PlayStation 5 Coming Soon?....................

in #gaming6 years ago


Recently there was a lot of talk about a possible new console coming out for PlayStation, and this fascinates me, so I thought it would be something interesting to talk about. Supposedly someone from inside the company leaked a file outlining everything about the upcoming PlayStation 5. We all know eventually there will be another console generation, but I don't think anyone thought it would be coming out so soon. These types of things happen all the time, in fact back in 2016 the same thing occurred, and people were talking about a PS5 possibly coming soon. Of course that didn't happen, but now this new leak is getting a lot of attention, and there are some people out there who believe that it's legit.


This leak contained a lot of information about this supposed new console, including the name, and most of the technical specs. They claimed the code name for this PS5 is, Project Epsilon. Epsilon is the fifth letter in the Greek alphabet, so that would kind of make sense, at least for a temporary code name place holder. Another claim in this leak is that, starting April 1, 2018, all games being developed by Sony will also have to be compatible with this PS5, Project Epsilon. If that's the case then one could assume this new console will be coming out fairly soon, possibly later this year, otherwise why would they bother making development harder than it needs to be.

PS5 (Epsilon) Specs According To The Leaked Document

CPU - AMD "Zen" 8 Cores

GPU - 14.20 Tflops, AMD "navi" Graphics Engine

Memory - 32gb GDDr6 technology, 1Tb SSD Storage

If these specs are true, than this means the PS5 will be an absolute powerhouse, that would blow the PS4 out of the water. Most credible sources that I've seen talk about this have said that in order to have such heavy duty equipment running inside this thing, there's no way Sony could sell it for $400/ $500, it would have to be significantly more than that to be realistic. This type of power would have no problem outputting native 4K resolution, and could easily run games at 60fps. This would be a great feature to have, but all that power isn't really necessary, or cost effective.

So what do I really think about this new supposed leak of inside information, about the PS5 possibly coming out this year? Well, although I love speculating about this kind of stuff, and getting excited for a new console, it's my opinion that this is total bullshit. Not only do these specs mean the price tag would be astronomical, but it's overkill as well. Besides that, Sony is already killing it, and crushing the competition this gen, with over 80 million PS4s sold. They are continuing to crank out amazing games, and they are keeping their fans and customers happy. Releasing a new console so soon would do nothing but hurt them, and put the company in a bad position.

I think since Sony is having such a good run this generation with the PS4, they're going to want to keep it going for as long as possible. This "leak" is probably nothing more than a hoax, trying to stir up trouble, and I don't think we'll see a PS5 until around the year 2020 at the earliest. For now I'm perfectly content with my PS4, and I don't see any reason there would be another iteration of the console so soon. What do you think about all of this? Do you believe there is any truth behind these claims, or do you think this is just another false rumor making it's way around the web? Either way feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

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