Amazon Prime… What the F#@K?

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Last year I finally decided to get an Amazon Prime account. It was for one reason and one reason only, E3. I noticed that during E3 almost every game that they announced was on sale for pre order for like 45$ Canadian. That’s practically half price for me and just to toss some extra gravy on the side it came with free shipping. So needless to say I ordered a shit ton of games. During the checkout process it asked about shipping them separately or bundling them together. Being a nice guy I said sure bundle that shit together. Unfortunately that meant they waited up to three fucking weeks before they shipped out some of my games. Basically they gave me a shipping window for each game from about release date to three weeks later. So If any of those release windows overlapped they just waited and sent a batch when the last overlapping game was available. Fuck me that was agonizing.

Anyway this year again the huge E3 pre-order sales were on so I re-upped my Amazon Prime subscription and ordered a shit ton more games. This time though I had it all figured out. I picked the 2 day delivery and said send them all individually. Fuck waiting three weeks for games I pre-order am I right? So lo and behold the first of the pre-orders is due to be released, it was Uncharted: The Last Legacy. The fucking game was released on August 22nd yet the assholes at Amazon didn’t send it from the warehouse until August 27th. Like what in the sweet fuck?! I didn’t get the game until the 29th. Fine it’s just a simple 10+ hour game and I beat in in 2 days so it’s not a big deal but Destiny 2 is right around the corner followed by Shadow of War and Call of Duty WW2. I really don’t want to be standing around with my dick in my hand while everyone and their grandmother is playing the latest and greatest games.

Admittedly I’m cheap as fuck so I am torn between what to do. I hear Best Buy has a good gaming service and offers 20% off and I would be able to get my games on release day. But then again 45$ pre-orders are so damn cheap. Especially if I can get 30 or 40 dollars back in trade-in credit at EB Games. That’s almost free gaming right there!

Anyway let me know what you think in the comments below about Best Buy and/or Amazon Prime gaming deals. For more about gaming, movies, tv and more follow me @johnquake

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