How to play the game "ACE FISHING" in the android [ENG] #7
Hello steemian, Hello all, how are you guys? Hopefully you guys are always good news. back again with me @imanuddin. Here I will share to you guys how to play game fishing titled "ACE FISHING". that is where this game is very cool to be played if we no longer work. before I play this game from the beginning let me tell you a little about this game.
A game titled "ACE FISHING" this is game fishing 3D which in this game is that we can feel like we are catching fish. so for all of you that his hobby of fishing but there has not been time for fishing then you guys can play this game. because of the image of the fish in this game is very nice and will tell the name of the fish in that we catch in this game so we can know the name of the fish we get as well as knowing the name of the fish is not yet we know. well I will not extend my existing Word you guys are so tired of reading it. Here I play this game using mobile xiaomi note 4. We just started his game from the start.
After you guys managed to download this game and immediately opened his then starts we have to update his games again. in this game are required to update you guys wear wifi internet package in order for you not quickly depleted because in this game there are 4 times the update. well why in every game should be used to update the new play? because this update is so that uses a version of the game is to become the new so we can know nothing of anything new from this game.
After that the tutorial menu will appear where if you guys first time playing this game you guys don't be afraid to play him because the menu this tutorial really help us to play this game for the first time playing this game. on the menu this tutorial will be accompanied by a woman named rachel and we are required to follow this tutorial and follow the direction set by a woman named rachel.
which menu this tutorial teach us how to throw a hook and fishing line we have to hurl the intended target to be precise so that its function is more we are right on target throws his hook the big fish we will get later. after throwing the hook on the menu this tutorial also taught us how to pull the hook when the fish already caught. If we draw it too strong then it will cut off the hook and the fish that have been caught would be off of the hook. on the menu this tutorial we are going to get the fish here I get the fish named "anemone Fish." which if we say these fish are clown fish which this fish is very funny.
Next on the menu this tutorial teach us how to catch fish using a technique called "Yanking Skill" which is where this technique serves to control the fish jumping out of the water. which is usually a fish jumping out of the water the fish fairly hard in obtain and so strong that we are required to use this technique so that the fish are so strong and much resistance we can catch. in this technique I get fish named "Brown Rockfish" in which the fish is quite difficult and should take in pulling the hook because these fish very much all resistance.
After you have finished learning the techniques of Yanking then we are required to learn the techniques steve which these techniques serve to add strength to the hook fishing line so that we can get a bigger fish and in the techniques of this person named steve who directly teach us about this technique. by the way pull-pull the hook when the fish is caught the point to fill power on the hook. so the power of the times has been full then we can use the techniques which made steve power pull the hook to be strong so that the fish is easier to be drawn even though that very large fish. and in this technique I get a very big fish and the fish was called "Atlantic Sailfish" which this fish is very draining enough to catch it.
After that we are directed by rachel to buy fishing rods in the menu shop to buy all the stuff needs tools fishing rod available in the menu shop where we can buy with coins that are available as well as cash that can be exchanged using account playstore. and in this menu we are directed to buy rachel a new hook called "Wooden Spinning X-2 Rod" which his strength this hook is very strong compared to the hook we use. so for that we are required to buy it to be able to catch larger fish again. After buying the tutorials from hook rod was finished and we can start fishing without in the head again by rachel.
Next on level 1 us fishing in the area named "Waikiki Beach" which is the Mission of this area we have to get the fish named "Redfish" that is referred to as the boss of a fish from this area so if we manage to get this fish then fish will get the prize named "Lucky Keys" that are useful to increase the strength of our fishing. and to begin with we must be good at fishing in throwing the hook as it has been taught in the tutorial menu so that we may serve to get the bigger fish. while fishing we can directly use techniques that have been taught by rachel in menu tutorial. but it is unfortunate on the first line I don't get fish that do not comply with the specified. Here I get a fish named "Striped Mullet" Yes okay lah create nambahin level power fishing hehehe.
When it is successfully catching the fish and to see the catch then we must go back to the main menu called fish tank. on the menu this is the fish that we've caught are kept here.
which is in the main menu there are more menu. This is the menu in the main menu in addition to the fish tank:
- the mailbox
- a weekly mission event
- guild
but the unfortunate event on the menu once a weekly mission have yet to be used because we have not been able to reach level 5 for it we must often fishing and get bigger fish to add to our fishing and power level.

This alone I can tell us about how to play the game "ACE FISHING" it in if you want to know more about this game then you guys can download this game use the Playstore and play this game. don't forget to follow my account @imanuddin. see you at the next game article.

mancing mania mantap
terima kasih @rezaerfiandes
Good Work @imanuddin
Game ini sangat di sukai oleh para pemancing di semua kalangan..
Sukses selalu !
apakah kamu suka memancing ? @muhammadarsyad