League of Legends - Wukong Tips & Tricks - "Adapt to all situations" :)

in #gaming7 years ago

Wukong - Tips & Tricks

Hey, what's up guys. Before I start explaining anything in this short (Sorry, not the greatest writer) Wukong 'guide,' I'd like to first make a short and quick introduction. I'm ggteixeira, a League of Legends season 6 platinum player who somehow made it all the way from bronze to platinum by almost only exclusively playing Wukong. The hundreds of games I put into him have really allowed me to grasp an in-depth understanding of the champion and I'd like to hopefully pass on this knowledge to some of you!


Now that we got that all out of way, let's get down to actual business, a few easy tips and tricks on Wukong that can help other players better understand Wukong.

This is going to be relatively short and condensed, I don't plan on going over the entire champion in depth, though I can if some want with a future post. Alright so Wukong's abiltities:

Q - Extends auto-attack range, resets auto-attack, extra damage, temporary armor penetration - Really good for resetting auto-attacks. So for example, after you hit a minion or champion, quickly press Q to almost immediately strike again skipping the entire animation reset timer. Extra damage I've seen a lot of Wukong players miss out on. You can also use the extended auto-attack range to jungle minions over walls (Steal) and hit players that are further away.

W - Leaves a decoy Wukong behind, goes invisible for a short duration - Now this ability right here is what really gives Wukong the edge in fight, the jump for fights and a lot of outplay potential. This ability can be used in so many different ways. You can use it to block abilities, bait other champions, sneak out of a bush to get the jump (Great for ganking as jungle), positioning yourself in fights for a strong follow up (Usually E, auto, Q, R but can vary depending on the situation), tricking players and so much more depending on creative you're willing to get.

E - Jumps to a target dealing damage, hits two nearby targets along with jumped on target, gives an attack speed buff for a few seconds after - This ability is pretty straight and forward, Wukong's engage. This can also be used on nearby minions to give an attack speed buff which helps with towers or used to escape enemy players through either jumping to enemy minions or warding and jumping to jungle minions.

R - Wukong's ult is strong, in my opinion it's a stronger Malphite ult. Position yourself then simply hit R to knock up any player who makes initial contact, then for a few seconds afterwards spin around and do damage to anyone around you. This ability also builds up speed while in use, which can be very useful for catching up to players, getting away from players or knocking up as many players as you can during a team fight.

Laning as Wukong: Usually start with a corruption potion, start E, then Q, then, put a point into R every chance max e, then Q, then W. In lane Wukong along with a corruption potion can be a very good harasser. A good combo is E, auto attack then Q immediately after. This along with if a corruption potion is activated does a good amount of damage to most top laners. If you want to quickly disengage after the harass, simply use W to escape or if you're trying to get the jump on the player, use W out of their sight to sneak up on them, it all depends on scenario.

Team fighting: Wukong in my opinion is really good for solo/duo ranked climbing due to his ultimate. It can really change any team fight in a matter of seconds depending on how used. Normally your job as Wukong in team fights is to engage, do as much damage as you can and knock up as many players as you can. What a good Wukong does in team fights is finds the right time to quickly get to the enemy backline and take out the enemy carry as quick as possible.

Build: Wukong's build can heavily vary depending on what your team needs at the time but his best build in my opinion is his assassin/bruiser build. Rush trinity, boots of armor or magic resist depending on enemy team, death's dance, then if you're doing well another damage item followed up by two tank items or three tank items if you're not doing so well.

Keeping this all in mind, I find that Wukong can be a very strong team fighting champion and champion that if played right, can change the outcome of a game with a simple good ultimate in the right team fight. I know I'm not the best Wukong and if anyone has any further questions or even tips, tricks or anything I missed out on, please feel free to comment. Thanks for reading and if any of you ever want to queue up and play just leave your account name below and I'll add you.

P.S : I was searching through the categories and I couldn't find a League of legends category. I don't know about everyone else but I think it'd be a great addition :)

http://www.deviantart.com/art/Wukong-Wukong-358857268 <--- Link to the artwork and credit, great work


black cleaver for the ultimate!

Yea I 100% agree since it stacks really fast and well with his ultimate, goes really well if you're going a more tank-oriented build. I use to always go black cleaver, yoummuus, then full tank

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