Retro Gaming - Star Wars Arcade (Mega Drive 32X) ¡Star Wars!🎮

in #gaming6 years ago


Hi to all Steemiant colleagues, today we present this video game called "Star Wars Arcade" was developed in 1994 by the great company Sega, this video game had a great impact on the video game market, because after its launch it had a great demand by its fans, years later it was developed for different videoconsolas like Playstation, Mega Drive among many others that also had a great impact at the level of gameplay.



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Star Wars Arcade does not have a story as such, but if it has the same plot as the film, and has missions that we must solve from inside a Y-Wing or an X-Wing "galactic ships" the game has a vision the third person and also has a number of very considerable levels, at home level we will have a different mission but all with the same objective to destroy a series of objects. Note: everything we will have to achieve in the middle of a certain time. Without a doubt, Star Wars Arcade has very original missions all based on the original Star Wars movie.



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If we talk about the graphics in my personal opinion Star Wars Arcade have a high range of colors that are striking to the naked eye, offering a 3D view with a third-person game mode, all ships have different features and animations very fast and surprising, the video game has huge galactic bases such as "the star of death" which in my personal opinion I love, in almost all the video game we can appreciate a number of polygons that move at impressive speeds and very real.

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A sound level Star Wars Arcade has FX and a lot of melodies that made it one of the favorites of the time, the entire video game has melodies taken directly from the movie Star Wars, all tracks have loud sounds and metallic that are usually nice to listen to while playing, also has magnificent FX among them we can find digitizations of voices, the sounds of weapons, explosions, missiles among many things that will make our hair stand on end.

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Star Wars Arcade has a very wide gameplay, where we will have to pilot a magnificent galactic ship in third person, in this great adventure we will have to fight against different enemies and obstacles that I assure you will not be easy to defeat. Note: for better handling we will have to have a little practice

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Star Wars Arcade has 3 magnificent levels that include: an asteroid field, a star of death, interception of fighters and a Super Star Destroyer, during this great adventure we can play it in 2 modes and it would be 1 player or 2 player mode , where one takes the role of pilot and the other of the gunner

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Although the control of the galactic ship is simple, we will also have to take into account the practice for better handling, since the ship has perfect skills but that have a slightly high handling, that is, it is necessary to practice achieve perfect handling of the ship and avoid being destroyed quickly

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The video game has a very well adapted difficulty that can vary from very difficult to very easy depending on the situation in which we find ourselves, while we advance in this great adventure we will find enemies that will be more difficult to eliminate since they will be more rigid and stronger

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Star Wars Arcade has 3 great and amazing game modes among them we have: The Death Star, Rebel Training and an option that we will call 2 players, in all these options the player will have to defend a lot of the obstacles and stay always alert of the enemies.

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In my personal opinion Star Wars Arcade is one of the best games of Mega Drive 32X since it offers a magnificent story full of very important missions and two game modes that are very addictive if you could say, all the graphics in battles are super fast filled with objects and obstacles that have a high color range, all scenarios are spectacular and seem drawn from the same Star Wars movie, all accompanied by a magnificent soundtrack that offers an accelerated rhythm and more electric Sometimes, the word that would define this game would be "Speed". Below I will leave a link so you can download the game and enjoy it in the comfort of your home.

Enter here to see the review of the previous game



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