RPG Book of the Week - 12

in #gaming5 years ago

Another system that I have been using, although not as much as some of the others I have posted, is Pathfinder from Paizo Publishing.


This is your basic D20, high-fantasy system similar to Dungeons & Dragons. In fact, it is basically D&D version 3.75.

I have used this system at gaming conventions but it usually requires more effort. Both in terms of game prep, with maps and the like, and then hauling said maps, along with miniatures to the convention. Now I mostly use this for home games where I have everything at hand. Also, I have discovered that a lighter system often allows for more free-flowing games, although that could certainly be done with Pathfinder as well.



I like Pathfinder but you're right: Pathfinder demands a minimum amount of knowledge, both on GM and player side. That makes it not so great for rounds with unknown players even though the Pathfinder Society stuff offers a good range of material for a one-shot. I play Pathfinder sometimes in spontaneous rounds online and did the "Council of Thieves"-campaign but so far my chars are kind of normal and boring: a half-elven bard and an elven ranger. I'm thinking about generating something more "exotic", perhaps a changeling, with a rare class, maybe something third party...

I've got all my Pathfinder material as PDFs - they were dirt cheap in a Bundle of Holding once.

btw, the pictures of the books could be nicer if you would lean them against something, music stand like. The post's picture is the first thing other people see ;)

I also have a lot of PDFs of Pathfinder stuff. I think I got in on the same bundle. As I recall, I think I got 2 Humble Bundles, the second one gave me even more stuff I didn't have.

I will see what I have that will allow me to present the books better, thanks for the suggestion.

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