Back tomorrow, its been a busy weekend.

in #gaming7 years ago

Hey guys, iv'e been uncharacteristically quite the past 2 days, it's been a busy weekend here in Australia with a heatwave that is annihilating my sleep pattern causing me to be to tired to load a game let alone write an article, thankfully I got a decent sleep today so i'll be queuing up a few reviews to make up for my missed timelines.

Strangely both articles i'll be writing today will be Warhammer related, i recently redownloaded a Age Of Reckoning private server and decided to do a retrospect and in memoriam of one my favorite games of all time, and i'll be writing an article discussing Relic's amazing failure and possible death blow of the Dawn of War Franchise, so we have more content coming guys, It's just been crazy here with temperatures hitting the high 30's and humidity in the high 90's making it impossible for me to sleep properly.

Either way guys i'll be back tomorrow with more content so take it easy for the rest of the weekend if you're in America.

Cheers guys.

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