Idea: Alchemechs (WIP Title)

in #gaming5 years ago

I mentioned wanting to make more small-scale games rather than necessarily putting a lot of work into giant large-scale projects, which is also something that goes better with the freelancing I'm doing.

The idea I've had kicking around in my head for a while is a game based on mystical alchemy, and that's taken form in the concept of Alchemechs, a soft science-fiction game with giant robots. Characters and their machines are based on the Hermetic alchemical conception of the cosmos; e.g. Venus for passion and charisma, while Jupiter reigns supreme (but lacks specialization).

Right now the plan is to do it as a microgame over the President's Day weekend (giving me roughly 72 hours of time to work on it), though I don't think I can exclusively devote my efforts to it because I'll have some freelancing as well. If it's successful, I might roll it out to a more detailed release (probably not a full-fledged game, but maybe something ~30-40 pages long).


Hey I just discovered your blog, I love tabletop rp and have been an avid role player for years. Awesome to see work from someone who designs them. Followed and upvoted 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Sounds like badass.

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