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RE: Zombie Adventure - Game 38 - Day 9 (May 9, 2019)

in #gaming5 years ago

To those who would consider jumping in to help P2:
Without a melee weapon, the best you could do is kill 1 walker per turn AND prevent P2 from using the shotgun. That means at least 2 others need to be there at the same time to actually make things better and not worse. Of course, by being there, you could end up distributing zombie attack hits which may help everyone stay under 3 hits. Consider the ramifications before acting.


I would suggest waiting for the hulk to be killed by P2 before jumping in. Then use your ranged weapons to prevent any more zombies from entering that space until P9 can get there to clean up inside the space. But you may see a different strategy as preferable, so don't take my word for it. This is YOUR game. Talk to each other and create a plan.

How does the actual rolling go for shooting into a square with a player? I know the player is targeted first, but how does that technically work?

I'm not sure of what the question is.
If anyone is inside the space with you and you shoot inside the space, the roll determines if you hit or not. If you miss, no harm to anyone. If you hit, you hit the other player. If you shoot OUTSIDE the space, then it works like any other shot.

For example: If P1 was inside your square NOW, you would have killed P1 with 2 hits at close range with 2 damage each. However, if you shot at the hulk to the north, you would have wounded the hulk and killed the walker with the first shot and finished off the hulk with the second.

I was actually wondering the other way...

If P1 shoots into my square... what are the chances that they would hit me versus the walkers?

100% chance to hit you before the walkers are hit. Of course the roll needs to be a successful attack or else nothing gets hit.

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