Test: Far Cry 3 (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


Far Cry first name, it was nice. Palm trees, the flowered shirt, the mercenaries and genetic mutations, not really: the good spirit holidays. Far Cry 2 , it was the transition to total open world, the overdose of seriousness, fake good gameplay ideas and ultimately a game that tried to play it dynamic while he was proudly wearing his boots . Since his presentation at E3 2011, the third episode seemed to take a new approach, basing most of his communication on his psychotic bad guy and his mushroom writing. Intrigued, we certainly were. But also worried: if the game only existed through this character, we went to the front of great disappointments. What Ubisoft did not say, that'sFar Cry 3 was not Vaas: it was the island.

Let's immediately cut the most legitimate fears: No, Far Cry 3 does not perpetuate any of the mistakes made in the previous episode. At the same time, you can say goodbye to all the heaviness that weighed on the shoulders already too frail Far Cry 2Malaria, weapons that are jamming, barbating roundtrips, superhuman detection by soldiers four miles from you, automatic border checkpoints, all that is trash. Admit: we breathe already funny better like that? Well, I'm not going to lie to you: the game comes with two-three jokes of his own in his pockets. In addition to a few straight chouya missions, very (very) permissive infiltration possibilities and a strange fascination for dubstep-based soundscapes, it is especially when one puts his eyes on his HUD that the desire for him sticking a slap on the snout is violent. By abandoning the "realistic" claims of the second installment, we also inherit a display of indicators that are all broken down: current objectives, of course, but also a gauge of threat / visibility in pairs of eyes placed on you and reminders text very fat impossible to disable in the options. Yes, but here, in general, none of this would undermine the obvious pleasure of the title. It would even dab a little shell, as long as you allow me the fantasy. Ah, it is announced that we are currently flying over Rook Island. Put on this parachute, because I'm about to throw you into the void. One day, you will thank me. you would even dab on the shell, if you allowed me the fantasy. Ah, it is announced that we are currently flying over Rook Island. Put on this parachute, because I'm about to throw you into the void. One day, you will thank me. you would even dab on the shell, if you allowed me the fantasy. Ah, it is announced that we are currently flying over Rook Island. Put on this parachute, because I'm about to throw you into the void. One day, you will thank me.


Remember the Vaas de Soissons

Jason Brody is a young American photographer in full tour of the world of festive corners of Indonesia with his band of friends full of aces and confits of pride. Jason Brody is a stereotype on legs. Jason Brody, it's you. It's crazy like the bible of the day before seems far away, now that your brother reservist and you are stuck bound fists in a makeshift cage and that a sociopathic pirate and came up to the eyes causes you ransom modalities. Vaas Montenegro, what is his name. And believe me, you will never forget that name. Maybe because after a tutorial in the form of a failed escape attempt, once the very first blood is spilled, he will decide to let you go. As if he wanted to play with you as much as you did with him. C 'Far Cry 3 what the Joker was to Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight.

Along the twenty-odd missions that make up the main plot, Brody will never stop finding his scattered or captured friends during your disaster landing and charging the pirate lieutenant for his atrocities. Again, get ready to cross a handful of insididualities written with the right dose of salt - and a drop of LSD - all welcome, as vital organs needed for the special balance of Rook Island.



Particularly, Far Cry's huge insular sandbox is definitely one. First by its organization in virgin areas that you will have to explore and reveal via a system similar to that of the Assassin's Creed series: all sectors are under the effect of radio jammers installed at the top of huge pylons you will reach and climb to reveal on your map areas of interest and resources to recover in the area. Regardless of the mastery of these towers, the hand-putting of the pirates on the island is materialized by enemy outposts that it will be fashionable to release on behalf of the Rakyats, the rebel faction that harvests Brody to make his champion . To hoist its flag in a freshly cleaned base will allow to buy there or to equip its weapons there but also to have access to ancillary missions (hunter's challenges, assassination missions and other narrations quickly scripted) and finally to use the camp as a quick point of travel. A function that in a personal capacity and in all friendship, I would like to be able to forbid you. Because it is on the handlebars of a quad, at the controls of a hang-glider or - better still - well stuck in the seat faux leather of the worst Russian branded bumper that you will take the full measure of idiocy allowed by the title. Bomber in the bottom of the fourth on a hilly trail, miss his turn, leave in a vertiginous glide and land on the upright sentinel of a pirates camp, to finally get out of his pile of jail by strafing everything goes This is one of a thousand ways to approach Rook Island's exploration as a true esthete. Welcome to Jackass. a hang-glider or - better still - well stuck in the faux leather seat of the worst Russian-branded bomber you'll take full measure of the idiocies allowed by the title. Bomber in the bottom of the fourth on a hilly trail, miss his turn, leave in a vertiginous glide and land on the upright sentinel of a pirates camp, to finally get out of his pile of jail by strafing everything goes This is one of a thousand ways to approach Rook Island's exploration as a true esthete. Welcome to Jackass. a hang-glider or - better still - well stuck in the faux leather seat of the worst Russian-branded bomber you'll take full measure of the idiocies allowed by the title. Bomber in the bottom of the fourth on a hilly trail, miss his turn, leave in a vertiginous glide and land on the upright sentinel of a pirates camp, to finally get out of his pile of jail by strafing everything goes This is one of a thousand ways to approach Rook Island's exploration as a true esthete. Welcome to Jackass. to end up freeing himself from his pile of jail by strafing all the way: this is one of the thousand ways to approach the exploration of Rook Island as a true esthete. Welcome to Jackass. to end up freeing himself from his pile of jail by strafing all the way: this is one of the thousand ways to approach the exploration of Rook Island as a true esthete. Welcome to Jackass.Just Cause in the first person? Obviously. But a little Skyrim with guns too. If yes, I stand! There's a moment when the island crawls under your skin like a tropical bastard, making every encounter and every discovery a sufficient pretext to tinker with a personal challenge, return the area in search of trophies, unlock secondary goals and you divert from your goal first. It also took me, determination, to resist the charms of Rook and you deliver these lines in time and time (more than a few paragraphs and I go back, do not kid ourselves).


The island is naughty

Far Cry 3think already resolutely wide and idiot in the field of possibilities for the player, it is without counting on the emergent character of the world made available. Say goodbye to wildlife that is hopelessly harmful to the gameplay of the previous episode and get ready to really rely on the animal kingdom, for better or for worse. This is something I quickly understood, when a simple reconnaissance mission in enemy territory suddenly turned to anarchy warrior following the intervention of a big cat (type tiger mastoc, ok). I was quietly marking my targets using my hipster camera - one of the welcome consolations of the title - when a purring far too close to my right ear made me shove my toy. He looked at me, I looked at him, then he jumped at my jugular. A machete across the jaw and a burst of my AK-47 later, the entire opposing camp was already melting on me, reducing my furtive fantasies to a trickle. One day, I will tell you about that beautiful morning when a pack of Komodo dragons saved me from certain death by throwing myself under the wheels of a jeep that was driving me over at all times. Or this barbecue operation of flamethrower pirates aborted too early by an ugly gust of wind that redirected the fire to my pretty loaves (yes, the spread of fire dear to Far Cry 2 is back, thank you Papa-Christmas ). Moments of purely random grace like this, reducing my stealthy fantasies to nothing. One day, I will tell you about that beautiful morning when a pack of Komodo dragons saved me from certain death by throwing myself under the wheels of a jeep that was driving me over at all times. Or this barbecue operation of flamethrower pirates aborted too early by an ugly gust of wind that redirected the fire to my pretty loaves (yes, the spread of fire dear to Far Cry 2 is back, thank you Papa-Christmas ). Moments of purely random grace like this, reducing my stealthy fantasies to nothing. One day, I will tell you about that beautiful morning when a pack of Komodo dragons saved me from certain death by throwing myself under the wheels of a jeep that was driving me over at all times. Or this barbecue operation of flamethrower pirates aborted too early by an ugly gust of wind that redirected the fire to my pretty loaves (yes, the spread of fire dear to Far Cry 2 is back, thank you Papa-Christmas ). Moments of purely random grace like this, Or this barbecue operation of flamethrower pirates aborted too early by an ugly gust of wind that redirected the fire to my pretty loaves (yes, the spread of fire dear to Far Cry 2 is back, thank you Papa-Christmas ). Moments of purely random grace like this, Or this barbecue operation of flamethrower pirates aborted too early by an ugly gust of wind that redirected the fire to my pretty loaves (yes, the spread of fire dear to Far Cry 2 is back, thank you Papa-Christmas ). Moments of purely random grace like this,FC3 trundle literally full bag and there is no doubt that they will help make the island of the game a territory as rich in anecdotes that California Red Dead Redemption was in his time. Except that in the latter, we did not beat white sharks with bare hands. Yeah.


Hunting hunter hunted

But the prey is not always the one you believe on Rook Island, since your initiation to the rank of warrior Rakyat will also pass by your ascendancy on the surrounding wildlife. Through the challenges of the hunter or at the whim of his journey, Brody will have the opportunity to cut down the critters, unlocking all kinds of possibilities of making (holsters for carrying several weapons, loot bags, quivers, etc.). quality or capacity will go hand in hand with the risks involved in collecting the gear (go cut up an alligator at the bottom of a lagoon while his little friends encircling you, we laugh). The flora of the island will also allow you to combine leaves of different natures to make syringes ranging from simple piquouze painkillers to exotic cocktails allowing you to spot the hostile odor or appease the animals. Convenient to ensure his back before infiltrating an enemy camp, for example.

I take this opportunity to make a quick passage on the system of progression proposed by the game: three skill trees symbolized by the constantly changing tattoo on your left arm, in which you will invest the points of competence duly earned missions and of execution combos. Improve your accuracy in shooting or the effectiveness of syringes, learn more and more expeditious elimination techniques or reduce the damage dealt: you will find all the small panoply very fashionable of the open gameplay FPS. That said, do not expect to face big Deus Ex or Dishonored evolution dilemmas.: the dozen hours of the main campaign (count the double or triple if you yield to the sirens of the island) can unlock 90% of skills without violence. After all, the goal is to fart the class and do anything, remember.


The I in the game

To fart the class and do anything, even though it's time to revenge and rescue your loved ones. That brings me to the most sensitive part of this text. There is something unique about Rook Island, a sort of meta-dimension that has appeared to me as obvious in my gaming sessions as it seems to me now almost impossible to describe with words. Let's just say that Brody's personal journey and the deep fascination he develops - and that you will develop - for the island are reminiscent of the special connection between the player and his game. Like the hero who abandons his old life at the gates of the New World, we embrace seriousness, hilarity, madness, failure and death with equal fervor, as if nothing else had really importance. And too bad for these new hang gliders that are waiting for you on each hilltop, for his willingly permissive AI, for these hallucinating artifices staging and for these protagonists of video games written as perfect protagonists of video games. Too bad ifFar Cry 3 dares not pretend to burst his straitjacket with the help of clumsy attempts. So much the better, a thousand times better: it's when the boundary between the player and the game gets ridiculously fuzzy that Far Cry 3 really gets us on our feet.

To be honest, I am not sure of being well understood or being best documented to engage in a thorough study of the game / player relationship as written in FC3 . But the feeling is there: at several moments of the screenplay, it's as if the island whispered to me - not to my avatar - something like "Frankly old, she is not a little dreary, your little one life all there? " It must be admitted that I expected many things from the title of Ubisoft, but certainly not that he speaks to me as well.


Belle Île

Is it only necessary for me to dwell on the visual aspect of Far Cry 3? The series is mistress in the art of crying our miracles of happiness and this last episode does not demerit absolutely. If the whole is already fucking pretty consoles (despite a naughty, very naughty FOV) is on the other hand in the formidable world of the PC that the release of the title may blow up some Housing Savings Plans: without a small race beast, we can make a cross on the beauties offered by DirectX11 and antialiasing pushed to the max. But do not murder your bourgeois Aunty to touch the family heritage before time: a sunset on Rook Island, it already breaks the optic nerve on more modest configurations. Finally, let us salute the very good work of sound design in tune with the body awareness and the artifices of staging the title: deafening bass when the situation requires it, convincing sound effects, original dubbing of madness: it's royal. Too bad the VF suffers from some problems of mixing and unequal dubbing, with on one side an impeccable Vaas doubled by the same actor in both versions (Michael Mando ) and on the other a sidekick whose accent of Liberia too often takes sad parody, between Michel Leeb and Axel Foley. Finally, the book of grievances remains very thin.



Corrupt vermin that I am, I was able to try the co-operative campaign of Far Cry 3 , including with some developers from Ubisoft Massive (the Swedish studio in charge of multiplayer). Given the richness of the solo, I admit that I had imagined this team mode as sadly anecdotal, closer to the sales pitch to stall on the jacket than anything else. Bad language than mine, since we enjoy it rather well, in the end. Take four shipwrecked, well-drained individuals, run their own medicine syringes and power-ups to share each other, drop a few hordes of pirates on it and get some kind of mini Left 4 Deadat the beach quite nice. It's a shame, however, that we are trading Rook Island's open-world possibilities against a definite circuit and that the local fauna will no longer bite the knobs as it likes to do. But the potato of the shootings remains intact, the players on consoles benefit from split-screen opportunities to two and the mode even offers some competitive mini-games on quad backs and teamplay moments a little busier story to pace a little a ride that often pours into the boardwalk (three survivors repel enemy waves while a fourth pack of heavy C4 rolls needed to plasticize a bridge, for example). Note finally that Ubi Massive had the good idea to set up a system for unlocking perks and common multi-mode and cooperative equipment. The allergic to the abusive grind will be able to vary a minimum the pleasures. It remains to be seen if other less linear scenarios will be made available and if so, at what price.


Crucified Robinsons

Finally, the competitive multiplayer side, the offer revolves around four game modes and 10 cards, playable up to 14 players, to which are added variants of rules "crazy"; ie the same four modes but with less life and interface elements. For the hairier than the others, what. There are also modes that rotate, either between the four normal modes or between the four hairy modes, and the ability to play on cards developed by players in three categories: those selected by Ubisoft (gold), the ones that are the best noted by the players (money), and those where we find all the other productions that have escaped both the selection and censorship (bronze). In short, it may sound a little light ... especially as the four modes available, there's the classic Death Match and Domination, among the most popular of all the FPS on the planet, the Transmission mode which is a variant to capture too, and Fire mode, a little more fun, which happens in two phases, the two teams fighting to turn on / off lights and then control a relay-radio. In other words, nothing great in itself, but a slightly more original mode, with his card flaring and thus condemn access during the game. Massive has nonetheless developed some rather interesting ideas, such as the psychotropic gas bombs that activate the friendly fire of those who breathe the fragrance, while making them appear in the form of evil shadows with white eyes, friends as enemies. For an outside spectator, it allows to see in game of authentic bombardment of paranoid shots, a show that would surely make anyone dream. There is also the use of screaming to boost teammates (reinforced defense, care, etc.). However, it will grow XP and so levels, in the great tradition, to gradually unlock all that, including the most interesting cries for the team game. We have not been able to play enough to assess the balance of the system, unfortunately ... If need be, we will update this test, but one thing is certain: in terms of competitive shooter online, there is there is nothing that is decisive enough to bring it, especially on PC, to the level of the tenors of the genre; even if the offer remains quite decent and solid. a show that would surely make anyone dream. There is also the use of screaming to boost teammates (reinforced defense, care, etc.). However, it will grow XP and so levels, in the great tradition, to gradually unlock all that, including the most interesting cries for the team game. We have not been able to play enough to assess the balance of the system, unfortunately ... If need be, we will update this test, but one thing is certain: in terms of competitive shooter online, there is there is nothing that is decisive enough to bring it, especially on PC, to the level of the tenors of the genre; even if the offer remains quite decent and solid. a show that would surely make anyone dream. There is also the use of screaming to boost teammates (reinforced defense, care, etc.). However, it will grow XP and so levels, in the great tradition, to gradually unlock all that, including the most interesting cries for the team game. We have not been able to play enough to assess the balance of the system, unfortunately ... If need be, we will update this test, but one thing is certain: in terms of competitive shooter online, there is there is nothing that is decisive enough to bring it, especially on PC, to the level of the tenors of the genre; even if the offer remains quite decent and solid. use of screams to boost his teammates (reinforced defense, care, etc.). However, it will grow XP and so levels, in the great tradition, to gradually unlock all that, including the most interesting cries for the team game. We have not been able to play enough to assess the balance of the system, unfortunately ... If need be, we will update this test, but one thing is certain: in terms of competitive shooter online, there is there is nothing that is decisive enough to bring it, especially on PC, to the level of the tenors of the genre; even if the offer remains quite decent and solid. use of screams to boost his teammates (reinforced defense, care, etc.). However, it will grow XP and so levels, in the great tradition, to gradually unlock all that, including the most interesting cries for the team game. We have not been able to play enough to assess the balance of the system, unfortunately ... If need be, we will update this test, but one thing is certain: in terms of competitive shooter online, there is there is nothing that is decisive enough to bring it, especially on PC, to the level of the tenors of the genre; even if the offer remains quite decent and solid. including the most interesting screams for the team game. We have not been able to play enough to assess the balance of the system, unfortunately ... If need be, we will update this test, but one thing is certain: in terms of competitive shooter online, there is there is nothing that is decisive enough to bring it, especially on PC, to the level of the tenors of the genre; even if the offer remains quite decent and solid. including the most interesting screams for the team game. We have not been able to play enough to assess the balance of the system, unfortunately ... If need be, we will update this test, but one thing is certain: in terms of competitive shooter online, there is there is nothing that is decisive enough to bring it, especially on PC, to the level of the tenors of the genre; even if the offer remains quite decent and solid.

Wonderful field of experimentation, simulator of scenery, shooter scenario or descent into hell under narcotics, these are just some of the caps that Far Cry 3 accumulates without difficulty. If he were to wear only one to govern them all, it would be that of a very good video game, generous and exciting. Like all, I was waiting for this so-called "WTF" turn of the series with a certain curiosity, but also a lot of apprehensions. Would you scrape a simple pan-pan game flanked by a villain in the middle of the Johnny Depp? In what kind of denouement pumped to any masterpiece of the 7th art would all this end? It was not counting on the great idea of Ubisoft: create a video game with pure DNA, defeated of any pretension other than to make us dive with him. Rook Island is a fantasy player, simply.


If the game has long been roaring its singularity on the roofs, it is clear that Ubisoft took pleasure in playing with our apriori so that we put ourselves Far Cry 3 in a nice box stamped "open- world a little fifou "while waiting for its release. The surprise is all the more delicious today because the title bomb the torso, explodes his little box and screams loudly his belonging to the race of beautiful video games, those in which we like to plunge headlong because they treat us with respect, generosity and intelligence. The island of Rook feeds on the souls of its visitors and if I were you, I will spin his due without arguing.

* Nawak sandbox and enjoyable* All this dubstep, really?
* The uninhibited action and the bloody infiltration* One or two missions a bit dirigiste
* Vaas Montenegro, the bad guy that the next-gen was waiting* VF uneven
* Humor and finesse of writing* Linear co-op
* The allegorical scope of the trip* A bit light in multiplayer
* My eyes, they enjoy!
* Original dubbing with onions
* The level editor




I think I loved this game just because of Vaas honestly. If he wasn't in it I don't know how I would have felt about it.


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