| Vainglory || Hero's Review | Catherine "Jungle, Protector"

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians...

Some reviews of this game based on my playing experience and If there is any shortage please advise me again.

Catherine Vainglory
Tumble Carry Enemies with Ease

Source : vainglorygame

Hey guys, still like Vainglory games right? This time we will discuss about Cahterine hero support. Catherine is a cheap hero support as well as effectively used when playing matches. Even on every tier, this support hero is almost always there. And you could say this hero is a favorite hero support, and honestly Catherine is my first support hero in this Vainglory game. Beautiful and sexy look does not symbolize the characteristics of Catherin in the game Vainglory, in this game he is a pretty tough hero. Even if you use the right item, this hero can be juxtaposed with the Kraken monster, but with the speed and ability to stop the opponent.

Catherine is a tanker and ganker hero that is very easy to use by new Vainglory players. How to play it is quite simple and has the ability to survive and attack very well. Catherine's Stormguard ability can reflect the damage it receives to the surrounding area to attack back the enemy. If used in a timely manner, such reflection attacks will be very dangerous for the enemy, especially in the late game. Because Catherine has a balanced ability of attack and defense, then I will recommend the items that are suitable for her to be hero tankers, semi-carry, and also ganker.

Skill & Items Building

Hero's skill is good enough to make her a living shield as her team's protector. The perks it has is possible for you to be a walking monster without the help of a defense tool that increases the armor. But since we have to protect the other team members we have to create items that can support the team. In addition you also must pay attention to the movements of the opponent and immediately anticipate it. And to monitor the movement of this opponent we have to place some scout traps in some strategic places in the jungle area.

Early Game

In the early minutes, you can buy ironguard contracts and HP pots. And for the first skill you take is skill 1 that allows you to stun your opponent. And as usual the hidden shop aka Warung Pojok is the first spot you should secure. Do not forget when stop at the shop jungle, buy 1 scout trap and place on the shop side to be able to monitor the opponent who will go into your jungle. If you and your friends want to invade your opponent's jungle and kill your opponents, save your scout trap to make weapons against your opponent. If you get enough gold, you can buy boots and oak heart for the next item

Tips: To kill your opponent in the early game you need a scout trap. At the time of dueling with other players, put the scout trap where you stand, back off slightly and if your opponent is right above your opponent's stunt scout trap with your 1st skill.

Mid Game

In the middle of the game you must have at least 1 defense. And I suggest to buy the item fountain of renewal or crucible. For the next defense item, you should see the items and hero used by the opponent. If the opponent's hero has a weapon item and has a high attack speed, you can buy atlas pouldron. And if your opponent is using Crystal items, you can anticipate them using Crucible and Fountain. When Mid Game, the battle will be more heated and of course you have to use the skills to stop the opponent.

Therefore we need a lot of energy, and to add energy you can buy energy battery. Energy Battery this can later you make Clockwork items. Oh yes, Clockwork is very good for Catherine, every cooldown of your skill will decrease and it means that you can stun as often as possible and take out ulti skill, the more ulti and stun will make your armor increase and surely the opponent will not easily subvert you. Or if you want to have good damage against opponents, we can buy Aftershock or Tension Bow.

Late Game/ End Game

If you've entered the last minute in the game, there's one support item you can add like Warhorn that can help you and the team chase or run away from the opponent's attack. In addition Warhorn is also very useful for hero support to provide multiple attack effects on non-hero characters such as minions and kraken. And this is very useful when you will take kraken or beat kraken. As in the preceding minutes, the forest would be the hottest place, where clash would often happen here. Therefore you should be able to organize the team by giving orders using icons contained in the game Vainglory.

Indeed almost all hero support has the same build item. But if in sitausi kepepet you can replace with build item weapon or crystal. One of the keys to making your Catherine thicker and harder to fight like kraken is skill 1. Try to stun your opponent as often as possible, as the more you stun, the more armor you can and the more difficult you will be to fight. But if you are hard to resist, your other team will be the target of the opponent's attack. Therefore you should equip yourself with the support items to help the team.

Note : All of image on this post are capturing from Vainglory Official Games.

well, here's my review for Catherine.
If you feel less satisfied please insert your comment below.

May be useful, and keep following me @hardijr

"Thank You"

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