How to play Chain Clash - getting started with EOS

in #gaming5 years ago (edited)

Chain Clash is a new game built on the EOS blockchain. Although the game is not live yet, the private beta will start soon. This guide will explain how to get started with EOS and play the game once it's live. Learn more about the private beta on


Starting to use dApps isn’t always as hassle-free as most users are used to from the Web 2.0 world. No matter if you’re planning to use a dApp on Ethereum, EOS or any other blockchain, you’ll have to be prepared before jumping into it. You will most likely need an address/key/account, a wallet to use it with, and a sufficient balance of some token which is required in the dApp. Those requirements and the process to be fully set up can vary heavily between blockchains.

In this guide, we want to discuss the in our opinion best ways to getting started with EOS. We’ll cover the currently most convenient ways to set up an EOS account on Android and desktop from scratch (we're currently not aware of a reliable option to use EOS dApps on iOS). Follow the steps outlined in the following sections to get your EOS setup in no time and be ready to play Chain Clash once it's live.

What’s an EOS account?

In contrast to other blockchains, where users can only interact by using random private and public keys (which are impossible to remember), EOS has introduced an account concept to their network. An account is basically your address in the EOS network, but in a human-readable way.

Each account has a 12 character long, freely choosable name, which makes it easier to remember. Like with other blockchains, an account has a key pair (private and public) attached to it. It can even have two key pairs, but that’s not relevant to know for now. Once set up properly, you’ll be able to use your account to interact with the network and won’t have to touch your keys anymore. You can send and receive funds and use dApps as you wish.

However, in contrast to many other networks, the creation of an EOS account requires some funds. The reason for this is mostly spam prevention for the network. You’re required to stake EOS in your account to be able to claim processing power in the network and use your account. The funds needed to create an account, therefore, are mostly used to provide your account with the initial amount needed to make it operational.

There are quite a few services and apps which can create an EOS account for you. In the following, we’ll outline some of the easiest and fastest options we know.

For Android users

The easiest way: Use to get a free EOS account and wallet in a matter of seconds and play right away.

  1. Install Wombat. This will be an easy one. We highly recommend to use, to get a free EOS account, wallet and explorer in one app. Visit the website and download the app from Google Play.
  2. Follow the steps. Simply follow the few steps in the app to set up your EOS account. It will take you less than 2 minutes.
  3. You’re ready to play. The great part about Wombat is that it’ll take care of all the tedious steps like creating an EOS account and staking resources - no need to do that yourself. Just navigate to the “Explorer” and start playing Chain Clash.
  4. Get some EOS (optional). Chain Clash is free-to-play, so there’s no need to get EOS right away. In case you need it at some point, simply send some to your EOS account name (found at the very top when in the “Wallet” section of the app).

wombat setup.gif

It's just a matter of seconds to get your EOS account up and running.

Wombat will take care of staking enough resources so you can freely use dApps. In case you ever use up all resources, you can upgrade your account to get more. If you want to export your private key to use it in another application, you can do so from within the app. However, you’ll have to pay for the account creation costs that Wombat initially covered for you.

In case you want to use your existing EOS account, there are a couple of alternatives.

  1. Install a wallet app like Meet One or Lynx Wallet.
  2. Import your EOS account. Click on “Import account” and follow the steps. You will need your private key.
  3. Once your account is imported, you’re ready to go. Navigate to the explorer/discovery section of the app. Enter the URL of the game (once it’s live).
  4. Play the game!

For iOS users

There's currently no reliable EOS wallet/dApp explorer app for iOS which can be used to play Chain Clash. Wombat, which we recommend for Android, is not available for iOS yet. According to the latest news, the date for the release of the iOS version currently depends on the App Store approval process.

For Desktop users

Chain Clash is a browser game, meaning you can play it on desktop as well. First, you’ll need Scatter as your desktop wallet application. Download and install the app. Next, you’ll need to create or import an EOS account.

Create an account with EOS:

Scatter currently only supports to pay for the account creation by transferring EOS from an exchange or other wallets to a specified recipient.


  1. In Scatter, navigate to “Wallet” in the menu on the left.
  2. At the bottom, click on “Generate Key”. Choose “EOSIO” to create an EOS account.
  3. Select your preferred option to export the private key. Make sure to create a backup in a safe location!
  4. Once you’ve exported and stored your key, go back. Now, still in the “Wallet” section, you’ll see that there’s a new key showing up. However, there’s no EOS account linked to it yet.
  5. Click on “Create one now!”. Select “Exchange” and choose your EOS account name.
  6. Follow the instructions and send the specified amount to the stated EOS account. Simply log in to your preferred exchange and use your EOS balance to send the necessary amount. Do not forget to add the memo to your transaction (the long string of characters and numbers stated in Scatter)!
  7. It may take a couple of minutes for the transaction to be completed and the account to be created.
  8. Once the account creation is completed, you’re ready to play Chain Clash. Just make sure to have Scatter running while accessing the game URL in your browser. Whenever Scatter needs you to confirm a transaction, you’ll automatically be presented with a popup.

Create an account with FIAT (credit card):

You can also create an EOS account by using a credit card.

  1. First, you’ll need to create a key pair in Scatter. Follow steps 1-4 from above.
  2. After the key has been created, click on the “Actions” button for the key (three dots) and click on “Copy public key”.
  3. Visit and start the account creation.
  4. After choosing an account name, you’ll be asked to enter the owner and active public keys. Paste the public key you’ve just copied from Scatter. You can use this key for both fields.
  5. Finish the payment process and wait a couple of minutes for your account to be created.
  6. Once it’s created, go to Scatter and click on the “Actions” button next to your key. Select “Refresh Accounts”. Your account is now ready to be used in Scatter.
  7. Visit the Chain Clash game URL in your browser and make sure to have Scatter running. Play!

Staking sufficient resources:

As introduced in the beginning, using EOS dApps requires you to stake EOS with your account to be able to claim processing power of the network. In case you've used up all your bandwidth, you won't be able to create or sign any transactions anymore, meaning you can't continue to play.
Keeping an eye on your CPU and Net usage, and potentially staking more when needed, is essential for a seamless dApp experience. For users of Wombat, the app will do this automatically. When using another option, like Scatter, you'll have to do this manually.

We recommend using a service like for this purpose. Whenever you see the % used for CPU or Net becoming too high, simply increase the stake. You will need to make sure to have enough EOS available to increase your stakes.

  1. Visit and click on "Attach account". Scatter will ask you to confirm.
  2. Check your CPU and Net % used in the dashboard.
  3. Navigate to "Manage account" and click on "Manage stake".
  4. Scroll down to "Delegate stake". The "stake owner" will be your account. Enter your account name as "recipient" as well and specify by how much EOS you'll want to increase the CPU and Net stake.
  5. Click "submit" and confirm the transaction via Scatter.
  6. Whenever you want to decrease the stake, use the "Undelegate - Unstake" function on the same page.

We hope one of the sections in this guide was helpful in your efforts to create an EOS account. In case you have any problems or questions, feel free to talk to us directly on Discord! We’re happy to help you get ready to play Chain Clash!

See you in the arena!

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