Ezreal Jungle is about to stay in the meta - League of Legends article #1

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


Welcome to my newest post Steemian Summoners. 

Since Ezreal is one of my favourite champions I decided to give you a deeper insight how he is doing right now, and how his role has changed in the recent times.

Newest Meta-breaking champion

Of course Ezreal had his ups and downs during the past seasons, but most of the time he was a quite popular pick (especially in Korea) , mainly because he is extremely fun to play. But these days he just can't compete against the other ADC-s.
There has been 2 main builds for him, the blue Ezreal and the Triforce. To be honest the Tear of the Goddess is not efficient, since it needs a lot of time to stack and for that time the enemy carry can build hard damage. The Trinity build is slightly better right now, but still ~meh. 

There are barely any champs who buy Tear, this item should be on the top of Riot's rework list

Anyway, Ezreal has never been in the Jungler position before! He was able to go mid as a full AP mage and do well, he could heal with his W (oh the sweet ol' times) but having him in the jungle is entirely new!

The whole madness started when Chinese team WE's Condi  played Ezreal Jungle against IG. Link to the match Highlights
From that very moment the solo queue has been raided by Ezreals with smite. 

How did he get viable?

In the patch 7.17 Ez got a buff raising the attack damage ratio of his Q from 110% to 125%. That was a very decent change in my opinion, but it backfired towards a different direction. That buff did not give enough power to our favorite explorer to dominate the bottom lane, but that little plus damage% helps him clear camps much faster. With good kiting he can became actually one of the best clearers in the League.
In jungle he does not really get in mana troubles when he has the blue buff /thanks Captain Obvious/ and Hunter's Talisman might be a good starting item if you can't organize your mana consumption too well. Otherwise Hunter's Machete is recommended.
Skirmisher's Sabre Warrior followed by the Trinity force is a huge power-spike. The CD reduction works well, and he has the damage he needs. 

At the time of writing of this article ADC Ezreal has 5.09 play-percentage and 47.62 win-percentage. Jungle Ezreal has 7.35% and 49.62%. Any questions on where is him better ATM?!

And Riot does not plan to change on Ezreal's situation. 

 “Ezreal jungle seems cool from what we've seen so far."
“If he falls out of botlane entirely would want to try and let him back in there without pushing him out of the jungle. Same approach we've been taking with Ziggs as mid and bot.”
~ Riot Meddler on his Gameplay Thoughts discussion.

+ Pros / - Cons

+ high mobility   + jump-in ganks   + fun to play   + highdamage output
- no cc   - can get useless easily when falling behind

Note: you should not pick Ezreal jungle if your team needs a tank, needs CC or both!

This is my first "real" article and I put an afternoon-worth effort in it, so if you could leave a comment  behind on how you liked it I would be super thankful.
You can expect more LoL and other content from me.

follow upvote resteem @goodguymate 

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