League of Legends - Champion Review, Twitch - Ggt

in #gaming7 years ago


What's up guys, it's me ggteixeira and for this post we'll be going over the League of Legends hard-carry marksman Twitch, the notorious plague rat. Quick on the trigger and hard to track down, Twitch is currently one of the strongest carries in-game right now and tons of fun to play, if done right. We'll be going over Twitch's lore, backstory, abilities and finally me opinion/review on him. I hope with this post y'all readers learn something new and enjoy the read!

I know some of you probably already know what League of Legends but I'm certain there are tons of others out there who don't. For all of you who don't, I'll be giving a brief description on the game itself below. If you do know what League is feel free to skip ahead down below straight to the character's lore. Also, If you feel like I've left some questions about the game unanswered, feel free to ask below and I'll answer as soon as possible.

So what is League of Legends?


"League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients." A perfect description of the game which I borrowed from it's own wiki page.

I'd also like to add on that League of Legends is considered a MOBA game. What does this mean? Well, it means that it's a mix between RPG and RTS genre games where you select a champion from a large pool on heroes to play controlling them as you do battle on whichever map and game-mode you pick. League has a variety of different maps and game modes, but the single most popular is it's standard 5v5 on Summoner's Rift where the objective is to through whatever means get through the enemies' defenses and destroy their nexus (base) whilst also trying to protect your own. One reason why this game-mode is so popular is because of it's only use in the League of Legends large pro competitive scene.

Before continuing on to the character's lore I'd like to go ahead and state that if you guys have any further questions about League feel free to ask below, I'll make sure to reply as soon as possible.

Twitch, a monster made

Twitch, the Plague Rat, wasn't born a monster. In reality, Twitch before his freak mutations was just another regular sewer rat roaming the under-city of Zaun. But that was before his mutation, before Zaun's abuse of the environment of toxic waste came to bite them in the ass, or in this case shoot them. Zaun for years had been dumping all it's toxic waste down and into it's under-city sewers where it continued to build up over the years. Eventually, a certain little rat stumbled across a certain failed science experiment's toxic waste twisting and forming it into a human-like and above-average intelligent rat.

This rat would turn out to be the villainous plague rat known today as Twitch. Twitch in his early years of being transformed was a mere weak and scared rat who watched the people of Zaun above him from the shadows and sewers. He saw there way of life and began to adapt to towards it. But Zaun's way of life was that of a criminal's. Stealing, killing and destruction were all components in a Zaun's citizens average life.

Using his intelligence to fashion together his gear including a cross-bow, toxic-chemical tipped bolts and caskets filled with acid, Twitch began his evil crime-spree which would for years to come terrorize the under-city streets of Zaun. The authorities, more specifically H.I.V.E tried to deal with Twitch but to no avail. Anyone who tried to stop Twitch only ended up dead and now seeing his home under threat, Twitch, the Plague Rat, became more dangerous then ever.

Nature was about to shoot the city of Zaun right in it's ass.

Twitch In-Game

Twitch in-game is classified as a ranged marksman assassin. He's also considered a hard-carry type champion which means his scaling later on in the game is very strong. Using his invisibility to ambush to better position then ambush his enemies, his attack speed combined with his high attack damage to shred his enemies in seconds and his long-range ultimate to cut down his foes whilst staying away, Twitch is definitely a monster to be dealt with for enemy facing him on later in the game.

Deadly Venom

Twitch's passive ability is 'Deadly Venom.' With this ability, each of Twitch's auto-attacks apply a Deadly Venom stack which over a short duration deals a certain amount of true damage. Deadly Venom can stack up to 6 times, scaling the duration and damage with each additional stack placed on the target.

This ability early on in the game is great for harassing and can secure kills that would've normally escaped otherwise. It's also a bit of extra damage that can be the deciding factor in a close a fight! Make sure you spread this venom onto as many enemies as possible!


Twitch's first ability, his Q, is 'ambush.' With this ability Twitch after a short build up goes invisible for a few seconds gaining movement speed while hidden. Whenever Twitch casts an ability or auto-attacks he comes out of invisibility losing his movement speed bonus and swapping it out for temporary extra attack speed. Twitch can also be spotted if he goes to close towards an enemy champions.

This ability is what makes Twitch such a strong carry. The extra movement speed is great for either catching up to enemies or re-positioning one's self before a fight for maximum damage. The extra attack speed is also amazing for helping apply deadly venom stacks and dishing out damage as quick as possible.

Venom Cask

Twitch's second ability, is his W, 'Venom Cask.' With this ability Twitch tosses a venomous bottle of poison into an area of effect near him slowing anyone caught within it's radius for a few seconds and applying a deadly venom stack each second to anyone walking over the area while infected.

This ability is great for applying slows to targets which can help secure them in place for killing, stopping them from getting away or preventing it in the first place. It also applies deadly venom stack into an area of effect which helps spread the passive to multiple foes in a shorter period of time.


Twitch's third ability, is his E, 'Contaminate.' With this ability Twitch deals damage to each enemy around him based off the amount of deadly venom stacks applied on them.

This ability is a great executioner for finishing low-health enemies out of Twitch's auto-attack range who just recently got out of a fight with him. The more stacks the more damage and if you have the maximum amount of stacks on an enemy, some serious damage can be dealt.

Twitch's last ability, is his R, 'Ratatata.' With this ability Twitch's auto-attack range is greatly enhanced and a serious attack damage buff added to his auto attacks. His attacks also pierce through multiple enemies attacking multiple targets at once.

This ability paired with the attack-speed bonus from his 'Ambush' is a serious damage dealer. It's what makes Twitch such a great carry and if used while in the right spot can do some serious damage to enemy targets. Just like Big Shaq's song, Twitch when using his ultimate goes skrat, skitty kat kat, boom, serious damage, no math required.

Twitch isn't my preferred ADC but I have to acknowledge that he is one of the best ones out there right now. He's almost always been pretty strong and because of that is a seriously good pick for anyone playing the ADC role. A good Twitch can tear up any team fight and later in the game carry their team to victory by themselves and with ease.


Like I always do I want to go ahead and thank everyone for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed it. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments regarding the post feel free to leave them down below and I'll make sure to frequently check and reply to any as soon as possible. I hope I see more Twitch's out there because of this post and once again thank you all for reading! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

I played Twitch recently and listened to this song doing it. I did amazing.


this champion is very good to get out of silver, Grand review @ggteixeira

Good post and I wish steemit had a sticky or pin option because this is one of those Exclusive posts.

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