Legacy of Discord - Review

in #gaming7 years ago


We have probably seen many criticisms of video games that show content is not updated, it is quite tedious to see reviews with old content, that's why my mission is to bring you the news of each video game, always as a solution to those questions that we usually have when we see a review.

Legacy of Discord is a role-playing videogame distributed by GTarcade for the Android and IOS platforms, the videogame was launched in 2016, recently celebrating its first anniversary. Video games of rum are being implemented since 1970, which currently have a very wide variety of themes and gameplay, in the case of Legacy of Discord the theme is oriented to a mythical style and a largely automated gameplay. Achieving high-quality, high-quality RPGs and gameplay on mobile devices is something that took a lot of time and effort until we managed to entertain ourselves in great magnitude.

The most interesting thing about Legacy of Discord is that it constantly keeps making improvements and updates, that in a way gives us a bit of faith to the players that the game will keep promising for quite some time and that it will not stay stagnant. In addition to constantly updating content and graphics quality, there is also a certain degree of interaction between GTarcade and its players, who constantly accept tips to improve the game.

Legacy of Discord has a quality of beautiful and adjustable graphics, from the most recondite part of the interface to the use of our best spell, we can appreciate a fairly broad sharpness, and despite that does not collapse our device, which makes it extremely interesting .


Good graphics quality but a lot of complexity for understanding, although we can graphically visualize objects and options with complete clarity, there is a distribution of submenus that is somewhat complex to understand, which makes it good at the level of sharpness, but bad at the utilization level. Once we have passed the difficult part to find the option we want to explore (Although the game usually directs us automatically) we can handle it with complete peace of mind.


Probably in its gameplay we ask ourselves: So much graphics quality does not consume high resources? Not really, the video game despite having an adjustable graphics quality for different devices, makes it fully playable on devices with at least 1 GB of RAM and a dual-core processor, which would make it compatible with most mobile devices that are currently in the market.

At the level of game we can appreciate a very broad quality, which makes us feel connected to the game, although we thought that a video game with such graphics quality could only be available for computers and consoles, Legacy of Discord is here to shut us up and make us Enjoy a good video game.

Mounts and pets.

As the saddles and mascots are secondary objects in terms of playability, there is a fairly extensive neglect of their textures, despite the fact that there is a large number of pets, in most of them an imbalance in their textures can be appreciated, which it does lose a bit the essence of what the pet represents, although some of the latest pets that have been added to the game already have a much more pleasant textures to visualize, many players expect a touch-up on old pets , since some usually maximize the first ones, being in many occasions more useful than those recently launched.

Probably what distinguishes and characterizes each video game is its variety and creativity in terms of equipment, I dare say that Legacy of Discord has a lot of variety and creativity in the equipment for each character, taking into account that he has barely a year of have been launched, the variety of equipment is quite broad, in addition to next year is expected to be added new frames and armors.


Each character has a unique armor, which is divided into 6 ranks, throughout the video game we can get the different ranges of the armor, although we can also evolve the parts collecting their essences. The more parts of the same range we have, the more bonuses will be applied depending on the number of parts in even numbers; 2, 4, 6, 8 parts of the same range. It is advisable to choose to buy or buy from the rank 4, since the first 3 usually become obsolete easily, for that reason it is preferable to wait a bit for something better and durable.


The video game has a very wide variety of pets, the most interesting of all is that we can have all we want, even add the bonuses that all provide, although we can only call one to combat. Each pet adds passive bonuses to the character; life, resistance and damage. Additionally, they also help in the fighting, because when we call one of our pets to combat, they inflict damage on our rivals, which makes it a little easier to defeat them.


The variety of frames that the game has is quite limited, as with pets, they provide passive bonuses and add bonuses according to the number of frames we have. Unlike pets, we can not use mounts in combat, they will only be in charge of helping us move faster, as well as helping us with the passive bonuses that are quite useful, they usually give a lot of life to our character.


The wings give the character a more pleasant appearance, since they add a lot of personality and character according to which we choose. As pets and mounts, we can always have all the wings we want to get all your passive bonuses, but there are also combinations between wings that give us a passive bonus quite relevant, obviously also improving the active. The active part of the wings consists of giving us, depending on the type of wings, a large amount of temporary armor or a high attack power, this only for a few seconds, is activated by using our final ability.

Something that I dislike of the game is its great limitation in the number of characters, since it only has three characters, of which the game does not allow any modification, which leaves by default two male and one female. Each one has a series of skills that characterize it, as well as a peculiarly distinctive armor.

The characters are divided as follows:



This character is the most resistant and level of all, uses infernal skills and high heat to hurt his rivals. This character is considered the best in terms of stability of PvP is, and no wonder, since it is always accompanied by a large suit of armor and sword.



The Bladedance are the most agile characters in the game, using electric-type skills with the aim of confusing their opponents with their great speed, although it usually also causes great damage. Although this character does not tend to be the best in terms of PvP, at the level of bosses it is usually the most useful, since he can easily escape from the impact zones. Additionally, this character has the best appearance. Is he a magician? Is he a murderer? It is the middle point of everything.



The Sorceress is the only female character in the game, this character uses ice-like abilities to hurt his enemies, the most interesting thing about this character is that he has a great area damage, unlike the male characters, this has a little less defense, but the impact areas of their abilities and damage are much higher, is usually quite useful against large groups.

Most of the role-playing video games that we can find on mobile devices use the same controls, that's why Legacy of Discord inherits many features of other videogames in terms of gameplay and controls, that's why it's not usually a complex videogame to play, but if it requires quick analysis to help us save our rivals, the reflexes and calculations of time are everything for survival.


The controls of Legacy of Discord are quite simple to understand, the left part of down is used to move us, for the use of skills and basic attacks we use the circles located in the lower right part of the screen, using the sword symbol for basic attacks, surrounded by a series of circles that describe each spell, leaving a larger size to our final ability.


When we are in Lucha, the video game has an automatic attack option that allows us to forget about the tedious and repetitive missions, we just leave it in automatic and we let go of the controls for a couple of minutes. Although the video game has this option of automatic attack, it is not advisable to use it against the bosses, since they usually mark an area and impact where they do a lot of damage, that's why we need to get away from those areas of impact in order to survive , the automatic attack is only to make our character attack, it is not to dodge anything at all.


Legacy of Discord has a very wide variety of things we can do to not get bored, in fact I think it has too much content and continues to expand. In the adventures we can enter into many situations and different games, which can range from areas to raise and get money, to areas where we must measure our potential against big bosses. In addition to the aforementioned, it also has missions that are carried out in PvP areas, for this we must be cautious about knowing how to hide from players who have more power than us, since they are usually a big problem.

Maybe the first question we ask ourselves before downloading a video game is: Are there people who play? It really has a fairly large community divided between servers, although those who dominate the servers are the Chinese, the video game has been in charge of dividing the servers into American, European and Asian, this as a way to avoid overpopulation on a single server and avoid that the servers are slow.


As in all great video games there are sectors where we can meet and share experiences with other players, that is why Legacy of Discord has an option for the creation of guilds that allow interaction between players. The guilds are very useful for the assassinations of big bosses in PvP areas where we can not resist alone, also has a series of daily missions that only take place together.

Besides having a social part, it also has a competitive part, since there is a war of guilds where we must measure ourselves against other guilds to see who happens to be among the three main guilds of the week, which receive gold bonuses and experience.

Player VS Player.

Probably everyone loves to compete against other players, perhaps with the goal of socializing or simply knowing if we are doing our job well. Legacy of Discord has several events that allow us to compete against other players, many in group form such as clan wars, and others individually such as the PvP and Arena zones.

In the arena we can find a rank of global classification, that number is constantly changing according to whether we back down or manage to advance, because of this I recommend participating in the arena every day, either to recover the classification that they have taken from us, or simply to keep moving forward and be among the best.

There are players who love videogames with a lot of content to play along with a good quality of graphics, Legacy of Discord is dedicated to that class of players, since it is constantly being kept adding more and more content, the content also expands according to the level of our character. On the other hand if we are people who simply want a videogame to pass the time, Legacy of Discord is not made for that kind of people, since its wide content demands a lot of playing time.

Legacy of Discord does not have a quality of graphics dedicated to all types of users, that is why the same video game has been commissioned to classify only players over thirteen years old. Particularly I think that this age is fine, since maybe young children can not understand the interface, they tend to go a little more for the animated.

My qualification for the videogame is 8.5 / 10, I consider it an excellent videogame in all aspects, I suppose that of that they already realized in the writing of this content. The only thing that displeases me is the excessive content that requires a lot of playing time, in addition to the great limitation of characters.


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