Retro Review: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) (English).

in #gaming6 years ago


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Two years we had to wait to play the sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was released in 2000 for the Nintendo console, the N64 and it was really a great challenge, since it had only 14 months to finish its development. A game that presented a lot of uncertainty to the fans, since, unlike the past titles, there was very short launch time between the two. Many people thought that Majora's Mask would be a failure, although the final product dictates the opposite.




Console and cassette

Great amount of fans was enchanted with the history that here is given to us, where we see a plot a little darker, touching deep themes. Here we will become the "friend of all" to be able to help many people, including the entire region, thus avoiding being destroyed by the moon. Majora's Mask shows us a different perspective to what we were already used to; going from its people to Termina (name of the region), although many of them we already know them because they were present in the story told in Ocarina of Time we will see many of these characters overwhelmed and worried, looking for a solution to their problems, although their mood will change when they find solutions.

At the beginning of the game we will see a Link sad and worried about the whereabouts of his partner Navi. After a long walk, visit the Lost Woods to continue your search, until Link meets two fairies (named Tael the black fairy and Tatl the white fairy) that scare Epona and bring down our protagonist, leaving him unconscious for a while. At that moment, a rather peculiar Skull Kid makes an appearance, and approaches him to review it, finding the Ocarina of Time (the one shown in the game Ocarina of Time ). After having taken it, it is ready to touch it, and at that moment, Link wakes up and sees the Skull Kid playing the Ocarina. Our Hero of Time is ready to snatch the instrument but the little villain is mounted on the horse to flee, but Link manages to grab the steed to keep track.

After a while, Epona next to Skull Ki enter a hollow tree, and Link prepares to enter as well, however, falls to the depths of the hole that was inside, being in front of the little naughty, who bewitches him, changing the physical aspect, turning him into a Deku. Skull Kid leaves, taking the fairy Tael with him, but leaving with the Deku the fairy Tatl. The latter, scared to be separated from her brother, asks Link for help in finding him.

Tatl will stay with us the rest of the adventure, helping Link at all times. While both cross the hollow tree, he meets the Happy Mask Salesman, who tells him that if he finds his precious object (the mask that has Skull Kid, named Mask of Majoras or Majora's Mask) will return it to normality, removing the spell that keeps it converted into Deku. In turn, he says he has 72 hours to bring back the mask.


Happy Mask Salesman
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Our hero manages to find the villain carrier of the Ocarina and the Mask, although he only manages to take away the musical instrument, since he does not have enough power to face Skull Kid and the power of Majora's Mask. Link intones the Song of Time (notes that we played previously in Ocarina of Time) to go back 72hrs ago and thus meet again with the mask seller. Although we do not comply with our part of the deal, the seller, annoying, takes away the curse, giving us a mask Deku that by using it, will make us take that form again.

In turn, he tells us about the terrible demonic/apocalyptic power that the mask contains, and the danger of being in the wrong hands. As we had already promised, our mission will be to return the Mask of Majoras to avoid the catastrophe that awaits Termina if the Moon manages to crash into it.

This is where our adventure really begins, since it will be our turn to travel through the four zones of Termina (assuming that the Clock Town is in the middle of them four, in the west we will have the Great Bay. there are the mountains of Snowhead, to the south is the Southern Swamp, and to the east the ancient ruins of the Kingdom of Ikana) to find help from the Four Giants (each one is in a different area) and stop Skull Kid.


Clock Town

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Great Bay Coast
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Southern Swamp


Deku Link
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As happens in Ocarina of Time, this game has a great diversity of races, which live in different places but in the same region. As is customary, Zoras will be in regions where there is water, while Gorons inhabit more rocky places. Although perhaps the most striking is that we can know a little more about the race of the Deku, which in Ocarina of Time we only saw them as enemies.


Zora Link
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In addition, we will meet many new characters, each with their particular personalities that are overwhelmed by a specific situation. We can say that this Zelda is a game with more adult and sad tonality, in comparison to the others. This game touches themes such as the love disappointment between two people, conflict between the spirits of the masks in which we can transform and some other character in particular (which, in a certain way, hide their suffering inside their hearts), besides occupying his place in society.

Much of the game is based on the collection of masks, there is a total of 24. They are watered throughout the region of Termina and many of them will be essential to advance the plot of the game. This gives a different touch to the game, giving it unique and own characteristics. In addition, these masks give us different abilities, such as exploding as a pump (pump mask) or running fast (rabbit mask). It should also be noted that, if we collect the masks, in the end, we can unlock a special one that will give us a brutal and huge force.


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As is customary, visiting the Temples in order to advance is crucial. The difficulty of them has increased markedly, making the game more difficult to finish. In the same way, within them we will obtain objects that will allow us to complete the challenges that come our way. Many of those objects will be recognized by those of us who have played Ocarina of Time, and others will be those of Mask of Majoras. Throughout the region there are also notes of music and quarters of heart, very useful to be able to advance in the plot with greater ease.


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The controls are quite simple and comfortable. Each button fulfills a different function and are well placed. The C buttons are still used to equip objects, while the Z button is used to target people or enemies. Attacking with the B button becomes intuitive, and we can continue mixing it with the R button to cover us. The A button is still to interact with our environment. Truly, playing becomes very pleasant and practical, making the game to be enjoyed in a better way. The camera keeps moving at a good pace, since we do not lose sight of our little hero at any time.


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While it is true that Majora´s Mask takes graphic material used in Ocarina of Time, it also has to be said that they improve it. Unlike its predecessor, Majora´s Mask works much more in the finishing of characters and their nuances. Visually we see remarkable improvements even in how we can observe the environment, since that fog disappears that at times invaded in Ocarina of Time, for that way to delight us with all its splendor. The animations of the characters are also worked on carefully, watching Link Goron is the living example of it. We can make comparisons of Romani Ranch and Lon Lon Ranch, or Great Bay and Lake Hylia and You really see the difference.

Its sound section makes playing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask quite pleasant. Their melodies are well elaborated, since they adapt well to each scenario of the game, and each character or creature has its characteristic sound that differentiates it from the others. The sound of the night or the breeze completely surround all the places through which we are traveling. On the first day the melody will be slow and cheerful, but on the third day it becomes a little more chaotic, due to the events that could be unleashed if we do not stop Skull Kid in time. The songs are well distributed, they were placed where they should be, and those are the things that, in a musical way, we can feel what each of those places wants to transmit to us.


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I must admit that my favorite Zelda game is Ocarina of Time but I must also recognize all the good things that a title of this caliber brings to the world of videogames and the same saga. It is not an Ocarina 2.0 or anything like that, but a game that shows that things when you want to do well, incredible results are achieved. What has most struck me is that Termina seems to be the opposite of the Kingdom of Hyrule, seems to be in search of his savior. His background has made him the favorite of many lovers of the saga, and perhaps he knows very well his reasons.

I hope you liked my analysis. Soon we will see more content.

Here I leave the intro of the game recorded by me and uploaded to my Youtube channel. I hope you enjoy.


Great write up. Very detail and well structured. Thanks and Upvoted!

Thank you so much for your words. I always give my best to offer them quality material.

Great review! Majora's has always been one of my favorites and I would be lying if I told you that you missed any of the main details of the story which make it so unique. For me this game is better than OoT in some regards but it also has some things against it. The 3 day mechanic was so unfair to me when I first played it because I had absolutely no idea what to do and other stuff like that. One of the bonuses that I would say this game brings to the table is that the characters get a LOT more development and because the world is so small and cramped up together, it actually feels a little bit more immersing and alive. Everyone has their own routine and you can actually miss sidequests if you're not good at keeping up with your Bomber's Notebook.

Overall I would say it's a good zelda game, better than ocarina as a game. BUT Ocarina set the franchise up in a silver platter for everyone else. I think Majora's is overall a better game than Ocarina but Ocarina is a better Zelda game if you know what I mean. A big hug to you dude, Great reviewing!

Maybe my love for OoT is because he was the first one I played, although I really love his story completely. But you're right in many of the things you say, it's true that Majora's Mask is shorter, but at the same time, it has a better development of characters in general, which makes its plot much more interesting.

The mechanics of the three days is a hell hahaha, only until you find the way to put the time to run in a slower way. Among my plans is to complete it 100%, I hope to achieve it soon.

Enchanted with your words, Volderhein, a hug for you in the same way. Much success for you!

I wish the same success to you!

A few weeks ago I dropped Majora's for a bit but i'm planning on picking it back up whenever I have the chance. Then I want to play Ocarina again since I have them all on my wii u!

I've played Zelda: Link Between Worlds and it was one of the best games I've ever played for Nintendo 3DS. I even started to start Ocarina of Time but I do not have time now to play it. And only then after Ocarina can I go to the Majora's Mask. I think you got a great review about the game! Surely that was another great game that changed the gaming world! Good article!

I completely recommend Zelda Ocarina of Time, I hope you have time soon to play it, I love it. Zelda: Link Between Worlds was the last one I played, I hope I can play the ones that I need the same way. Thank you very much for your comment, I am really happy to see and know that my content likes my readers. Really thank you very much.

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