The Invisible Details - The Impossible Coin of Super Mario 64steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago


The Devil Is In The Details

Details. Something that I hold the utmost respect for in things like games, movies and music. But most importantly, details in games is what I truly love, what ever that may entail. Its the little extra's and secrets that can really put that golden edge on a game thus making it superb. A funny animation here or a surprising Easter egg over there, whatever the form I just love it!

But I would even go so far as to say that it becomes even more fun when invisible (and to those who do not know about them, useless) details come to the surface. Either if its when i get reminded of something I never thought about before, like that the clouds and bushes in Super Mario Bros are the same shape, just different colors, these are the little details that make me as a gamer happy.

A perfect example of this would be one of the "impossible coins" from Super Mario 64.


Except for mystery coins there is also a Goomba that's called "the mystery goomba". Basically it dies directly when it spawns and hardcore Super Mario 64 have been trying to kill him ever since they first noticed him.

For me personally, the Nintendo 64:s flagship Super Mario 64 game tops the list over all the modern variations and even many modern platformers. Super Mario 64 just never ceases to surprise me.

During the end of October in 2016 a special Youtube-clip was released. The user UncommentatedPannen starts by showing of the only line of 4 coins in the entire game. All lines of coins in Super Mario 64 always hold 5 coins, but there is one lonely line that only holds four. Mistake from the developers you might think? Hard to say, but the fifth coin is out there, and UncommentatedPannen continues his video by explaining where it is. Check out his video below if you like this nerdy kind of stuff (like his theories about changing geometry and failsafe-hypothesis).

Its amazing what one can find if you just take the time to look, and one can't help to wonder what other secrets we might have missed throughout the years. I would also add that UncommentatedPannen has also played with the game by trying to modify Super Mario 64 to such a high degree that Mario would pick a star in the intro. Maybe not possible, but he certainly is coming close. Details like this is what makes my day as a gamer.


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  1. The youtube user UncommentatedPannen

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