EmperorRotMK Campaign tips/review #7

in #gaming6 years ago

While playing this game I noticed many gaming tips and tricks that are posted on the internet, but there were no really helpful tips for completing the campaigns. Some of them can be really hard, even on very easy, and can take up many hours to even figure out.

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So here are some tips:

General tips:

  • Always start off slowly: do not rush any industry or agricultural buildings.
  • Start with a basic housing block, there are many different ways to do this so try each out till you get one you like. I prefer to do the one that you will see in each post. This is just a basic housing loop.
  • Improving buildings is key to getting max productivity in your town and will allow you to easily go into the agriculture phase.
  • Only once you have a steady sustainable flow of food into your housing blocks can you move over into the industrial phase.
  • Once in the industrial phase, start off slow by building only a few buildings as needed, better to keep your unemployment under 50 and have never have employees needed.
  • Once all of this is checked off it is time to start getting the trading and military going.
  • Always keep enough troops at base to defend it, once you have more armies than your enemy you will be able to demand trading and goods, if they refuse then a simple attack will make them bow down before you.

Campaign Tips

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  • This level luckily starts in one of the cities you built in one of the previous levels where you had to build a Palace, before you start get rid of all the old buildings needed to construct the palace unless toy build the new monuments close to it.

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  • You will be attacked often and you are going to need to keep attacking the nomad camp to keep their military low, this is the only was to survive.

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  • Both the monuments require a lot of goods, to make things easy create another housing block and use those workers to produce the specific goods neeed.

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  • I really wish I had found this sooner, as soon as your city is stable you can edit the game speed. This literally saves hours of your life, what took 5-6 hours to do took 30min.

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Both these monuments look so cool when you construct them, but the end result is really disappointing. The one looks like a sand castle pyramid and the other is a patch of ground that never grow grass on it.

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Review: This is the very last level of the campaign and it was really disappointing. The level itself is a lot of fun and enjoyable, but as the last level you would expect something epic and really cool. Some of the other levels were a lot nice than this one.

Fun: Becoming rich is always fun, let's face it! but besides for the huge amount of cash you need to make, there is a lot of other exciting objectives you can do while you wait for the construction. You at least not bored while you waste your life away waiting for the monuments to be constructed. 8/10

Design: The fact that these monuments take so long to construct and you kinda have to make your own objectives to keep yourself busy is very poorly designed, but the fact that you can make your own objectives and still have fun is really cool. Not many games have this and most put limits on what you can and can't do. 7/10

Interaction: I had something like 10 labour camps right around the monuments and only 2 were actively working on the buildings. I am not sure if this is just a glitch, but this is just really stupid as, no matter how many workers you have the buildings will take forever to construct. I had such a high population that I had to create city walls and be Manning them all the time just to keep my unemployment lower.1/10

Story: The story is beautiful and tells you exactly what you are going to do in this level. It would of been cooler if both the monument objectives were 1 and 1 building. The 3rd objective I feel is such a waste of time... I don't even know why it is there in the first place as it doesn't fit in with the other objectives or story. 6/10

If you are looking to download this game check search GOG where you can download the game and it will work on your new windows pc or mac. You can also download it for free at a few places.


A game, that depicts real life and the exact moves expected for survival. Re-reading the same with my dreams in mind, trying to make a comparison and it makes a lot of sense how fast at times I wishes to make it so quick.

yayay glad I went searching as it's good to find you again :]

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