League of Legends - ADC, Climbing Tips - Ggt

in #gaming7 years ago


About the Writer

Before every post I like to give a small introduction on myself to give the readers a better understanding on who I am and what I post, so without further-a-due lets get right into it! I'm ggteixeira, or just Ggt for short, and I'm an active member of the Steemit community whose been around for about half a year now. I mostly post in the gaming section where I share game-plays, guides, reviews and just about anything related to video games! Some of my more common posts have to due with two of my favourite games; League of Legends and Fortnite. If by any chance you find yourself interested in any of these games or topics, feel free to check out my page @ggteixeira for more related content. It's also always appreciated!

What is League of Legends?

Since today's post is going to be about the game League of Legends, I thought I'd copy and paste a description of the game I've written up on the game for previous League of Legends Steemit posts.

"League of Legends (abbreviated LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The game follows a freemium model and is supported by microtransactions, and was inspired by the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne mod, Defense of the Ancients." A perfect description of the game which I borrowed from it's own wiki page.

I'd also like to add on that League of Legends is considered a MOBA game. What does this mean? Well, it means that it's a mix between RPG and RTS genre games where you select a champion from a large pool on heroes to play controlling them as you do battle on whichever map and game-mode you pick. League has a variety of different maps and game modes, but the single most popular is it's standard 5v5 on Summoner's Rift where the objective is to through whatever means get through the enemies' defenses and destroy their nexus (base) whilst also trying to protect your own. One reason why this game-mode is so popular is because of it's only use in the League of Legends large pro competitive scene.



So you think you got what it takes;

but you can't find yourself climbing up League's competitive ranked ladder. You got the mechanics down but every game your stuck with some bad teammates who always drag you down deeper and deeper into elo hell with them. Well fret no more, for I, Ggt, have discovered a few tips and tricks that will help other Summoners get to that rank they know they deserve!

This post will be broken down into three short straight to the point categories, each with relevant advice that if followed will without doubt increase your win-rate in League of Legends ranked solo/duo queue. Keep in mind while reading that this advice was specialized mainly for the ADC role, but can also apply to other roles in certain cases. If you main another role and want a post specified for that role, leave a comment in the replies section below stating so. Maybe if there's enough demand, I'll make a post for your role next!

Farm and Keeping Up

The first and foremost most important part of winning games to me, especially as an ADC, is keeping up whenever you're set behind. There's always going to be a better player than you out there and you won't always be able to win your lane. So if you can't win your lane you need to do the next best thing possible and that's keeping up. I've seen one too many ADCs get themselves killed back to back against better opponents, further setting themselves behind while simultaneously rocketing the enemy ADC ahead, which is never something you want to do, especially when the enemy you're doing it to is considered to be the enemy team's main carry.

Instead, whenever you find yourself behind, you should instead focus on farming and keeping up with everyone else in your match. By doing this, you deny getting your enemy laner ahead creating less potential problems for your own team while also opening up the possibility of you yourself still being able to be set ahead by a possible ally gank/aid.

A quick note I'd also like to throw in whilst on the topic of farming is making sure you farm good. Work on last hitting minions until you almost never miss and make sure you're always checking your map for fat'n'juicy minion waves. Keeping your CS/farm high throughout the game is an essential part of being a good ADC. The biggest difference between a silver ADC and gold ADC is CS. I'm serious, check the charts.

Learn, Specialize, Master

This is a more generalized factor for all rules that sets consistent winners from consistent losers in ranked and that's a small champion pool, especially in the lower ranks (Bronze to Gold). A good player will learn two to three champions and stick to them whenever they play ranked. They'll master those three champions, learn all the plays and tricks that come with them. They'll only play those three champions and only those three, rarely picking any other champion besides them. This usually means that they'll always win lane and always know the their match-ups the best compared to a player who plays literally everyone.

Sure, later on in the higher ranks a large champion pool is essential for counter-picking and what not, but early on that's just not the case. One-tricking and having a small specialized champion pool is a must for climbing up the ranked ladder. Find those champions you like, get good at them, and only play them if you want to climb. I went from bronze to platinum II in a month once of literally only playing Wukong top-lane. One-tricking is one of the easiest but most under-rated way to climb up the rank. I'm serious, go one-trick Draven or something and see how far you'll go once you get good at him.

Abuse the Meta

Ride the hell out of the meta. There will always be champions who are better than others and than champions who are just out-right broken. These champions always change and rotate between patches. Learn these champions, pick up these champions and abuse these champions as much as you can if you're about climbing. Sure, it's not always fun or fair, but if you're about climbing, it's the best way to do it.

In the current 8.1 patch, the best champions to pick right now are Miss Fortune, Vayne and Ezreal. Learn these three champions and play them, or if you're not about playing them, ban them. By just playing in-meta champions, you increase the chances of winning your game by a high % alone. Also build Relic Shield with Overheal until they fix it, AHHHHHHH (I hate Relic Shield).


Conclusion and my Twitch!

So with that I'll be wrapping up today's post. Let me know what you guys think of it in the replies section below! If you like this post, make sure to leave an up-vote and drop a follow for more similar content! Also make sure to resteem so the post gets to more and more people! I hope you guys enjoyed.

Before finishing this post I'd also like to leave you guys with a cool out-play clip that I made when playing Jhin in a ranked League of Legends game. I thought it'd be relevant to the post because it was me playing an ADC in the ADC role and abusing some of the tips I mentioned in the post above. 'd also greatly appreciated follows on Twitch to anyone interested. It helps me do what I've been trying to do for the past week and that's grow my Twitch channel!

Click the picture to see the Twitch clip! Remember to drop a follow if you liked it!


it is very awesome game

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