GTA Hackers are Annoying
I have played a lot of GTA Online in the past few years. But now almost every time I get online, there are hackers in at least one of the servers I join per playing session. I do not think Rockstar cares anymore about Hackers in GTA Online because the amount of hackers has clearly grown. But do not blame me if you hack the game and then get in trouble with Rockstar because I am just sharing my opinion and what I have noticed recently in the game.
There are two kinds of hackers there are the good hackers and the bad hackers. The Good Hackers will give other people in the server absurd amounts of money or might raise every bodies player level to number like 54353453. Then we get to the bad hackers who just like to mess with people for the joy of ruining the lives of others. I mean until you switch servers. The bad hackers in my experience seem to murder you in many different ways. I have two examples of this everything is normal and then suddenly your under the ocean and you drown to death, this happens like every minute. Another example is one time there was a fireplace literally in my characters body and it killed me if I wasn't in water or inside a building or a car. These hackers can screw you over by taking your all your money, all of your guns, or shoot you from across the map as you try to run away.
Feel free to share your GTA Online Hacker Stories in the Comments Thanks For Reading
that sucks.
Hackers ruin games and if there is suddenly an increase I would guess it means that there is some new tool that Rockstar doesn't have the tools to deal with yet.
I agree with you Hackers Ruin Games. I'm not sure if Rockstar cares anymore about GTA Online as much as they used too though. I believe they are focusing on their newer projects like Red Dead Redemption 2 or even possibly the next GTA.