No Man's Sky one year later.

in #gaming7 years ago

One year ago Hello Games released one of the most anticipated games of this console generation, And although it didn't get the most gracious reception A year makes a BIG difference! I'm not saying it's too late for No Mans Sky to bounce back and be the huge hit it was meant to be, but...Its too late. People have moved on, traded it in or tossed it in the trash. Gamers were mad, and rightly so. No Mans Sky looked promising, and the trailers made us drool. The finished product however left very little to be desired. It didn;t help that Sean Murray, The head guy over at Hello Games made claims that just weren't true. The game lacked on so many of those promises that many were seeking a refund, claiming it was false advertising major gameplay features that were shown in video advertisements . After the less than stellar launch the group at Hello Games got to work on improving the game. They steadily released updates throughout the year, Adding rovers to drive around, Base building and improved the visuals. maxresdefault (1).jpgThey didn't stop there, The biggest update was still to come update 1.32 code named "Waking Titan" was set to release in August and it was game changer! The new update added 30+ hours of singleplayer gameplay and side missions to keep you busy, Exotic S class starships ( Top of the line and very unique looking ), A new alien race and Multiplayer ( kinda ). Although the multiplayer isn't the full experience, Sean Murray has stated that this is the first step to having a true multiplayer experience. no_mans_sky_foundation_update_screenshot_07_1920.jpgSo does a year make a difference? Yes! Is it a better game? Yes! Will this bring people back and save the state of the game? Yes and NO. Gamers are a funny breed. They don't like being lied to and if that happens its hard to gain their trust back. On top of that the typical attention span with gamers isn't very long. Meaning, Gamers jump from game to game. Release to release looking for that new and exciting experience. I jumped back on the game after 10 months of not playing just to see the progress and I have to admit, its inexpressive! The game is light years better ( pun intended ). It feels like a much more complete game. I'm excited to play and explore the game world this time around, and I dont Hello Games is done either. With more updates on the horizon, No Mans Sky can get even better! I hope people can give this game one more chance because its amazing. This is the game we should have gotten a year ago.

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