Gaming on Mobile Phones

in #gaming7 years ago

Gaming on a mobile device.

As gaming advances there are always new consoles and handheld devices coming out, as I play a lot of games I try to keep up with what's new and what is going to be coming out, after seeing a new handheld console it got me thinking about gaming on mobile devices.

Mobile phones have always had small games on them starting with games like snake and now moving into a whole range of games from puzzle to arcade, adventure and more. New apps and games are always coming and are often becoming better and better, so will mobiles ever be up to par gaming devices.

Every year there is a wide range of new handheld gaming devices that comes out and they are often in all different shapes and sizes and on a lot of these devices along with having a type of cartridge you will also be able to download games straight onto the device.


For a while it seemed that the trend with mobile phones was to make the smallest one possible and every new phone coming out was smaller and more compact and everyone seemed to like that. Now in more recent years a trend has come along with smartphones where every type of phone seems to have a plus version.

This could definitely be a good thing for gaming on a mobile because along with phones getting larger a lot of the tech is starting to get smaller meaning in the years to come that could leave room in the phone to add parts that would allow you to play more than just apps and full games.


Another thing that constantly improves is the memory a phone has as now some phones can have up to and over 100GB of memory, this stops you from needing to have any form of disk or cartridge as you just wouldn't need one as you could just download a game. Currently it would be a little impracticable as after about 10 games your phone would be full however in 5 or so years the memory capacity could jump up a huge amount.

The Next Big Craze

As we have seen multiple times when a game for mobile phones becomes big it seems to completely blow up, because most people have a mobile phone it means everyone can join in with playing games as we have seen in the past with apps like Candy Crush and more recently Pokemon Go. So there is an absolutely huge potential for making money in mobile gaming, which should push more people towards creating mobile games.

One issue is that a lot of these hugely popular apps are well just apps, a small application that you can play for a few minutes in between what you are doing, or for longer if you chose to, which could definitely deter people from wanting to play larger games on a phone as they just don't want to have to put the time in, in that way.


With some types of smartphones you can chose to buy added extras, such as VR (virtual reality) headsets which allow you to do some really cool things. I think this goes to show that if you can have VR in a phone why couldn't you have a type of controller that can also be used with the phone.

This could make a big difference as if you could have a phone with a large enough memory along with VR and a controller even for gaming at home you wouldn't really need a console, also it would be nice to add that to something a phone can do.

I think it could definitely be a big possibility in the future that phones take over other gaming devices because in a lot of ways it would be very convenient, of course there is some issues standing in the way but you never know when someone will figure out a way around them.

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I honestly think that mobiles are going to be stuck as casual gaming device for a long time, the amount of raw power you need to run good VR games is just too much for our devices these days and the small screens limit "hardcore" games very much.

Ye I completely agree, I definitely don't think it will be something that happens soon however I still like the idea of it.

the thing is, if the hardware becomes that powerful and we get batteries powerful enough to power these devices for a decent amount of time, Augmented reality devices (like glasses or potentially even eye-lenses with built in displaying devices) may overtake mobile phones before we get them to be used.

The one way I can conceive something in between happening, is if the mobile would essentially just turn into a device that is always in your pocket, providing you with the raw computing power and you having a displaying device outside the core device. This could potentially solve the battery issue to a certain degree, but it does mean you need to charge two devices instead of a single one.

I could see a USB-connected controller and battery pack designed to adjust and clip onto various phone sizes/orientations. And any decent Android has the raw power to run at least Windows XP games. I would love to see Morrowind, DOOM, older Need for Speed games, etc. ported to an Android emulator app for sure.

Ye that would be really cool.

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