EmperorRotMK Campaign tips/review #12

in #gaming6 years ago

While playing this game I noticed many gaming tips and tricks that are posted on the internet, but there were no really helpful tips for completing the campaigns. Some of them can be really hard, even on very easy, and can take up many hours to even figure out.

Image credit

So here are some tips:

General tips:

  • Always start off slowly: do not rush any industry or agricultural buildings.
  • Start with a basic housing block, there are many different ways to do this so try each out till you get one you like. I prefer to do the one that you will see in each post. This is just a basic housing loop.
  • Improving buildings is key to getting max productivity in your town and will allow you to easily go into the agriculture phase.
  • Only once you have a steady sustainable flow of food into your housing blocks can you move over into the industrial phase.
  • Once in the industrial phase, start off slow by building only a few buildings as needed, better to keep your unemployment under 50 and have never have employees needed.
  • Once all of this is checked off it is time to start getting the trading and military going.
  • Always keep enough troops at base to defend it, once you have more armies than your enemy you will be able to demand trading and goods, if they refuse then a simple attack will make them bow down before you.

Campaign Tips

Screenshot (73).png

  • When you get such easy objectives... just know that it will be really difficult to actually achieve them. Get the population first.

Screenshot (74).png

  • I placed a road over the area where you will only be able to farm, use this area very wisely as it is quite literally the only part of the map that you can produce anything on.

Screenshot (75).png

  • Irrigation will help you produce better goods from your farms, make use of the small road bridges to help your farmers get over the irrigation ditches. Use all the space as best you can. Remember to leave some areas open for clay pits.

Screenshot (76).png

  • You will definitely not need the population I have here. I built a little too much, if you are struggling to keep your unemployment low, consider building some random buildings just to keep the population employed.

Screenshot (77).png

  • I wish I was this earlier, buy jade from one of the traders and then carve it and sell it. You can complete the profit objective in one year if you do this.

Screenshot (78).png

  • Kasgar is the most important trading partner as the sell jade and buy carved jade. Use this to your advantage.


Difficult maps like this gives you a real challenge, it also show you that the game does have some real life factors involved in it. To the developers I say they did a really great job, hunting in this map however is misleading.

Fun:I really enjoyed this, a part from the population problem I had (caused by myself) everything else ran very smoothly which made it quite challenging but still fun. 9/10

Design: Having a map like this and still making a way for the person to complete all the objectives is really hard. This level was really well designed as there was just enough space and resources to be able to complete all the objectives. 9/10

Interaction: Basically wells need to be placed where there is water, but if you think logically about it, irrigation ditches should be able to supply wells with water. Sadly this was not the case and I had to restart the level to fix my building layout, which was irritating. 7/10

Story: If you read the whole story, which is sadly not shown in the screen-shots I took, you get a very gloomy picture of what this level will be. It really seems like a terrible place, but once you actually figure things out. It becomes a little brighter than described. 8/10

If you are looking to download this game check search GOG where you can download the game and it will work on your new windows pc or mac. You can also download it for free at a few places.


I never heard about this game, it looks like RTS games started by the trend of Age of Empires. so I don't think it's a recent game... Hmmm...

At least it has this:

Difficult maps like this gives you a real challenge!

So little challenging games these days. Finally I really like your username!

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