Speaking of Classics: The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Hey stemians, How's it going? Here Jacks. Today I welcome you to a new installment of "Speaking of Classics". This time we will talk about a videogame belonging to the magnificent saga of The Legend Of Zelda. Said video game despite belonging to such a great saga I think it is a little undervalued, but anyway, as you could read in the title, today we will talk about The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker.



It was the year 2000 when the new project of the saga The Legend Of Zelda, The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker was officially presented. The trailer of this videogame caused a sensation. The short video showed the main protagonist of the saga, Link, who was fighting a duel to death with the evil Ganon. It was a small teaser that at most lasted ten seconds, but it was more than enough to thrill all the fans of the saga, this perhaps because of the style with which it presented itself; state-of-the-art graphics and an artistic style similar to The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. However, the development team chosen by Nintendo and led by Eiji Aonuma felt that this videogame was going in the same direction they had gone The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time and The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask, so they decided to "change things a bit", thus modifying the original story that was planned and the videogame graphics.

In 2001, a year after having presented that epic teaser, Nintendo presented another trailer, but in this it looked a Link a little more expressive and completely caricatured. The drastic change in the graphics, was what generated more controversy among the fánaticos of the saga. Many accused at the time Nintendo of wanting to direct the game to a children's audience, but when the videogame went on sale in 2003 for the Nintendo GameCube all those malicious comments and the controversy generated was completely dispersed. The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker presented a new adventure never before seen, and at least personally, the videogame turned out to be a true masterpiece.


The story of The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker has its beginning in the end of The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, since Zelda after the defeat and later capture of Ganon decided to return Link to its original time so that it could live its lost childhood, thus creating a new timeline where the world ran out of its hero. Although after many years, Ganon managed to escape, but this time there was not a hero who could rival him and stop him, so nobody was able to stop the imminent end of the Kingdom of Hyrule. The inhabitants of the kingdom terrified of the power of Ganon decided to resort to the goddesses, the latter having no more options decided to flood the world to stop the evil Ganon.

The adventure of our hero begins many years later on a remote island of the great sea, in Outset Island to be concrete. A young Link sleeps peacefully, but soon his dream is interrupted when his sister Aryll wakes him up to wish him happy birthday, he gets up and soon goes to see his grandmother who has a special gift, the hero's robe, although he does not like the idea of having something like that, his sister notices this and as a gift he lends his telescope for a whole day. He takes the gift from his grandmother and his sister and decides to use them. Moments later when Link was looking in the distance through his sister's telescope, he manages to spot a huge bird that drops a young woman from above, he does not hesitate and comes to his rescue. After rescuing the young woman without major complications, he sees to his bad luck how his little sister is kidnapped by that giant bird. The latter forces our hero to embark on an adventure that will make him travel the vast ocean.


The Legend Of Zelda is a saga that has been characterized by being able to generate in the player that feeling of exploration and discovery that fascinates us all lovers of videogames belonging to the adventure genre. The Legend Of Zelda is one of the few sagas that make us surprised when we first come to a cave, a forest, a desert or a city, we go to those places without knowing what we can get to find, from lost treasures to eccentric characters. Personally I think The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker along with The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild are the videogames of the saga that best convey that feeling of adventure.

The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker gives us this feeling thanks to the world that gives us; an immense sea that we can travel freely, which can get us excited and can even make us feel that we have lost at some point in the adventure. The great sea has islands that we can visit to explore thoroughly to find either an object, a treasure, an extravagant character, among other things. In this game there is nothing more exciting than seeing an unexplored island in the distance and launching directly towards it to see what you can find there.

The world of The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker has small details that fill it with life, and these make it feel like a real place. There are seagulls fluttering through the skies and crabs walking along the beaches, you can see how the grass, trees and other plants are pushed by the wind, enemies can mistakenly hit their companions, we can fly and burn leaf clusters dry, and we can even cut the strings of a bridge to make it completely unstable. All the things mentioned above make this videogame really impressive.

Many are the endearing characters that we can find in this adventure. The kolog, the rite, the small children with whom we can play hide and seek, the eccentric presenter of the mini games that will surprise us with a new occurrence every time we visit him, the fish man that will help us complete the map after feed him, the dancer with appearance similar to Elvys Presley...Each and every one of these characters make the world of The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker a very cheerful and welcoming place despite the dangers that exist in it.


The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker is a videogame that is capable of awakening different emotions in each of its players. How not to feel joy before the song of the kolog and the Great Deku Tree? How not to feel sad at the moment when Link says goodbye to their loved ones at the beginning of the adventure? And how not to feel excited when in the castle of Ganon, Link is saved by his friends at the last second?

In addition this videogame turns out to be something nostalgic when we visited for the first time the Castle of Hyrule that was sunk under the sea like the city of loss of the Atlantis. When visiting that place we can meet with the warriors of Ganon, who have been frozen by time, paintings where we can appreciate the royal family, and a statue that represents the hero of time. All these things arouse a feeling of nostalgia in us the players of The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. I think the simple fact of visiting that place is one of the most epic moments of the whole saga of The Legend Of Zelda.

Something that I also loved about this videogame are the numerous references to The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, and the best nod to the aforementioned video game no doubt turns out to be when we visited the room of the Master Sword, a place where we can see on the walls some paintings where those wise men who once helped the hero of the legends are portrayed.


Another thing that undoubtedly characterizes The Legend Of Zelda are the dungeons, these are present in each of the games belonging to the saga, and The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker results be one of the videogames that has a smaller number of them compared to the other games belonging to the saga, counting only with seven dungeons, very few for a title of this saga the truth, but the fun in each of them is totally Guaranteed Each of these dungeons stands out for its originality and for the challenges imposed on us; We will have to sneak around a fortress that will be plagued by enemies and any false step will end up taking us behind bars, we will go through the interior of a volcano where we will have to solve riddles to get out, we will visit an ancestral forest where the kokiri once lived and We'll even go to a sacred tower where the gods can test the hero's courage. There will also be places where we will need help from our friends and together with them we can finally recover the lost strength of the hero's weapon, the Master Sword.

Something worth noting about the dungeons of The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker would undoubtedly be the way in which we are guided through these, doing it in an intuitive way, where it will be rare the occasion in which we must return to solve some riddle, thus eliminating the frustration and anger that caused us the dungeons of past games. And unlike what happens in most of the dungeons of the games The Legend Of Zelda, in this video game on more than one occasion we will have to resort to two or more objects to overcome any obstacle. An interesting fact of the video game is that originally they were going to include two more dungeons, but these were eliminated due to lack of time, and so it was that the mission originated in which we would have to collect the fragments of the triforce. A mission that for my taste turned out to be tedious and a bit boring.

The new adventure of Link introduced with it one or another novel and interesting object, one of them? The hook, which was an object that allowed our hero to swing through the air. Another interesting object was the leaf of the Great Deku Tree, a versatile object that we would use to plan and that we could also use to launch blasts of air and even to move platforms.

In The Legend Of Zelda we have always encountered terribly strong enemies, and The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker would not be the exception. In this adventure, Link must face Gohma, Verminus, Kranos, Vilependulia, Deus Probatur, Fatis Triputis, and of course the evil Ganon. Another curious fact, but this time related to one of the enemies of videogames is that in 2016 it was discovered that if we take a little water from the forest in a jar and throw it to Vilependulia, it will fall without putting more resistance, since according to the history of the saga, the water of the forest serves to eliminate the evil and corruption in the plants.

All those details make you see how great was the effort of the video game developers to create a jewel as it is The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker.


Link once he has saved his sister and obtained the legendary sword he will have to collect the fragments of the trifour that are scattered across the length and breadth of the great sea, then he will face his worst enemy: Ganon. Link and Ganon will fight in the highest tower of the villain's fortress with the ocean falling from the sky as if it were rain. A battle that undoubtedly looks spectacular and that is full of epicity, making it one of the best final battles of the saga. And although Link seems to have no chance against the mighty Ganon, the hero of time will defeat him and bring peace to the world again.

The Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker is a classic and undoubtedly a masterpiece, although unfortunately its sales do not go hand in hand with the above, but nevertheless it turns out to be one of the best titles of all the saga of The Legend Of Zelda. Anyway, I think this is all for today, I'm Jacks and see you soon in a new post.


I was one of the many that was turned off by the cell shading. I still think it looks awful, but the game itself i came around on as soon as i played it.

Personally the style of this videogame I liked a lot more than others in the series, but well you can not all like them for different reasons. Anyway, thanks for commenting friend, greetings.

I was actually one of the people that really liked the cell shaded look of Wind Waker. It's not always done well, especially during that console generation, but Nintendo really hit that sweet spot in my opinion.

On top of that it was a superbly crafted Zelda with fun characters and exciting dungeons and bosses! Short of the monotonous triforce piece hunt near the end of the game, I'd say it was near perfect. Thankfully some of the more annoying aspects of the games (including the triforce pieces) were smoothed over when Nintendo remastered it on the Wii U.

Keep up the great work! :)

To my honestly I also loved it, it looks quite nice and allowed us to see a more expressive Link. And yes, the mission of gathering the fragments of the triforce is something that displeases me even today, but for that reason I personally would give the videojuego a 100/100. Thanks for commenting friend, I will continue striving to bring good content. Regards.

How you doing man you seem to have taken a bit of a break. If you are struggling with content creation ideas we are running another contest.

Have a great week! May opportunity be just a few thoughts away.

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