WORLDS | RISE (ft. The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive) Deep Analysis

in #gaming6 years ago

THE HYPE IS REAAAAAAAAAL, just a few hours ago Riot released RISE the WORLDS 2018 theme song and its video is fucking AMAZING it is full of storytelling, backstory, and references of past (and fuuuuuuture) World Championships, first let's watch the whole thing (over and over and over and over again) to let the HYPE flow and then let's put our thinking caps

Before we begin I want to give huge shout out to the animators of this piece, I mean, THIS LOOKS INCREDIBLY AMAZING, it is fluid, dynamic and it is just a blast to watch, JUST LOOK AT THIS

Source: GIPHY

We start our video looking at some run down weapons and banners, going in and out of focus to transmit confusion as we hear at the distance someone talking, this someone is QuickShot, EU caster narrating the final moments of the deciding game where SKT T1 eliminated SSG, here enters our main character (we'll call him Hoodie-kun) he is obviously in pain and confusion (perhaps he's an NA fan) he tries successfully to shake himself up and stands up to a barren land... AND LOOK IS FISH-BONES (Jinx's rocket-launcher for the uncultured) and Fiora's rapier? Idk...

The song starts and we can see Hoodie-kun in the same field from a cenital shot (that means from above you guys) surrounded by some weapons like Darius' axe, Poppy's and Jayce's hammers and we can see AF broken banner, behind him is what appears to be the spawning fountain from the Summoner's Rift and in a medium shot I guess one of Swain's crows. Hoodie-kun picks up some weapons, first Kha'Zix's claws then Sejuani's flail and finally Jarvan's spear, all of this represents the pick and bans phase on every match and obviously the dude is a jungler, from a low-angle shot we see how Hoodie-kun starts his walk and the camera tilts up revealing the (motherfuckingly) huge climb awaiting him and some more banner and weapons like one of Olaf's axes, Riven's unbroken sword (weird), Braum's shield/door/table, Jhin's mask, Leona's(my waifu) Zenith Blade and I guess ANX's, OMG's, OG's and ROX's fucked up banners.

Now we see Hoodie-kun walking through a desert, then climbing a bit, then climbing a bit more, then HOLY SHIT HOW CAN YOU DO THAT?! HOODIE-KUN BE CAREFUL!!! Anyway, this represents the... well... climb to get through the whole tournament, each game, each match, each desition and definitely each... HEY ISN'T THAT CHAMPIONSHIP KALISTA THERE IN THE BACK?

Next, we'll see in a field Hoodie-kun when suddenly someone mysterious imitates how Garen catches his preys and appears out of the tallgrass(Hoodie-kun using repel confirmed guys) and that someone is... how can I say it? Oh yeah, a poem...

Look at my Yasuo
It hides in the grass
You guess it right
I'm G2 Perkz

And they don't fuck around, they start slashing and cutting and making every Legend of Zelda fan proud with their superb grass-cutting skills

Source: GIPHY

Now, the fight, this is amazingly choreographed and animated each movement represents a champion skill, first, we see Hoodie-kun prepare his claws the same way Kha'Zix does when Taste Their Fear is activated followed by a Sweeping Blade + Steel Tempest combo by G2 Perkz, then Hoodie-kun screams to the skies channeling his inner Goku (that shit means nothing, just looks cool) while G2 Perkz prepares to commit to a final blow, here Hoodie-kun activates Void Assault making him invisible, G2 Perkz looks as someone who's about to get rekt'd and indeed because our hero is about to finish him with a Leap while in the background we can appreciate the shadows of Kha'Zix behind Hoodie-kun and Yasuo's behind G2 Perkz separated by a lightning bolt which may represent the Thunderlord's Decree mastery

After the battle finishes our hero takes his spear and we see one of Kennen's shuriken making a lightning bolt as he resumes his literal and metaphorical climb, OH LOOK IS CHAMPIONSHIP THRESH, next he's climbing some frozen waterfall and much closer to the camera we see a poor frozen bastard, I can't figure out who he is so let's say it represents NA's hopes to make a significant run in Worlds (#FeelsBadMan) WOW LOOK AT THAT CHAMPIONSHIP ASHE BACK THERE IN THE FOGGY BACKGROUND!

Hoodie-kun now finds himself in front of a huge Olaf and I assume Hoodie-kun wants to be a dentist because he doesn't hesitate to enter that cave and OH SHIT SHIT SHI BATS LOTS OF BATS WHAT THIS!? Ok, they're gone, it's ok Hoodie-kun, DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN someone just shot Hoodie-kun, but who did that? Who dares to shoot our protagon... HOLY SHIT IS RNG UZI RUN HOODIE-KUN RUUUUUN THAT GUYS IS A BEAST ON VAYNE (nice cosplay btw, on point Mr. RNG Uzi)

Ummh Hoodie-kun when I said run I meant the other way, dude... DUDE!!! RNG Uzi is shooting you with Silver Bolts ok keep running why would you listen to me anyway... see you got hit by one of them, ok, RNG Uzi just did a Tumble and then Final Hour awkward... Final Hour + Tumble turns you invisible not the other way around (n00b), this is your chance Hoodie-kun use Sejuani's flail, YEAH Winter's Wrath and now Arctic Assault AAAAAAAAAAAAND WE'RE OUT! Wow, that was intense, yeah pull that bolt out, that shit looks super cool

BEHOOOOLD THE MIGHTY CHAMPIONSHIP ZED, ok time to go on Hoodie-kun, yeah, run that shit imagine you're listening to The Eye of the Tiger wow look at that, ok that may seem like just huge statues of Ezreal, Taliyah, Gnar, Xayah and Rakan but those are the champions who got their new SSG Skins after SSG the 2017 Wolrds, plus they're about to get a huge buff because they're fighting the Elder Dragon yeah good times... ok let's go back to the climbing, and I think Hoodie-kun found something!

Statues, big ass statues and what's that FNC's logo and TPA's logo too, hey SKT's too, these statues represent each Worlds Champion, maybe Hoodie-kun is gonna be the next Worlds Champion, let's fucking go Hoodie-kun I believe in you, hey what's that? Is someone there?!

Who's that? Ryze's big ass scroll, red jacket, SKT's logo with 3 golden stars, Hoodie-kun prepare for battle this guy is (RYZE NEW RE-WORK) SKT Faker the best League of Legend player ever, IT'S ON!!! Ok, he just got you in a Rune Prison

This is it, folks, the fight we were expecting, Hoodie-kun vs SKT Faker, the battle of the ages, the clash of fates, this is intense, SKT Faker is doing his best Super Saiyan Blue impersonation, Hoodie-kun counters SKT Faker's** Rune Prison with a Golden Aegis (I don't think that's how it works in game but who the hell cares, this looks LIT) the arena shakes and he's free, SKT Faker uses...Overload? Spell Flux I don't know, Ryze new re-worked skill AND hits Hoodie-kun, SKT Faker is channeling Realm Warp as Hoodie-kun uses Cataclysm AND HE DODGES IT SKT FAKER DODGED THE CATACLYSM

But this hasn't finished folks Hoodie-kun presses the attack, that's a Demacian Standard he's going for a Flag+Drag combo, he's in SKT Faker's nose, Hoodie-kun is going for a point-blank Cataclysm and the explosion is huge!!!! The dust settles and there's a page of SKT Faker's book with a... a broccoli? (For real Rito?) and Hoodie-kun is all alone, IT'S ALL OVER, IT'S ALL OVER FOLKS!!!

Wait, is that SSG's logo? SSG's on the Championship Statues, OMG, Hoodie-kun is SSG Ambition HE'S VICTORIOUS!!! He finally did it, he won at Worlds, now everything makes sense, this whole video is about SSG Ambition's journey to win 2017 Worlds!!!

But the end of SSG Ambition's journey is just the beginning for other players wanting to lift the Summoner's Cup in 2018, we can see a GMB player with Darius'** axe and at the background CHAMPIONSHIP SHYVANNA, then 3 more players, one climbing a peak, another with Jax's lamp and closer to the camera one with Kalista's spears and at the left side of the background CHAMPIONSHIP RIVEN, finally from a really low-angle shot we can appreciate the whole mountain with an ethereal Summoner's Cup made of stars and 4 more approaching, one with Shen's double blades, a FW player, a TL player with Fishbones at his back (ok, that's for sure Doublelift) and a FNC player with Fiora's rapier AAAAAAAAND IT'S GONE... we went black

But wait there's more, Riot pull-out a Marvel and made a post-credit scene... WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA is RNG Uzi waking up

Source: GIPHY

Now that I explained this whole shit you can go watch that video again and enjoy it with the eyes of knowledge, but I have a final question for you


This month is all about #Wordls so if you wanna know something about it
Leave me a comment below
I'll see you as soon as I have news


Source: GIPHY

Bye Bang

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this is amazing * ___ * OMG

my brain

is in pieces


I know right, everytime I re-played the video I found something different this video is nuts, I'm still screaming RIIIIIIIIIIIISE RIIIIIIIIIIIISE

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