10 of the best villains in video game history!

in #gaming7 years ago

Since my last post with this type of content was well received, I've decided to try and do more fun write ups in between my reviews from now on. I think it's nice to have some variety and spice up your content a bit on here, so hopefully you guys are enjoying all of this. With this post, I want to go over what in my opinion are the greatest villains throughout all of the video games I've played since I was a kid. I'm sure these choices will differ from some of yours, since this is all mostly opinion based. I will be counting down in order of the least to greatest. So, with that said, let's get on with the list!

10. Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)

Handsome Jack just might be the most entertaining and snarky villain which I've had the pleasure of encountering in any game ever. He's one of the most bizarre antagonists in a game, considering he doesn't really remotely act like a typical antagonist would behave. He does things in his own strange way, and doesn't really give you a choice but to go along with it. While he himself isn't physically super powered or even all that special, he does control the largest company on the planet and has unlimited resources. Combine that with an army of employee's at this madmans disposal as well as his hatred of vault hunters, and well, you've got a pretty nasty villain. Between his dark sense of humor and his mindset of everything is a game, he's a very intriguing villain, and you can't help but actually like him, when he's not trying to destroy you of course.

9. Giovanni/Team Rocket (Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow)

Team Rocket and Giovanni represent everything bad in the Pokemon Trainer world. They don't want to make friends with their pokemon, or catch them and raise them. They just want to steal all that they can and exploit them for their own devious purposes and experiments. They're also really into cutting off a slowpokes tail to sell for some reason. They'll constantly be in your way at every turn and opportunity, though you'll be foiling their plans every time and making them blast off. The leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni, is an interesting villain as he's so polite and sticks with the rules even when he's the head of an evil corporation. You'll face him a total of 3 times, and each time he sticks with the preset conditions and doesn't try to scheme or cheat his way out of the loss. For being the head of a crime group, he's got quite the good manners. Between all of the frustration that he and Team Rocket caused me throughout the Pokemon games, I knew I had to include them on the list.

8. Malak (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)

Often times in the Star Wars universe, the apprentice will become stronger and more filled with evil than their master. This is a reoccuring theme in Star Wars films and writings, yet I believe this was one of the best examples of it shown in anything Star Wars. Malak was a Jedi apprentice under a Jedi master known as Revan, that is until they went ignored the orders of the Jedi counsel and went headfirst into an intergalactic war. As the war went on, the apprentice and master both fell, becoming twisted and filled with the dark side of the force. Malak continued to follow his greedy nature for power to rule, and eventually betrayed his master. The actions he takes in Kotor are some of the most memorable that a villain has done in any game, showing us his cunning and brutal ideals. Add in his giant sith army and strong connection to the force, and we've got ourselves one tough foe.

7. Bowser (Super Mario Bros.)

I'm sure it's no surprise that I had to include Bowser on this list. He is probably one of the most well recognized and iconic villains from a video game that just about any average person would know. And, that's for a good reason. Bowser is one of the more persistent villains in gaming, trying to conquer the mushroom kingdom in a multitude of ways. Most involving the kidnapping of a certain princess. He's evil and bad, but in a way he's still quite loveable. Maybe this is because he's fine to come race us in mario kart and has so many appearances in other games where he's not being an antagonist. But, then again, maybe it's because he's a super powered turtle who breathes fire. Because, who the hell doesn't love that?

6. The Joker (Batman Arkham City)

It might come off as a bit strange that I'm including a character that wasn't created for the sole purpose of a video game series, but how could I not include this iteration of The Joker from Arkham City? They did a perfect job of capturing the bloody twisted relationship between Batman and The Joker in this game, and it showcased the dirty grimy aspects of this character to a T. The voice acting we got with him thanks to Mark Hamill was absolutely phenomenal, and gave us many chilling moments throughout both of the first two Arkham games. There are very few villains out there that can top this homicidal, maniacal clown prince of crime. He's one of the most insidious villains to ever be shown, with no care of the consequences of his actions or the harm he's doing to every being around him even. He uses his intelligence and scheming to counter Batman at every turn, and is the exact opposite of batman in just about every way imaginable. I'm sure most of you will understand why I had to include him on this list.

5. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)

I think that most of us could agree that Sephiroth is one of the most badass antagonists that's been featured in a video game ever. He makes this list for several reasons, one of which was the shocking moment when he violently killed one of the main party members and Cloud's love interest just barely midway into the game. But, besides dealing the player and Cloud a crushing blow, he is also behind all of the cataclysmic events going on in Final Fantasy 7. Birthed from the DNA of Jenova being injected into a child, he is the incarnate of destruction in the Final Fantasy series, in my opinion. Between razing villages to the ground, going on mass murder spree's and taunting Cloud, his main goal is the destruction of the planet. Hands down he is one of the greatest villains ever conceived, and I can't even imagine what FF7 would have been like without him. Oh, plus he has probably one of the all time best theme songs ever.

4. Zachary Comstock (Bioshock Infinite)

Zachary Comstock is one of the most deceitful, manipulative and controlling villains shown in a video game thus far. As the leader of Columbia, he infects and spreads his sickening narrow minded, fanatical religious ideals among the populous. Not to mention his racist rantings and ravings which his cult like followers also believe in. And, when I say cult like I do mean that, as every citizen would be willing to die for him due to his overwhelming, effective ways of manipulation. He's an absolutely insane monster of a man who is the embodiment of the worst dregs of human society. The reason he makes this list and is so high up is that his society was the backdrop for a wonderful game, showing us a truly hell hole society ruled by his iron fist. You couldn't help but look forward to destroying his society and everything he stands for, not to mention the man himself. His poison filled philosophies and twisted mind really make him a great villain. There's another reason he's high up on the list, since his origin is fascinating, but I can't go into that much without spoilers.

3. Majora (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)

At first glance upon finding Majora in the game, it doesn't seem all that threatening or worrisome. However, you soon realize it's true nature is that of a sinister creature who doesn't have any care for life as we know it. This villain is very different from Ganon, as it doesn't care about ruling the world or taking over. All it seeks is the destruction of anything and everything that exists around it. And, how does it want to go about destroying everything? Why, of course it seeks to do this by using the moon of all things. Majora has an extremely cool design, as do it's incarnations. Each of their physical appearances are some of the most colorful, yet creepy which I've seen a villain have. Add on it's idea of using the downright terrifying designed giant faced moon to launch it's ultimate attack, as well as it's lack of a conscious and it's just one hell of a memorable villain.

2. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)

Pyramid head is no doubt one of the most iconic monsters and antagonists within the horror genre period. He is a terrifying and brutal physical representation of a mans guilt/regret and his feeling of needing to be punished for his actions. His design is bizarre, while also being fear inducing for people playing Silent Hill 2 with each and every one of his unpredictable appearances. Each and every time he appears you're left feeling nervous and you're just left with a feeling of being unsettled. It doesn't matter if he's after you, or someone else. When this thing appears, you know things are about to take a frightening turn. I honestly don't believe that any Silent Hill game has been able to replicate a villain or monster that was as great and cool as Pyramid Head.

1. GLaDOS (Portal 1)

GLaDOS is one of the most cruel, hilarious, and mean antagonist of any game made. She is honestly what makes the Portal game so enjoyable, and her minor involvement in the second only worked in favor of that game as well. Whether she is re-arranging panel walls to make a brand new room that will mentally torture you, or quickly searching through her data banks for a stinging insult to throw at you, you just can't help but enjoy her presence. I find it funny in a way that a rampant AI with bad intentions towards you has more of an interesting personality than probably 60 percent of all video game characters period. I mean, just look at how quotable/memorable her lines have been, even after all of these years. I think it's difficult to argue that without her antagonizing you throughout the games, Portal wouldn't have garnered as much love as it did. Really, Portal couldn't have been Portal without her, it would have just been a physics puzzle game. Her presence is was what made the game work.

So, there's my list. I tried sticking with the more iconic villains who'm are more recognizable, but man, there are so many great villains out there to choose from. I can think of so, so many that I wanted to put in this top 10 but I tried including a few odd ball choices to change things up a bit. If you think I left someone out who should have been included, leave them below! Anyways, thanks for checking out the post! Hope you've enjoyed it!


Vaas Montenegro is also one of the best villain. With his iconic quotes;
"Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity? Insanity is failing to... login to Uplay... over and over again, expecting... shit to change."

Hahahaha. Yeahhh, I remember trying to get good old Far Cry 3 to run on Steam. I just gave up after about 45 minutes of Uplay telling me to fuck off pretty much when I tried to connect.

Not played most of the games listed, but totally agree with Pyramid Head...

Not sure what these games are. Nice post, it is through

This post has received a 2.80 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @deadspace.

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