Merry Band of Travelers - The Adventures of My Dungeons and Dragons Group - Episode 1, Introductions

in #gaming7 years ago


So for the past three years my lovely wife and I along with six other friends have been getting together every Wednesday night for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, a custom campaign I'd like to add. We are actually on our 2nd campaign now, the first one was going extremely well and we were all right around Lvl. 12 but then some dickface decided to break into our DM's car and steal his messenger bag, which had all of our character sheets and his campaign notes in it. So needless to say we could not continue on that campaign sadly.

Side note: we learned at least one valuable lesson from that which is to not keep all the character sheets in the same place!

So fast forward to the 2nd campaign we started, custom again, straight from the mind of our DM. There are six of us....

Dragonborn Paladin - Garek
Half-Elf Monk - Fitz
Tiefling Rogue - Maren
Human Warlock - Riggs
Dwarf Druid - Paren
Gnome Ranger - Tina

The start of our campaign brought us to a city called Waggonsford. Waggonsford is a city in trouble. They have been sacked and so have surrounding cities. Waggonsford has an overrun of Orc's who have taken a part of the city for themselves regardless of whether they were supposed to or not. That has obviously caused some bad blood between the nobles who are supposed to be making sure something like that doesn't happen and the common folk who put their trust in the nobles. Some members of the government have put together a group called the NWA, New Waggonsford Initiative, to put things back to rights and to be able to send adventurers out into the countryside to get things under control.

Enter our heroes. Right now we are undertaking small tasks around the city for the ruling families to try and curry favor. See you can't just join the NWA because you want to. You need to prove yourself a true hero and an ally and asset to the city. You need to be sponsored by one of the noble families. The NWA sponsorship ball is coming up in just two short weeks and we are currently working our butts off to gain sponsorship so we can head out into the world and adventure!

Stay tuned in the future as I would like to start posting updates about my adventuring party every Thursday night! Thanks for reading and I hope you find this as entertaining as I will!