Messed Up Mario 3 - Mario Fights Boom Boom And Bowser On Tank #1 World 8!!!

in #gaming5 years ago

Been going through Mario 3 editing it so I can mess it up further. It will probably take me a few weeks to finish it. In the meantime I'm testing and running glitches. Some levels are not passible. Have to go back and tone down what I added. Happy I was able to capture some of me messing up the game lately

The game is discoloured, sound is going off, glitching out then you encounter Boom Boom!!

Next is a very brief encounter with King Koopa on the same tank level!! I never seen anyone do stuff like that before. Will try to keep messing it up trying to combine glitches in original ways. Ooh yea, game glitch!!

A glitch door appears and you are able to beat the game from the Tank level!!


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I'm confused. You have created these levels on your own? I admire that regardless if that is what has happened here. :)

I randomized the levels and enemies on the game rom, then using game editor to add/remove objects and sprites, also game genie codes are added. It can be considered a simple hack of the game

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