics is enough to conclude that the creators of Project CD RED have managed to create a perfect piece of work in the middle of which is a white wolf called Gwynbleidd.

The world in the third Wackyard is really huge and open, but it is so detailed that even individual small villages have their own economic and social life (which apparently lacks the players themselves). Apart from being beautiful on the third Witcher, it is even better to play. Once again, we have a huge number of possibilities to kill time, dynamic battles with various monsters, excellent voice-acting and great Slavonic humor, the mythology of Andrzej Sapkowski's favorite mythology, the possibility of adjusting weapons, clothing, or Geralt's abilities, the difficult decisions to be made And diverse paths to success. The complete novelty is the chance to play for the female hero Ciri, and I give you the attention of the excellent and still fresh DLC Hearts of Stone. In conclusion, I add that there is also a dynamic chin growth system that takes care of the progress of Geralt's beard. One more thing?

1 . Grand Theft Auto V (2015)


First of all, I could not miss a title that, as one of the first (to fix me if I'm wrong) brought the 3D open world of Liberty City (aka New York) as a third notch from Rockstar Games. Since that time a lot of water has been protected, we got into the pulp of Vice City, Miami (which I consider myself personally the best part of the series), San Andreas (which is de facto California and Nevada composed of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas) And then back to Liberty City to appear in Los Angeles for the second time in 2015, Namely Los Santos and its surroundings, San Andreas. Did not you lose yourself?

The fifth part is undoubtedly the biggest and most open one in the whole saga, which is true even after the narrative page, when it was made available to us by three protagonists. Michael, Franklin and Trevor are a combination of urban mafia, street gangster and absolute village madman who offer different styles of play and their own stories. A huge and detailed city with surrounding nature can be admired indefinitely, as realistic physics and graphics as possible contribute to game realism, and as is customary at Rockstars, once again, excellent voice-acting, motion-capture, and crime-squeaky story give Hollywood movie- . You can write college essays and essays about what you can do in GTA V, so let us know that this is the best open-world we currently have. If you do not believe it, try it yourself.

In addition to other games from these series, there were also games such as the new Mad Max, Dead Island and Dying Light stuffed balls, Just Cause, Far Cry 3, Fairy Fable, Kung fu fucking Sleeping Dogs, Mafia, Multiplayer Minecraft , Racing Need for Speed, Infamous Console Series, Atypical FPS Borderlands, Hacking Watch Dogs, Stuffed Saints Row, or a STALKER that is slowly forgotten. Each of the games has something to do with each other, what kind of open-world game has the last time been appealing to you?


instead of skyrim i would have said: Elder scrolls

imo Morrowind is way better quest wise, tho daggerfall should be the most "open world" one

Quote from Daggerfalls Wikipedia:

"Bethesda claims that the scale of the game is the size of Great Britain:[2] around 229,848 square kilometers (88,745 square miles), though the actual size of the map is 161,600 km² (62,394 mi²)."

However great list, and i definatly NEED to checkout the witcher :D

Tsss... Witcher is not number 1? Nah, I'm joking even though I like it better then GTA

Great post though! Would you mind if I included it in today "best of gaming"?

No, it's not the number one, but it's definitely a fantastic game. :)
In my opinion, GTA is better in almost all aspects (gameplay, graphics, optimization, and especially multiplayer), so it's also number 1.

Definitely thank you for praise, I appreciate it and you can easily include it in what you want ;) :D

Great list! 8 of the choices you made are absolutely perfect. I would take off dragon age inquisition and Shadow of Mordor. Zelda Breath of the wild I think should be in this list in one of their places.

Sure, you're right. I also wondered if I should replace Middle-Earth with Elder Scrolls Online, but the Elders Scrolls representative is already there, so I decided this way.

Big thanks BTW. Its nice to read some praise.

Yeah good choices. I think having Skyrim is a good representation of that franchise. Your list makes me want to replay these games. these are all some of my all time favorite games lol.

GTA yes damnn i like Dying light , borderlands, mafia .....i am not a dragon age fan the Witcher is ok 😁

Great post. The games you included here are great open world indeed. Though there are some that I haven't finished yet

Then finish them! ;) :D

I STILL haven't "finished" skyrim despite investing at least 100 hours in it

Some things might be better if we don't "finished" it. For example, Thieves Guild questline. You know, so we can use the Skeleton Key as long as we wanted and complete the quest line later haha

hahah oh yeah totally! "see you guys later... let me steal every piece of loot in the realm real quick"

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Thank you so much @cheaky !! I really appreciate it!

nice talk ...

Reading this made me realize I don't like open world games as much as I thought I did 0_0

Lol interestingly, despite not being into any of the Rocksteady Batman games OR Lord of the Rings, something about Shadow of Mordor really hooked me when I got to play it. I loved the battle system of tearing through the ranks with stronger enemies you needed new ways to dispatch. That aspect was really cool. I couldn't be bothered with the story though. Still.. this is a great list of great games.

ohh, I thought Shadow of Mordor was really fun. I've been a fan of lotr for a long time, but the games I'd played based on it were only so so. This one was really enjoyable.

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