Shooter - Animation Testing 1

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Shooter Animation Testing 1.mkv_snapshot_00.00.jpg

Something new again! Getting little breakthroughs with my ideas that I want to try now and learning how to implement everything properly. I've always struggled with understanding how to do multiple animations and then it just hit me that Unity of course has it's own animation system and it's actually pretty damn good as it turns out. What I've done is I've rigged the skeleton for this little human blob in Maya and created two animations.

One is a little leg wiggle, just to pretend it's walking, I'll get a proper one done up later now I know everything is working and then the other is a simple idle animation where the human blob is looking around. Another thing I'm going to be experimenting with here is character joints, why? Ragdoll physics :D yes that's right, I'm going to not only have the guy walk around in my scene I'm going to test out how well I can set him up to drop dead when I poke him or knock him off something.

This is going to be a lot of fun and best of all it seems to all be working, as you can see with my testing the only problem is the way the posing is work. When I switch between my animations the human blob freezes in the middle of the leg movement and the chest is turning when in idle. This is a good and bad thing, one, it shows that my animations aren't mixing up together like they were back when I was using Maya and trying to make multiple animations and two it means I need to practice animating generally and work out how to get everything transitioning smoothly and what to do about if I want to change transitions mid step etc.

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