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RE: Why I love League of Legends

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

I like league as well and play it every couple of days. Since they took out the Teambuilder game mode I don't really play matches anymore and just stick to ARAM. I loved the teambuilder mode as I like playing unconventional picks and in that mode I could get away with it. I don't even know if I'm ranked now or not, I think I reached silver 2 as my highest ranking, so well bellow you.
ARAM is where the fun is at nowadays, heh.

I suppose you're on EUW ? Didn't even know you can have ARAM with your picks, is this a custom game mode?


Teambuilder game mode

wow, I played a ton of Teambuilder when it was available, they should have just brought that to ranked instead of the flex queue. As someone who also plays a lot of support (Blitz and Tahm) Solo Q is very similar to teambuilder for me atm :3.

I'm on EUW as "Heggal". You can add me if you want to get invited to some ABAM games in the future. There is one rule to not attack the nexus and let the minions finish in ABAM games.

unconventional pics

We have a guy always playing ap lucian and it is really annoying to play against that sh*t :D

I loved playing Tahm top as a tanky bruiser. People were losing their sh*t, but I was winning my lane pretty much all the time. AD Janna mid or ADC Thresh was also one of my favourites, still play AD Janna on ARAM whenever I get the chance.
My EUW account is small, I play on EUNE as the guy from work who got me into the game plays on that, but I might reboot it just for the ABAM.

AP Lucian, that's annoying, heh.

In season 5 I used to buy a triforce on Tahm. I mained him Top and Jungle.

31:35 is one of my most memorable moments I had playing jungle Tahm.

Hah! That was pretty good! I'll watch some of the other vids as well; great play!

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