Android Project Idea - Thinking of a top down shooter

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Well it's too bloody hot to do too much work but I have just worked out properly after digging through forum posts and documentation how to get an Android project properly setup and despite it being annoying I'm absolutely thrilled it's working now. I'm thinking very carefully about my next projects in terms of scale and whether or not I'll be able to fiinsh them within a reasonable amount of time and mobile gaming is something I've been looking at with interest.

I'll be blunt, the mobile gaming industry is absolutely shit, the games that are out there are just completely boiled down versions of their more popular PC counterparts. Are filled with ads or have micro-transactions, sometimes they are all three. However, that also gives an opportunity because I suspect there is quite a large demand for add-free and micro-transaction free mobile gaming.

Nothing more annoying for me than when I load a game up that's supposedly 'free' on my phone there's an immediate pestering for me to spend money on their stupid in-game items and currency. Now obviously, my games won't be free but I plan to price especially the mobile ones extremely cheaply so that way people shouldn't feel ripped off by it.

I'm also fairly confident I could perhaps work on this project at the same time as my other one because my Pinochet game won't take anywhere near as long to work on as Rabbit and the moon. What does everybody think of a top down shooter for a mobile game? I quite like the idea and checked out the google play store and there really is just nothing but ad and micro-transaction based games so I think it could work great.

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