PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds - Your thoughts and experiences

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

So PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds or PUBG in short has been the most played Steem game for a while now.

I recently myself just bought it but I can already tell it's a game to my liking. Easy to get into but hard to master.

I'd like to open a discussion about the game here. Share your tips and tricks or just tell about the match where you killed 20 people. Or do you know any good streamers/youtubers that play the game?

I've only gotten 3 kills so far at best, had to learn the hard way how useless shotgun is in longer ranges without a choke... It was a shameful display. Let's see how long it takes for me to actually win a match!

What I've learned so far

  • Shotguns are pretty useless if range is anything further than 8 meters. Very close range, aimed shot to the head area, seems to be enough to kill in most cases. Anyone know how much choke affects this?

  • Redbull actually gives you hp over time, even if you're over 75hp. Same applies to painkillers?

  • Doors open mean player has already been there. So if you see even a one door open, be cautious and listen for sounds.

  • I suck at aiming.

How to the game looks like?

SovietWomble might not be the best player but his squads teamwork is always "top notch". Just trust me

DrDisRespect might be one of the most popular streamers playing PUBG, for a reason


Shotguns are pretty useless if range is anything further than 8 meters

My main impression was that if I'm carrying a shotgun and I encounter someone I win about 80% of the time (unless they have a shotgun too). Maybe a bit more unless they just gangbang me from behind.

Other than that, I feel that running with a shotgun is better than any other weapon, because you're ready for closed range "surprises", while if you see someone long range, you have the time to switch weapons.

You make a good point. Do you use choke on shotguns often? Do you find it useful?

When that game came out I wanted to play it so bad. Watched so many play throughs, would really like to try zombie mode. Anyways just haven't had the funds or time. By the time I get it nobody will be playing it anymore.

I won't give up before I win so I'll be around for a loooong time probably :) This game really gets your pump going, I even feel exhausted at times. Lots of jump scares, trust me. I was camping in a house for 7 mins before discovering there was a dude in the bathroom camping and waiting for me to just open the door...

It's the magic of being a newbie, everything is exciting then you just get used to it. I've gotten similar feelings only from Dayz really. I do think this game will be around for years so you're not in a hurry.

I don't know anything about the zombie mode, how does it work? You play with all the other players against zombies or zombies are just there as an added harm? Sounds like a good addition to the game.

Zombie mode! Ok so 4 players are survivors and the other 96 players are zombies. The zombies don't get weapons all they get is "Punch" so players have to strategize hoards and sometimes you can get some really smart zombie hoards that just devastate the poor survivors. I want to be a zombie lord!

Didn't expect that at all! Very cool idea. This would be great for me to get better at shooting in this game. Are there any other similar mods?

Medieval warfare is a thing - just melee and crossbows

Hmm, I'll have to give this one a try as well.

I'm not a master at FPS games by any means but I've played a bit - it's a hard game. 100 players enter and only one of you actually win. I probably spent just as much time waiting for games as I have actually playing, which is one of the reasons I didn't really keep playing.

You setup for the game running around finding things (which is all RNG) and then attempt to outlast everyone else.

I've won a single game which was I think by sheer luck. I started the game in the circle and maintained my position in the cellar of a house until it finally shrunk enough and that house wasn't in the circle anymore. Got a couple kills of people coming up the stairs since I had a sweet spot behind some boxes. Once the house was out of the circle, I crawled along a fence in the grass to stay hidden/in cover back into the circle. The circle shrank into an open field, and the area I was at against the fence was in the circle and had shots against everyone else attempting to get in the circle. So at the end I didn't get anymore kills, the other players just failed to get in the circle and I won. It wasn't an incredibly satisfying win, but it's the only win I've got.

I haven't played in a month or two, but what little time I end up playing games, I just don't think I'd choose PUBG. I did start playing Fortnite (which has a Battle Royale mode now, just like PUBG), except you can build/destroy things, and I dig the graphics more. I don't think the Battle Royale format is my game mode though, as I'd like better odds of winning than 1 in 100 :)

I probably spent just as much time waiting for games as I have actually playing, which is one of the reasons I didn't really keep playing.

Strange. Queues are really minimal now. It usually takes 2 min max for me to get to play from pressing ready.

When I have been playing solo, I have just gotten shot to the back most of the time with minimum amount of combat. Talk about satisfying. It gets better with squad or duo where you have more eyes scanning the area and can resurrect each other.

The RNG can be truly bad at times. Sometimes you end up just chasing the damn circle that just gets moving to the other side of the map. Happened just now and my squad eventually died because of that. Or then you find no weapons. Usually it's good enough though.

I have yet to try Fortnites version, the building aspect could be interesting with this mode. Let's see where the genre evolves. I'm sure there will be many copycats just like after Dayz.

Strange. Queues are really minimal now. It usually takes 2 min max for me to get to play from pressing ready.

Heh, it was more of a joke that I die in less than the 2-3 minutes it takes to get into a new game :)

I can imagine how the team combat is a lot more fun.

Haha, yes. That's how I've felt about the amount of combat I get to see versus playtime. Hopefully it gets better with time.

Dying very early is easily doable by landing on the hotspots with +10 other people, but at least you get to see some combat rather than getting shot to the head, from who knows where, while running through woods.

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