How to play the game "WORLD OF STEEL TANK FORCE" on android [ENG] #19
Hello Steemian, good night all. How are you guys? Hopefully you guys always give health by God Almighty. back again with me which @imanuddin here I am back again to dole out to you guys how to play a game called WORLD OF STEEL TANK FORCE which this game is for me quite stressful. before I share to you guys how to play this game, let me explain a little about this game to you all.
The game, entitled WORLD OF STEEL TANK FORCE is a game that can be said with the war games where his battles in this game is also very quite different in this game which we can put on the tank for battle of the game. which in this game is we must fight the enemy tank forces. So who quickly could destroy tanks then can complete missions exist in this game. in this game a great many existing missions and in all the missions we must also fight the enemy tank forces. so if you guys want to play this game you have to complete missions in this game with the enemy tanks destroyed in order for the mission you can perfect. from the quality of the pictures that are on this game already so make a 3D image quality in this game has been very nice and like the one on the original especially if you guys wear more sophisticated mobile phone so the quality of the picture became nice. Here I use mobile named XIOAMI NOTE 4 which mobile is already good in my opinion because this phone already has 3 GB of RAM and 64 GB internal memory so make this phone can play any game that is present in android. so we just started this game from the start.
After you guys managed to download this game and open it will appear a menu the first tutorial of this game that will teach us how to play this game. which in this tutorial we will teach how to control the tank in this game as well as we will teach how to do shots in the direction of the opponent's tank just we follow this tutorial correctly so that we can be with advanced play This game. who then will appear the words called SLIDE ON THIS AREA TO MOVE YOUR TANK in which the function of this article is that we should be pressing the button provided on our mobile phones to run tanks right to left as well as the advanced and will also appear the writing is on the SLIDE again ON THIS AREA TO ROTATE YOU CAMERA which this paper serves to see the direction of enemy tanks by means of pressing the button that has been supplied by this game in our mobile phones so we have to follow suit just to become proficient Next we play this game if you want to change the way to control it then will appear the words that will be sent, we press the button called menu-config-control sytle which after we open we can set it up to the virtual mode on and slides + button so if you guys play this game can you guys set themselves a way to control it is certain that could make you guys are comfortable in playing this game. next in this tutorial we should walk towards the red smoke we must continue to follow the leads that have been supplied by this tutorial so that we become easily finish this tutorial. next after we follow the red-colored smoke then we'll teach how to shoot enemy tanks properly here we should really see what command by this tutorial where we must first be aiming with the right before making the shot next if you want to do shots then we should be pressing the button named NOW FIRE PRESS BUTTON and we'll have to do a shot right in the direction of our goals and objectives must be the correct color is green in order for us to successfully destroy enemy tanks after that then we managed to complete the first tutorial in this game.
next after successful completion of the tutorial we enter into the main menu before it would appear google Playgame menu which is useful for creating an account for this game so if you already connected the mobile phone automatically to google Playgame then it will appears like me and are useful for creating an account on the game so if we want to play this game in a new mobile phone then we can use google accounts Playgame our old in order to continue the existing missions in this game so that we do not need play this game from the beginning for that I recommend to you to mobile connects to the Playgame you guys for making this game account automatically and will not be lost even though the mobile we are damaged and replace a new phone.
After successfully registering an account on the game then the main menu will appear on this game which is an awful lot of menu features that are found in the main menu it. This is the name of the menu features that we can use in the main menu:
on the menu above that where not all open because we will still play this game early and open a new menu is MISION and if the menu above there is already an open later will explain a bit so you guys who play this game are becoming understood.
the first we will open a menu named MISION which in this menu there is a STAGE that there was to be able to finish this game and which in every STAGE there are some missions that we will run so that if the mission is in each STAGE successfully completed we will open the next STAGE still locked. and here I'll be playing STAGE 1 which I will share to you guys how to play this mission.
After opening STAGE 1 we can see the 12 existing missions and we must be good at completing every mission there so that if a successful mission we finish then we would open a mission that is still locked. well then I play mission 1 Mission in which 1 there are 2 missions we have to finish up with how to kill as many tanks that have been set up in this game and that's where the way we see the enemy tank then we will give the sign Red that indicates that it was an enemy tank so if we already know of the existence of the enemy then we must be good at aiming the enemy tank right on target that has been in the know so that after the snap we have to do a shot against enemy tanks so it could destroy the enemy tanks after we managed to destroy enemy tanks in one mission, there are 2 more missions we have to destroy enemy tanks and so appears the Mission 2 of mission 1 we must destroy 2 tanks who tried to kill us and destroy We are and here we are required clever directing tanks so that we avoid tanks from enemy fire so as not to diminish blood. to see the blood of our tanks so we could see a line of Green Green contained in the bottom of the screen game which we must also be good at looking at the physical condition of our tanks which will also give the sign in screen is green also under this game so do not let our blood is diminished if our blood is reduced then the tank was destroyed and the mission we will ever considered failed. so in this mission if we didn't want to hit the enemy opponents then we must be good at hiding among the rocks there so that if any enemy tanks do shots then we are not going to be easy to hit and if the mission failed then we cannot Open the next mission and if the mission success then we can open up the next mission is locked. and also we will get as much money as coins, 250 and 6 awards and earn 5 EXP to improve our level in this game.
next after the mission a success then we 1 next mission could play 2 which has been open since we have completed mission 1 so that it can open the Mission 2. well this mission is the same as in mission 1 Mission in which there are 2 2 mission that we have to finish up with how to kill as many tanks that have been set up in this game and that's where the way we see the enemy tank then we will give the sign Red that indicates that it was an enemy tank so if we already know of the existence of the enemy then we must be good at aiming the enemy tank right on target that has been in the know so that after the snap we have to do a shot against enemy tanks so it could destroy the enemy tanks after we managed to destroy enemy tanks in one mission, there are 2 more missions we have to destroy enemy tanks and so does the next in this emerging mission mission the Mission of 2 STAGE 1 we must destroy 2 tanks that are trying kill us and destroy us and here we are required clever directing tanks so that we avoid tanks from enemy fire so as not to diminish blood. to see the blood of our tanks so we could see a line of Green Green contained in the bottom of the screen game which we must also be good at looking at the physical condition of our tanks which will also give the sign in screen is green also under this game so do not let our blood is diminished if our blood is reduced then the tank was destroyed and the mission we will ever considered failed. so in this mission if we didn't want to hit the enemy opponents then we must be good at hiding among the rocks there so that if any enemy tanks do shots then we are not going to be easy to hit and if the mission failed then we cannot Open the next mission and if the mission is successful then we will successfully get 300 coins, 6 awards and 6 EXP which is useful to raise our level in this game.
After successfully completing the Mission 2 so we could play the next 3 missions that had been open since we had been complete mission 2 so that the mission can open 3. well in mission 3 is different from the missions 1 and 2 missions in the mission which we have to destroy 3 of 3 enemy tanks to be able to accomplish the mission 3 of STAGE 1. which way is also the same in the first missions we have to kill and destroy the existing 1 one and which is the way we see the enemy tank then we will give red marks signifying that it was the enemy tank so if we already know the presence of the enemy, we must be good at aiming the enemy tank right on target that has been in the know so that after the snap we have to do a shot against enemy tanks so that it can destroy enemy tanks so that if we could destroy one enemy tanks then will appear the second and third tanks tanks that want to destroy us which we must kill her also one by one until it is destroyed so that if all the tanks could be destroyed then the mission 3 of STAGE 1 is successful we finish and we can open a mission Next on STAGE 1 which is still locked in last and we will get a prize of 350 coins, 8 awards and 7 EXP that can improve our level in this game.
Once we successfully complete mission 3 of STAGE 1 then we have to upgrade the tanks we wear that which we need to find the menu of tanks which are in the main menu of the game after we managed to find and press the button UPGRADE TANKS then there will appear TANK upgrade features such as:
that's where the above features function to add the power of the speed of the tank as well as the speed of doing shots and could add durability tanks from enemy attacks. to UPGRADE the features above we simply by pressing a button labeled UPGRADE which vary the price of UPGRADES so we have to get money from the mission that we have to solve in order to earn money to UPGRADE our TANKS so the our TANK level increases then the stronger our TANKS also in doing battle against enemy tanks.
After successfully completing mission 3 then we could next play mission 4 which has been open since we have completed the Mission of 3 so that the mission can open 4. well in the mission the mission is the same as 4 3 4 Mission in which we must destroy enemy tanks 3 to be able to accomplish the Mission of STAGE 1. which way is also the same in the first missions we have to kill and destroy the existing 1 one and which is the way we see the enemy tank then we will give red marks signifying that it was the enemy tank so if we already know the presence of the enemy, we must be good at aiming the enemy tank right on target that has been in the know so that after the snap we have to do a shot against enemy tanks so that it can destroy enemy tanks so that if we could destroy one enemy tanks then will appear the second and third tanks tanks that want to destroy us in this mission we must be good at looking at the condition of our blood in lines marked in green on the bottom of the game screen so we must be good at seeing the physical condition of the tank We are. and that is where we have to kill him and destroy the tanks one by one until it is destroyed so that if all the tanks could be destroyed then the Mission 4 of STAGE 1 is successful we finish and we can open up the next mission on STAGE 1 which is still locked in yesteryear as well as we will get a prize of 400 coins, 8 awards and 8 EXP that can improve our level in this game.
next after successfully completing mission 4 then the next before playing the next mission then I will buy a new tank that is used as a helper of the war in the next mission here I bought a TANK named PANZER III which can be bought using the award as much as 50 we have the results we get from completing the mission that there then we should buy the TANK to become a team and help our tanks in order to help destroy enemy tanks. After we managed to buy it to make so that the tanks we buy can help us to start a war then we should be pressing the named SET AS TEAM MATE to be a team in destroying enemy tanks for complete the mission there. and we can also UPGRADE the tank in order to become stronger also in battle against enemy tanks.
After successfully purchasing new tanks in use to be our team to help us destroy enemy tanks then next we play 5 new missions open once we successfully complete mission 4 which in this mission we must kill as many as 4 enemy tanks and to look at the team we will be given a green sign means he is a us army tank helps destroy tanks enemy troops so that we're not wrong doing shots while the tank to see the enemy troops will in marked in red which it means enemy tanks and we must destroy him one by one. and that is where so start wars just 1 tank will appear after we managed to destroy 1 tanks it will pop up again 2 enemy tanks at once who wanted to destroy our tanks and tanks of our team so we must be good at avoiding enemy tanks shot with play on the rock there is in order not easily exposed to enemy fire and if the enemy tanks 2 successfully we destroy it will appear 1 tank again should we destroy so all total tank to destroy in mission 5 are 4 tanks so that if we destroying the existing tank 4 we will be able to open the next mission is still locked as well as earn money as much as 450 coins .10 awards and 9 the EXP function to add to our level in this game.
next after we successfully completed mission 5 then we would play this mission that has been open since we had been complete mission 5. This is the 6th mission on the mission which we have to kill the enemy boss tank where tank boss it later on by the forces of the enemy tanks protect. and in this same mission as mission 5 IE we must kill as many as 4 enemy tanks and to look at the team we will be given a green sign means he is a us army tank helps destroy tanks enemy troops so that we're not wrong doing shots while the tank to see the enemy troops will give red marks which it means enemy tanks and we must destroy him one by one. and that is where so start wars just 1 tank will appear after we managed to destroy 1 tank will then appear after destroying 1 enemy tanks then the next will appear 3 tanks including the boss of the tanks of the enemy forces that we have to destroy in order to continue the Mission of bis is still locked. that's where to see boss tanks enemy forces will be marked in red writing named BOSS so we need to find a bearing the name boss red and destroys him in order to complete this mission as well as earn money with Awards and useful for EXP level up in this game. Maybe just in this mission until I can you know the rest if you guys want to play this game you must complete 12 existing missions in order to continue the next STAGE will be more and more challenges in destroying tanks the enemy troops.
After that we went back to the main menu and will play games SURVIVAL MODE which in this mission we have to survive in this war. in this mission in require killing all existing tanks so that if successfully kill tanks that exist in the same way we should see the enemy with tank how to see the enemy troops will give red marks which it means enemy tanks and we must destroy him one by one. then continue the second round with a bit of blood so that the mission can be said learning mission survive themselves from attacks of enemy tank forces so we here have continued to kill up to how we are able to destroy enemy tanks so After I play a survival mode then I only was able to survive themselves for 3 or WAVE can be said with 3 rounds and get prize money as much as 685 coins, 10 awards, and get 12 EXP which is useful for adding the level at the Mission of this game. So suppose you guys that played this SURVIVAL missions you guys must be good at regulating strategy of assault and should be good at hiding in order to survive as many rounds I've got and can get a lot of money for UPGRADES our tanks to be powerful in warfare.
next after we managed to play a mission of SURVIVAL MODE then the next we play the mission WORLD BOSS Mission in which we should kill the BOSS in the shape of a large ship which used weaponry that pretty much at all so this mission we not alone we help also with weaponry we so in this mission we require in killing weapons that will be marked in red so that where there is a red mark of 4 so we must destroy his one by one to see the boss will be marked in red as well so we have to kill him as well so that if there were weapons on board boss then we successfully completed the Mission of the WORLD which we fight the BOSS of the boss of the world of this game. then we successfully completed the Mission of the WOLRD BOSS first and get the prize money 1200 coins, 30, and get 20 EXP that can improve our level in this game. and if you guys want to continue the Mission of the WORLD this BOSS then you guys can go to the menu of the WORLD mission BOSS to kill the second BOSS of the game.

Here's what I can tell about how playing a game called "WORLD OF STEEL TANK FORCE" If you guys want to know more about this game then you guys can download this game use the Playstore you guys and play this game. If you guys liked my game with the article then don't forget to follow my account @imanuddin and hopefully this game article could be useful for you guys who want to play this game. see you at the next game article.

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