Player Unknown's Battlegrounds - No Heroes Here - Short Story / Playthrough / Mini-Review

in #gaming7 years ago


Hey guys, it's Ggt and for today's post I'll be sharing one of my very first matches on Player Unknown's Battlegrounds. My experience so far playing this game has been jam-packed with tons of action and this true story is no exception with tons of gruesome firefights, intense moments and a surprise waiting behind every corner. I hope you guys enjoy the read and post!

I know most of you probably already know about Play Unknown's Battlegrounds, or PuBG for short, but for those of you who don't I'll be giving a brief description on the game down below. Feel free to skip it if you already know about the game. If you do read it though and have any questions or concerns regarding it, feel free to ask in the comments below. I'll reply and answer any questions as soon as possible!

So, what's Player Unknown's Battlegrounds?

Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is an action-packed large-arena based battle royal game where players are thrown into a large island with tons of other players. There the objective is to be the last man or team standing doing whatever it takes to survive and takeout all other competition. In the start of each match players are flown over the island by a plane where they drop from and parachute onto the island down below. Once they land, players on a timer scramble to scavenge and loot whatever gear they can find all whilst fighting each other. At the end of the timer, the size of the map is slowly closed smaller and smaller forcing players closer together. Eventually, all remaining players are forced together in a very small area where they fight it out until the last man or team is left standing.

If I were to compare Player Unknown's Battlegrounds to anything, it'd definitely be Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games, a book based around a similar concept where people are thrown into an arena and forced to fight until only one stands. Player Unknown's Battlegrounds itself though is filled with lots of weapons, vehicles and other cool features that give it endless fun replay-ability every single time. The gunplay feels smooth, the variety of different ways to kill each other infinite and the map vast. All three of these elements plus more make the game a truly greatly battle royal.

Before I go ahead and continue on the post itself now, I'd like to state that if anyone has any further questions regarding PuBG, like before leave them in a reply down below and I'll get to answering them as soon as possible! I might not answer right away but do not worry, I will get to every question.

Now onto my play-through and the story itself!


Before the game starts I load into the pre-lobby. What awaits me in the pre-lobby is something no man, or at least a sane one could imagine. It's going to be hard but I'll try describing it for you. It's all dark, the game's loading. Before you even see anything you start to hear them. The voices from dozens of different boys and men alike all screeching different inaudible absurdities over each other in some sort of unorganized symphony. When the visuals finally load in, all you see are mostly naked whacky looking people running and jumping around spastically as they compete to endlessly punch each other to death, but to no avail, damage is turned off. After about a minute of this hell, the actual game finally starts.

I found myself in a plane flying over a large island, the game's battleground. Like the others I waited patiently in the plane with all the other screaming players before jumping out over a nearby city.


I sky-dived down as fast as I could trying to position myself near the outskirts below pulling my parachute and graciously floating down to land. Compared to most the others I hit the ground early. I decided to use this edge to my advantage dashing over towards a nearby building, kicking down the door and quickly rummaging through it's storages in search of gear.


'My lucky day,' I recall thinking to myself as I stumbled across S1897 shotgun accompanied by twenty 12-gauge shells. I picked up the rifle, loaded the weapon and roamed off towards other nearby buildings to continue my scavenging onslaught. Whilst outside I could hear the carnage as bullets echoed throughout the city's streets and walls. I remained discreet though avoiding any contact while looting. Roughly a few minutes in and I found myself with a sidearm, Scar-H rifle, smoke-grenade and bullet-proof vest.

Satisfied with my gear, I weaved through the city's alleys before finding myself facing the back of an unsuspecting target peaking over a building's corner. Without hesitation I raised my shotgun, fired a shell directly into his back, pumped the weapon back and fired a second shell again into the downed man's back.


I slowly urged forward towards the corpse keeping my weapon raised before at the sound of footsteps whipping my sights to the side. It was only my friend FreeDeezNutz though, or Ben for short. I lowered my weapon, sighed in relief and chuckled at the ally's short comment;

"This ain't no place for no Heroes."


After exchanging greetings, I searched my victim's body, swapped my shotgun out for his strong bolt-action rifle and began moving towards the new match's new checkpoint with my friend Ben. We ran for a good few minutes before coming across a fishy-looking tower in the middle of a tree-lacking forest. Ben and I were both suspicious, so we decided to go check things out.

We walked up the tower's steps towards the closed entrance before stopping and shooting each other glances. Ben pulled out his shotgun and gave me a nod. Things were about to go down. Moments later Ben kicked the door wide open and rushed in blindly to a flurry of gunfire returning fire himself using his shotgun. I rushed in behind him ducking my head and raising my rifle before unloading my magazine wildly towards the enemies in front.


At the end of the close-quartered firefight, I found myself standing beside a wounded Ben and two freshly killed corpses. Shutting the door behind us, I set myself up near a window as Ben sat down to treat his wounds. Off in the distance I spotted an enemy running towards our newly taken position. All the gunfire seemed to have attracted the locals. I didn't mind though as I took out my rifle and dealt with the problem.


A few minutes passed before all of a sudden everything went blank.


I could hear them shouting commands to each other in a foreign language before I was taken out. Ben didn't last too long after that and for us, the game was over. Like that, from winning to losing all in a flash, literally. Coping with it was rough, but that's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for you. I guess I'd get 'em next time.

In Conclusion

As always I'd like to go ahead and thank everyone for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed. If you got the extra money laying around I definitely suggest picking up PuBG, it's honestly tons of fun, especially with friends. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding the post feel free to leave them below and I'll reply as soon as I get the chance. Once again thanks for reading and I wish y'all a wonderful day!

Here's a short trailer for the game if anyone's interested. It's great at showing all the action and variety of things that go down in-game.

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