Arma 3 - King of the Hill: Taking the Tower

in #gaming7 years ago


Hey guys, it's me ggteixeira and for today's post we'll reading through my personal play-through of an Arma 3 - King of the Hill match. This match in particular was filled with drawn out firefights, lots of action and a lot of very powerful firepower. I hope you guys enjoy the read.

For those of you who don't know what Arma 3 is, let alone King of the Hill, I'll be giving a brief description on each. If you do know, feel free to skip down to the story below. Also, if you feel as though I've left anything out or don't understand something, don't be afraid to comment your question(s) down below. I'll make sure to answer them as soon as possible.

So what is Arma 3 and King of the Hill?

Arma 3 is a realistic near-future military simulator. Lots of the game is based off of real life modern fighting, physics, strategy and warfare. Fighting in Arma is very similar to real life in the way that in certain situations all it takes is a single bullet to kill you and if you aren't smart or careful, you'll find yourself sent to an early grave. The game is filled with tons and tons of different content spanning from single player missions, to dozens of different multiplayer game-modes, to even life and gang multiplayer simulations! On top of that all there are hundreds of guns, vehicles, uniforms and more to pick, mix and choose from. With Arma there's always something to do.

King of the Hill though is one of the more popular multiplayer game-modes in Arma 3. The basis of it is simple; three large teams each match are pit against each other in a random city where they do battle for dominance and control over the settlement. The team that holds the objective for the longest wins and is awarded in-game money which can be used to purchase better gear. There are also levels, voice communication, and so much more to enhance the King of the Hill experience. With King of the Hill there's lots of fun and action to be had.

Before moving onto the post I'd like to go ahead and once again that that if you feel I left something out or are confused on anything, feel free to ask questions down below, I'll be sure to answer.

With that all out of the way, let's get onto the story.


I manage to get myself into a full game, join the red team and spawn into home-base. There I see some squad leaders assembling together their squads and debriefing them on the mission as they await air transport to come pick them up. Every time I've played King of the Hill I always recall flying into any combat AO a bad idea. I've seen one too many helicopters get shot down, so I go ahead and decide to purchase myself an armored jeep. While heading towards my vehicle, I see one of the air transports, a small red little-bird pull up and land not too far from me.

I seem to catch the pilot's attention as he looks over and asks if I wanted a ride. I tell him I got a ground vehicle and he laughs claiming that it'd take me forever to get to the fighting on wheels. 'At least it's safer,' I think to myself. With a fresh squad loaded up and onto his heli, the pilot decides to push the offer no further and after a farewell takes off into the skies and towards the AO. I load up in my armored jeep and do the same.


The drive there took longer then usual, especially compared to air but in my opinion it was well worth it. I got there safely unlike a certain pilot from before. While driving towards the AO when nearing it I noticed a crash red helicopter with the body of a pilot. Unlucky for him I guess. One thing I did notice though is that there weren't any other bodies and last I saw he was taking a squad of men with him to go to the front lines. 'They probably parachuted out,' I say to myself before continuing on my way towards the fight.

Once I got near to the front lines, I parked my jeep and ran the rest of the way on foot before suddenly finding myself caught out in a firefight. The squad from the helicopter was pinned down behind a small cobblestone wall while an enemy machine-gunner fired down from us in the second story of a building above. I joined my allies and after a minute of back and forth firing, the machine gunner was killed by one of the squad members well-put bullets.

We afterwards carefully moved forth into the city. A few streets in we decided to go our separate ways as I wanted to investigate a nearby friendly controlled tower.


Under the tower I didn't like what I found. A dead body from one of our team's soldiers. The tower above him seem to be abandoned and no one was to be seen in sight. Looting my allies' corpse I retrieve a better gun and decide to move forth towards an enemy controlled tower not too far from our own. According to my map, it had a good oversight of a factory on the city's outskirts the enemy kept parachuting their troops on.


I move towards the tower slipping through dark alleys and destroyed buildings. All the rubble made for good cover and kept me hidden from any enemies' sight. On my way towards the tower, I came across two different skirmishes between the two other enemy teams going at it. At both fights I decided to stay low and hidden letting them fight it out before moving on only when the case was clear. I survived both instances so I guess I made the right move.

When I finally got near the tower I sprinted forth towards the base for scurrying up the stairs and into the safety of the tower. There I carefully cleared each room taking out only a single enemy before finding my way at the top of the tower. Looking down below at the city before from there I could really see all the havoc that the fighting had caused.


Moving onto the other side of the tower I carefully waited a few minutes before noticing an enemy helicopter overhead. Just as I had stated before, the troops inside it parachuted down and around a factory out-skirting the city. There they regrouped together and began moving forth towards the city where they would reinforce their soldiers already fighting in it. Unlike the other times though, this time there was a surprise waiting for them as I began unloading multiple shots onto the enemies down below.


I managed to take out a few members before myself meeting my end. The stray bullet of an enemy machine gunner suppressing me had found it's way straight through my forehead leaving my dead and stranded on-top the enemy tower. At least I had died with a purpose. Because of my actions, the enemy reinforcements were dwindled and our team was able to hold the city for a few minutes longer gaining us the crucial points we would need to later win us the game.


Guess I died a hero.


Like always I'd like to thank everyone for reading and hope you all enjoyed. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the post or it's content like stated before leave a comment down below and I'll reply as soon as I have the time. Once again thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Here's the Arma 3 trailer for anyone interested.


Nice game,many mods and good missions,keep it up and bring Arma to new level . ★★★★★

The start of a Genre. Father to H1Z1 King of the kill, heir to the thrown of PUBG.

Love the storyline if only you had a sniper riffle would have been more fun, they wont know what hit them xd

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