TIL: Steam is responsible for roughly 0.5% of global internet traffic
This website lists the global Steam download bandwidth as something in the order of 1.5 Tbps
As you can see from this source, the global internet traffic per month in 2015 is roughly 94 Exabytes (couldn't find more up-to-date global estimates)
So the monthly download size from Steam alone is: 1.5 / 8 (bit to Byte) * 60 (minute) * 60 (hour) * 24 (day) * 30 (month) / 1000 000 (TB to EB)or 0.486 ExabyteWhich gives us a ratio of 0.486 / 93.8 = 0.518 %Fairly certain it went down from when I did my estimates a few years ago and got something like 2% (damn HD video streaming).
Pretty impressive still, and probably the motivation behind staggering releases like Fallout 4 and XCOM 2.