Fazill Gaming - Review Dota 2 [LION] Vol.31

in #gaming6 years ago

Hallo Steemian, meet me again. In this post we have entered episode 31. We will discuss about Hero Lion. Let's review!

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Lion, the Demon Witch, is a run knowledge legend, most usually played as a help, who fills in as an intense hostile spellcaster. While especially delicate and defenceless at all phases of the diversion because of his low wellbeing pool, protection, and move speed, he has an enormous measure of handicapping and nuking power, enabling him to give the important lockdown and burst harm to his group to cut down tricky and tricky foes. Earth Spike is a region of-impact line-based stagger that likewise bargains a direct measure of harm. In the event that Lion utilizes it at max level joined with his Hex, which quickly transfigures a foe into an innocuous critter, he can handicap a solitary rival for right around 7 seconds, all that could possibly be needed time to cut down a solitary foe, particularly if a partner is available. His definitive, Finger of Death, fills in as an intense nuke and his essential wellspring of burst harm to help him in his undertakings. To balance the high mana cost of his capacities, he has Mana Drain, which gives him the sustenance he needs to ceaselessly give his incapacitating ability in an encounter. A group confronting a Lion would do well to dispose of him first in a battle, for fear that it falls prey to his powerful and problematic spells.


Lion is an intense spellcaster and is generally played as help or ganker saint because of his debilitating spells. He is best to collaborate with auto assault conveys or another spellcaster to complete adversaries rapidly. His Earth Spike and his Hex make him a formidable disabler, while his Mana Drain can keep for saints from throwing spells if done viably and permitted to deplete. His Finger of Death can without much of a stretch nuke the picked for, managing unimaginable harm to enable his partners or himself to complete a murder.

Tips and Tactics


Lion is famous for being one of the most grounded impairing bolsters in the amusement. He has two hard debilitates in Hex and Earth Spike, which enable him to set up slaughters in practically any circumstance once he hits level 2, possibly giving his group a solid early favourable position with his mix of nukes and impairs. Make certain to layer yours impairs appropriately, with a specific end goal to secure an objective for the longest conceivable span as opposed to stacking the debilitates and squandering one or both.

Like most other knowledge-based casters, Lion experiences the low quality and dexterity development, making him fragile and simple to slaughter if centred down. Because of this and his solid cluster of debilitates, Lion benefits significantly from building survivability and portability things, as his awesome knowledge development joined with his Mana Drain capacity implies that he is never needing for mana to cast his spells.

Be careful that because of his single-target nature, the greater part of Lion's spells can be hindered with Linken's Sphere, or much more terrible reflected with Lotus Orb. All things considered, be to a great degree cautious about when and where you cast your spells, and make sure to frequently check the foe's stock so you know whether they are working towards either thing.

In light of his capable early crippling potential, Lion can be played in an assortment of ways.

Much of the time, Lion is played as a hard help, ensuring his sheltered path convey by pulling impartial camps and bothering the foe off-laner. He is additionally ready to set up murders with his impairs on the off chance that he can get inside range to cast them on the adversary, regardless of whether it be their off-laner or pivoting to gank their mid-laner.

Consistent with his name, Lion is likewise a solid roamer who can lurk and jump on foes in their paths, utilizing his handicaps to hold them set up while his partners murder them.

In surprising conditions, Lion can likewise be a respectable mid, as his great base harm enables him to contend with other mid saints with last-hits, and his impairs enable him to set up the adversary mid if bolsters pivot for a gank. The early gold and levels can enable him to progress into a solid meandering who can get foes with his incapacitates and nuke them down with Finger of Death.


Earth Spike

Earth Spike is a handicap that arrangements harm and paralyzes in a line before Lion, making it a balanced daze and nuke.

Since the two its harm and stagger span scale with levels, Earth Spike is for the most part Lion's best capacity to maximize first. This enables Lion to bargain respectable nuke harm and debilitate for a decent term with a solitary spell.

Earth Spike is abnormal in that it can be both ground-focused on and unit-focused on. This enables the spell to be utilized both as a solid and problematic cripple, be that as it may, it additionally implies that the spell can be hindered by Linken's Sphere regardless of whether ground-focused on.

Because of its line target nature, Earth Spike can possibly harm and shock different focuses without a moment's delay. On the off chance that the open door presents itself, attempt to position yourself with the end goal that you can arrange a daze on no less than two adversaries without a moment's delay.

One irregular part of Earth Spike is that it can be focused at just 500 territory however makes a trip up to 825, perhaps hitting foes up to 950 units away. This implies while the spell can dependably paralyze a foe at 500 territory or less, with expertise it can be utilized as a questionable daze to debilitate an adversary at twice that separation.

Be careful that Earth Spike has a movement time, and that it is feasible for the foe to evade the spikes close to the finish of the spell in the event that they are sufficiently quick. Accordingly, it can pay off to get as close as conceivable to an objective before throwing Earth Spike on them, to give them as meager time to respond if conceivable.

Remember that the raised spike liveliness will even now play if the spell gets an undetectable legend. While it can't be utilized to dependably scan for imperceptible foes because of its thin span, an effective hit will alarm partners to a paralyzed undetectable adversary, enabling them to cast a region focused on inconsistent debilitate or nuke on that spot.


Hex is a greatly intense hard handicap that can quiet and quiet its objective, keeping them from throwing spells or utilizing things. Too, it has a moment cast liveliness, giving the foe positively no opportunity to respond.

Because of its poor scaling, Hex is for the most part best left with one point in the early amusement. Each extra level just adds a large portion of a moment to the incapacitate length while radically expanding the mana cost, which can impose Lion's mana pool past its point of confinement. It is better left as the last capacity to maximize, as Lion can renew his mana pool dependably with more levels in Mana Drain, and it is far-fetched that objectives should be hard-impaired different circumstances in the early diversion when full scale teamfights are uncommon.

Because of its moment cast time, Hex is an intense starting impair since it can secure an objective instantly when Lion gets inside range to cast it. Also, the moderate it exacts on the objective makes them a less demanding focus to hit with a followed up Earth Spike. Be that as it may, this will by and large fluctuate as indicated by the circumstance, as Earth Spike's more extended impair range can enable Lion to debilitate a foe from a more prominent separation away in the first place, at that point catch up with a more extended length Hex.

Hex can in a flash pulverize fantasies, making it an effective counter to certain fantasy legends and Manta Style. On the off chance that the adversary can make few intense deceptions with capacities like Reflection, Phantasm or Mirror Image, Lion can in a flash expel one of them from play or hard-incapacitate the wellspring of the fantasies specifically. What's more, if a foe utilizes Manta Style protectively, Hex can immediately expel one of them, expanding the shot of finding the correct saint to half.

In critical circumstances, Hex can be given protectively a role as well. In the event that a solitary adversary starts on Lion and he can't kill them with his nukes, throwing a maximum level Hex on them will handicap them for 4 seconds, all that anyone could need time for Lion to channel a Town Portal Scroll to get away.

Mana Drain

Mana Drain is a solid utility and delicate cripple spell that enables Lion to meander freely as he can keep up a close boundless supply of mana.

Alongside Earth Spike, Mana Drain can be an intense spell to maximize at an opportune time. While it isn't extremely solid at level 1, inspiring it to level 2 enables Lion to begin recovering the mana cost of his spells, giving him the mana to cast his full combo at whatever point he needs to. At level 4, it can deplete mana at twofold the rate that it does at level 3, making significantly more effective.

Utilized reasonably, Mana Drain can frustrate adversaries' endeavors to path as Lion can debilitate to evacuate their mana pool in the event that they stay in the territory while he throws this spell on them. It is especially viable against scuffle saints that need to approach the crawl wave to last-hit, and utilized after some time it can compel them to leave the path as they won't have the mana to cast any of their spells, incorporating escape capacities in case of a gank.

While Mana Drain can be an effective bug device in the laning stage, it can leave Lion totally open to striking back since it is a diverted spell that powers him to stop. Make certain that the adversary isn't in a position to hop on him before endeavoring to cast this spell on them, and that partners are prepared to go to your guide if important.

Keep in mind that Mana Drain can be thrown on any non-accommodating unit that has a mana pool, not simply foe saints. This implies Lion can empty mana out of went path creeps, and nonpartisan drags with mana pools. Be that as it may, remember that throwing this spell on impartial wet blankets will draw aggro, so it is best to cast it when they are generally possessed keeping in mind the end goal to abstain from taking harm while depleting mana.

Past the laning stage, Mana Drain has solid utility in spite of its apparently fair impacts. Its capacity to deplete up to 120 MP/sec implies that, when joined with different impairs, it can totally obliterate a foe's capacity to counter at all as they will have no mana to cast any spells or utilize certain dynamic capacities. It can be to a great degree effective against saints with little mana pools that depend on survivability capacities, with Reincarnation being a standout amongst the most noticeable cases.

Like Hex, Mana Drain is fit for pulverizing hallucinations, expelling them from play upon the primary deplete example (0.1 seconds in the wake of throwing). As its cooldown and mana cost is even lower than Hex, Mana Drain can adequately demolish a hallucination at regular intervals.

At the point when utilized as a part of mix with Earth Spike and Hex, Mana Drain can enable Lion to totally expel Manta Style fantasies from the field: utilize Earth Spike to debilitate every one of the three targets and recognize the genuine legend by how much harm they take, demolish a hallucination with Mana Drain, and catch up with Hex on the saint once Earth Spike's stagger closes. The second deception can be devastated at recreation once Mana Drain falls off cooldown.

Because of its long cast go, Mana Drain can be utilized to break a foe's Linken's Sphere in front of a battle or gank. Be that as it may, be exceptionally watchful while endeavoring this, as Mana Drain's thrown activity can include an extra defer that the adversary can exploit.

Finger of Death

Finger of Death is a standout amongst the most effective enchantment nukes in the amusement, equipped for managing an enormous measure of harm to a solitary target.

All in all, it is best to utilize Finger of Death toward the beginning of an engagement, instead of trying to complete off an adversary. Utilizing the nuke on an adversary at the soonest opportunity will guarantee that it bargains the greater part of its harm instead of a bit of it, and can enable your group to murder the objective speedier. Also, it is normally shrewd to attempt to give your group's conveys a chance to score the last hit and claim credit for the execute, as they can as a rule improve utilization of the gold than Lion can. Nonetheless, if quite possibly the objective may get away, don't delay to take the murder yourself, as getting an execute on the help and help gold on different colleagues is superior to anything missing the slaughter and everyone getting nothing by any means.

Remember that there is a 0.25 second harm delay once Finger of Death associates with an objective, implying that the harm will produce results 0.55 seconds in the wake of giving Lion the order. This deferral can permit players with brisk response times to sidestep its harm and perhaps escape passing, as enacting spell insusceptibility or getting to be concealed/resistant will viably evade the harm, squandering the spell.

Because of its solid nuking potential, Finger of Death can be productively utilized on a squishy foe bolster instead of attempting to harm the foe convey. Toward the beginning of a teamfight, if the open door presents itself to in a split second expel a foe player from the field, it can profit your group significantly more than managing more harm to their tanky convey: killing a help toward the begin will anticipate not just any high-affect spells they may some way or another cast, yet in addition any things that could give their group favorable position, (for example, Mekansm or Crimson Guard). Make sure to utilize your judgment and pick your objectives astutely.

Be careful that Finger of Death's nuke can be betrayed you if the adversary assembles the correct things. A Blade Mail can make Lion explode himself and additionally the adversary, keeping him from additionally utilizing his cripples in a battle, while a Lotus Orb can add up to a similar outcome, however surprisingly more dreadful can possibly enable the foe to bob the bar onto Lion's partners. Check the foe's stock for such things early, and make certain to avoid throwing your spells if the adversary endeavors to draw you.


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Ok guys, some reviews about Lion, hopefully useful and add insight for the beginner players Dota 2. If you like this post, don't forget Vote and Follow.

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